Will the Republicans cave in to gun control if this happens?
Will the Republicans cave in to gun control if this happens?
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>students are lazy
more news at 11
>Will the Republicans cave
AHAHAHAHA. You've got to give them one thing: for having no morals, no sense of community, no convictions, not a single shred of spine, they're stubborn as fuck. It's only when it comes to things that might actually have a positive impact on society, but at least they stand up for something.
Already have
What the fuck is going on with the shill posts all the time? this place sucks now. You're gay, go back to plebbit nigger. shall not be infringed
>Punish all lawful firearm owners for the actions of one.
By the lefts logic, we should lock up every single nigger in the US.
I'll be waiting outside with an AR
>dear autistic fbi
>this is a fucking joke you dumbfags
not like kids pay attention in school nowadays anyway, so what difference will this make? they're too busy jumping on desks, twerking, and playing with their phones to learn shit.
its funny because they are all for drug legalization but with all things you have to take the good with the bad
Nobody has ever taken a student walkout seriously.
Get. Out.
>a bunch of niggers skip class
Even more reason to be armed.
whoa, powerful. suddenly i have the burning desire to forfeit my rights!
Oh no, not a walkout, what will we ever do?!
Monday is President's day, no one's gonna even be at school.
This is the most Bolshevik/Jewish thing I've seen in a long time, using children like this
>inb4 all the conservative kids get to have a nice quiet day at school
Hitler's birthday? This could be fun.
you get out, libshit
get skinned alive you fucking NIGGER
>following up on suspected shooters
Lol, these psychos probably want it to happen
ima a republican trump supporter who is sick to death of guns. I can't take it any more and am tormented every day these guns remain legal and republicans do nothing.
there will be dozens of school shootings this year, and perhaps hundreds more dead kids, thanks to republicans.
They don't care about the first or fourth amendments, why would they care about the second.
Fags using this as an excuse to get out of class. They pulled the same shit back in 2006 in California when Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor and started deporting spics.
>all the niggers, spics, and cucks leave school for a day
>un-disrupted learning takes place in public school for the first time since the 1960s
A bunch of fag kids aren’t going to take my guns away.
They did a walk out for fag rights when i was in grad school. Me and like 15 others went to class anyway. The professor spent the class giving us hints for the final and let us go early. None of us shared our notes with the fag supporters.
Jewish terrorists might position snipers outside the schools during the walkouts!
Screen cap this
I have a couple midterms this week so
Students take any excuse to get out of school. Virtue signalling is just an added bonus for the insta likes.
>roasties, mutts, and jews all walk out of the school
>niggers still at home
>hardworking students finally get some peace and quiet
Sounds like a decent win
They'll only cave in if Israel gave them about 5 extra years of life from a new infant sacrifice.
an excuse for nigs to nog.
I'm thinking that you should probably kill yourself and do us all a favor.
We should do this anyway.
Meme Fag. VPN change. Shareblue, desperately trying to save that DNC contract. What happens when they trim the fat and you have to put a resume together? I would love to listen to that job interview!
"I shitposted anti-capitalist anti-american shit on Sup Forums badly for the DNC"
Oh man how will we ever recover?
If they want metal detectors they should request them from their school, city or state. Wtf does this even have to do with Trump or the republicans?
>walkout of your overpriced classes! That'll show them!
Uh oh, another DRUMPF BTFO incoming
So (((who))) is behind that account, I wonder? Anyone know?
When they walk out there will be CIA niggers waiting to false flag them
No, you get out, filthy nigger libshit cocksucker
>using a shooting as an excuse to get out of class
Looks jewish.
If they didn't want to get shot then they should have been nice to the kid.
>better through the constitution away
School system has these kids brainwashed... hey kids, it’s the schools fault. Protest the school board, principal, the people running the schools.
Not even close.
How great would it be for a bunch of dudes to gear up with their firearms and have their own rally right next to this walk-out
>communist fist pump
Every fucking time.
False flag intensifies. The liberals are using their brainwashed spawn to attempt to usurp our Constitution. The sooner the civil war starts the better
>Boomer females suggests something be done........
>Its the young people who have to walk out and risk being punished.
Daily reminder that boomers are scum and need to be gassed.
>School walk-out on Presidents Day
>12000 kids called poison control for eating ride pods last year
>Now we are supposed to listen to them on gun control
Fuck off
Schools lose funding for a student everytime they don't show up. This would cripple those brainwashing cubts
That's presidents day. There is no school
Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.
I hope those gun control niggers get shot by a muslim lol
>that avatar
Will Liberals and Conservatives ever wake up?
Just another reason to not go to school. If they really gave a shit they would do a sit in and force people to lose money.
>protesting by skipping school
Wow, so brave, and they wonder why kids are retards these days
It'd have to be a 9/11 size shooting for anything to happen.
Imagine if a dozen gunmen with AR-15s shot up something like a concert or game and killed one or two thousand people.
Hi, FBI, purely speculative.
>Will Republicans cave if urchins use our own children as a brainwashed tool against us
No, and this is why you don't let your kids go to public school.
Lol! It's Presidents on the 19th. Most schools will be closed!
Presidents Day
>beaners, niggers, and future dropouts wont show up to school on 4/20
So its going to be exactly the same as every other year?
You have no reading comprehension, and you should not be allowed to vote as a result. They are going to announce the date and time on or before President's Day.
We can't let him get the nuclear codes!
Yes, make your teachers and school look bad by walking out and refusing to go to school. That'll show them darn Republicans just what you're made of!
Their time would be better spent in civics class studying why the Bill Of Rights actually exists and contemplating why the FBI allowed this fucker to get away with murder.
>Will the Republicans cave in to gun control if this happens?
You libtards are so fucking stupid. You think the world will bend to your wishes if you just throw a large enough tantrum.
This is literally the most dangerous thing to do. They’re going to be all in a giant bunch. Any kid who was even thinking about shooting up a school will now know exactly when to do it and he doesn’t even need to go inside to do it. He can park outside with loads of guns and just spray with a guarantee high kill count.
The other guy is right. If they were actually smart, they’d sit in and just stay in their classrooms after a certain time and refuse to move. Or even sit in the hallways. Make the teachers have to stay so that they are more inclined to help with their movement.
These people use no brains, they just do anything that will get them attention, whether it’s effective or not doesn’t matter.
They're children. They don't have the power to change shit. The whole walkout is perfect grounds to cancel all graduations and school functions. In other words, let them fuck themselves. A child's movement means nothing in the eyes of the government. Hell, hopefully they do walk out and face expulsion.
>libtards are so fucking stupid
>they think the world will bend to their wishes if they just throw a large enough tantrum
That includes pic related
With that logic we should look up everyone you dumb frog.
The original planned date is 4/20, I shit you not.
One has to wonder why the Dems didn't pass gun control when they controlled the entire government between 2009-2011. Really activates the almonds.
Because if they don't represent their constituents and sell them out on guns then people like me will go literally door to door purging leftist communists like you. If you take away my political representation then I have no moral or ethical duty to continue to follow the government or it's laws and I will seek vegenance on those responsible.
But as a genuine totalitarian you can't help but try to silence your opponents and take away what they believe in and their voice. It's part of what you believe so the conflict is inevitable.
These faggots just don't want to sit through chemistry
I used to stage "walkouts" once a month at my high school
Way harder to get in trouble if you have a hundred other students with you
>kids use anything as an excuse to get out of government mandated prison
No fucking shit
are we tired of this shit yet?
this, holy shit can you imagine Chinese or Indian FOB students doing a "walkout" or jeopardizing their education in any way.
anyone who walks out during a test should fucking fail
They couldnt pass it after Sandy Hoax
Theyre never going to do it, fast tracked process to get voted our
Duly Noted.
.t F.B.I.
Mass shooters are typically Democrats
Let's just remove Democrats 2nd amendment rights
Most gun violence in cities around the United States are Democrats
See the pattern?
>Large groups of students all over the country chaotically leaving school in large numbers
Time for the first interstate coordinated mass school shooting, better work those pumped up kicks.
new shill talking points
Stupidest post of the year award goes to you. You literally contradicted yourself.
Shareblue is hitting this site hard on gun control for some reason.
It must be very important to the higher ups.
the way her hands curls scares me...DELET THIS
This is the most concentrated shilling effort since the election.
So Twitter is allowing a lefty activist account promote truancy which could result in harm to minors? The legal ramifications here are enormous. What happens if a young lady is kidnapped and murdered after taking part in this walk out? We need to mass report this account.
I would take any chance I got to walk out of school back in my day. Not powerful at all. LOL
>the FBI responds to shooting threats
No. They might give armed guards to schools. That'd be it.
Media is trying to spin this entire thing as the big issue for 2018 mid-terms. Convenient timing huh? They knew the russia thing was floundering, and needed something they could run their democrats behind and have them look somewhat competent.
The thing is, the FBI now looks like total shit over all of this. Failing with the Russia stuff, failing the background checks, fucking up with Rob Porter vetting. The democrat bulldog is fucked in credibility, and now people are going to be looking at mental health too.
With that mental health angle, imagine the fallout if things like Trump Derangement Syndrome become legitimate things. Imagine gender dysphoria being properly diagnosed. Imagine laws passed once it's proven large swaths of post-op transvestites kill themselves, so that only those with true gender dysphoria may have gender reassignment surgery. Imagine all the invented mental health issues the left has created for the spawning of sympathy and emotional response from others being legally declared as bullshit, from a wave of mental health reform. Then imagine the gun crimes continuing to drop once people were properly educated on weapons instead of them being the 2spooky bogeyman you need to be terrorized by them existing, despite giving them to fresh high school graduates to kill sand niggers overseas with.
Everybody with a twatter account should report.