We shitpost like we were at 1914
We shitpost like we were at 1914
Q predicted this
I hope nothing bad happens to Nicky
You do know Russia got completely btfo pretty early in the war right?
Not really, they were doing pretty okay at first, but then the Tzar decided to take control of the whole army, then they got rekt
Tsar wasn't in control at Tannenberg, Pablo.
Yes really, learn some history you faggot dago
These threads always suck.
Hah, you silly Europeans and your massive conflicts. This is not our fight, but if you want weapons, Uncle Sam's Arms & Ammo is open for business!
Austriafags will defend this.
Austria and the ottoman weren't really industrialized though. that was their greatest weakness.
the Germans wanted really, really to be industrialized but lacked territory and colonies for resources
Ireland should look like this, also SERBIEN MUSS STERBIEN
Big if true
We just had the Second Balkan War a couple years ago!
No way there’d be another so soon! Unless Russia or Germany get involved which is unlikely.
Mmmmmmh... Which side should i choose?
>lose on cer
>lose on drina
>lose on kolubara
lmao nice """""""empire""""""" you got there germshits
Kraut, I require more land.
How will Austria ever recover???
You guys just do whatever, I don't want any part of this bullshit
Fuck Serbs
Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Sarajevo on June 28.
Im starting to feel congestionated, anyone have an aspirin?
Staying neutral is the way to go, guys! Let them fight each other while we sit back and watch. Who here /comfy/?
lol US will never get involved in European affairs
Luigi *Let's have another go at the Isonzo" Cadorna
Some of this makes no sense. But Russia as a decaying bear being eaten by flies and Italy as a bunch of snakes is spot on.
LOl faggots enjoy your war hahah
I think this image is from some steampunk-tier WW1 revisionist fiction
Yep it's from a book called "Leviathan"
The cute milk girl is far away and dick nosed trolls are snickering behind me
>mech hands with daggers stabbing a Serb
I'm ok with this
>Hey mister
>We wanted to go fishing but our boat is stuck
>can you help us tee-hee
It's not a happening, guys. Nothing interesting ever happens.
Don‘t worry, I‘ll take care of the girls in zhe meantime.
That's pretty comfy. Got anymore?
Does anyone have any suggested reading or videos for WWI, i've been wanting to learn more about it, i just don't which (((sources))) to trust on the subject
Which country to weaken for the Tribe goy?
Steam-punk is far gayer than anime, user. Be ashamed.
>Macedonia is Greek/Bulgarian/Serbian/Albanian/Turkish clay
Fuck, not a lot has changed in 104 years...
some of you guys are alright, don't go to sarajevo tommorow
oh fuck faggot
i just got the best idea
>American education
listen to Dan Carlin’s podcast
I remember the days; Green pastures and oak trees from horizon to horizon, there I saw the future from life to death. Where once I rode horse and buggy, saw children playing with dirty hands and knees, waved to men on bicycles the beauty of the life beset for me, my hopes were at their highest. For if it was not these things to take pleasure, if it were not for these things I found so much joy in I would not stand in this; Gods beautiful earth of dirt and mud tarnished in blood. In this trench I stand the horizon has become narrow, where now I see children and men falling on knee, not to play but to grimace and reel. Bicycles not for travel, but for slaughter. What manner of cruelty would place a horse to fight against a machine box, clanking and churning to watch as Gods wonderful creatures are blown away in a shower of dirt and blood? The dream to be high in the sky like the birds flying over the earth, ruined by black powder for the power they bring to sow death like a hawk preying on defenseless varmint. The terrors I see from this trench, on the ground, in the sky, are nothing compared to the terror I see in the men beside me, and how different it must be that this terror takes another form in the men that are our enemy; So fearful but so ready and willing to take the souls of others; Brothers, we could have been, but our eyes are covered with masks, its difficult to see and even more now, that I feel the heat of flame wafting over me here in this trench "KILL HIM" I yelled, and he did die but not by bullet or bomb, or the kick of a horse. Where once I wished for his life to end, I know that his life is over. All life here in these trenches is over. Oh God I wish to be home! Where the horizon is endless. Where children are playing. Where I don't feel my world collapsing in. Where my love sits by candle light waiting for me to open the door. How lonely she must be, but proud and eager. I must endure, and I can not run away. But I must, for the sirens are raising
As I look to the sky, in my mind I see the sun, blue heavens, white clouds, birds, and balloons, stars and moon. No, there is grey, and smoke, and ash, and the wailing voices of misery from men wishing for the return to the life they knew. But its all gone. I can't see the horizon. My head is cold, my soul is aching, my breath is short. I'm scared, and I can see the faithlessness in the eyes of my fellow men, stammering over the corpses of their friends and enemies. How faint we feel, knowing that we too could be there on the ground, lifeless. My breath is so short, I cant feel my legs. Oh God, even your breath escapes me in this wickedness. My lungs long for the breath of life, Lord, but instead they are filled with vility of men. I would rather exhale and never breath again to be rid of this suffering. But I recall, all those things from home. Gone, are the old ways. I'll never see them again. If it not be for we, the brave, none shall ever see again the world before the horror of this atrocity. I pray my death keeps those things safe, and whole. Onward to glory.
Psalms 23:4
-A lonely soldier
Dervish are better than other humans.
W-Who should I fight for? We have legions in Austro-Hungarian army, legions in Russian army, Polonische Wehrmacht in German army, and blue legions in French army...
I'm sure that Romanians and Italians will honor the alliance and won't backstab us.
Shit is going down in Finland. This independence stuff isn't a joke anymore, we are getting very very serious.
Also, the commie scum are getting stronger so we might get to kill some red bastards soon.
How many bros here will join us in killing r*Ssians and communists?
Also destroy the eternal Rascian.
i fucking love these potatos
Dank battles.
why a bee egg
joining the swiss in this one
Hey have you guys heard of COMMUNISM!? Marx was a super smart guy, and its the next stage of human society! coming to a country near you!
Another false happening, nothing will happen faggots
Communism is a shit ideology for the scum! Better dead than red, faggot
You just need to give it a go! why do you hate equality for everyone!? PEACE, LAND, AND BREAD BITCHES.
found Ahmed
Hey wouldn't it be funny if in a hundred years, people will think hispanic is a race or something lmao
Those Jewish Communists are up to no good I say. Give it another few years and the reds will try to take Europe, then the rest of the world.
itll never work you faggot
Anti Semitic conspiracy theories! Jews are only a small part of the glorious revolution! why do you hate equality? and we're only going to be taking over to save the proletariat!
If you try it, and it fucks up, will you leave us the fuck alone after?
Peace? Well you won't have communism with peace. Me and the boys are arming up. There's even talk of creating anti-commie militias.
Douglas Haig should have this wrapped up by christmas
It won't fuck since its the perfect system! thousands of Russians go hungry every night because of the Czar! communism will make sure everyone gets the same amount equally!
We will have peace when you fascist scum have been thoroughly bashed!
get out faggot
*Notices Chilean neutrality*
OwO what's this?
>communism will make sure everyone gets the same amount equally!
So, they'll all starve instead of a few thousands?
What if people dislike your "perfect system? what do you do with those?
USA is K I K E D now
>tfw u were drawing scandi with testicle sperm faces all the way back in 1914
>So, they'll all starve instead of a few thousands?
How would you know that!? its never been tried before! what do you have a time machine!? HA, everyone eats!
>What if people dislike your "perfect system? what do you do with those?
Counter revolutionaries and capitalist spies get the rope, but the proletariat will be with us fully!
We just can't keep up with british perfidious nature.
Yeah we'll see about that, idiot. Communism makes everyone poorer and equality is a lie.
Sweden is that you?
Yeah I am having second thoughts about this m8.
Luckily we won't have to go to war
And I can stay here and fuck my white Christian republican wife
The great war YouTube channel covers it 100 years later every week, it's like week 170 now
>mfw b*ngs have a better colonial Empire
This new America dollar bill is quite droll
why is there a pyramid with a capstone eye?
And why is the name all in capitalized letters?
So strange
We were actually allied with Germany but betrayed them.
What really matters is quality.
What's up with all of these jewish people guys?