This only happens in Amer-

Chink chimps out, guts 33 with knife

Why do shooting sprees rarely get close to this kill count? You'd think it would be way harder with a knife but this isn't the first time I've heard of some knife spree having an insane kill count

Because most mass shootings are false flags carried out by the government

what the fuc how did he kill that many with a knife

>muslim terrorist attack 4 years ago
>s-see i-it's not just america

Stab them?

Watch the video, there were like 10 attackers and their "knives" were fucking 40 inches long. A 30 cm ruler is about 12 inches long for reference, so these are basically swords

What causes people to freak out and kill everyone? Is it our modern society? Is Uncle Ted right?

It was 5 chinks with knives, so an average of 6.6 dead chinks per chink

Has the deep state jumped the shark yet?

Literally nothing, 40k chinks were born already


Wat..... this is some Omaewa mo shinderu shit.

>2014 southwest China group of men
these were a gang of Muslim wiggers, china has had problems with them on the west side for many years

RIP Serpentza

When this happened in 2014 the Chinese just sent their shit head Uyghurs to re-education camps and continue to do so.


A typical death by stabbing usually entails 30+ stabwounds. Most victims are not incapacitated by the first blow, thus entering fight/flight and dragging the ordeal out, usually in non-accordance to the killer's plan, etc. At that point it becomes a moment of desperation for the killer, each passing second can attract unwanted attention, and as messy as blood is you really don't want your crime scene to span however many blocks your victim can manage to run etc. Granted, this is if you plan to get away with anything. If you're just going on a spree, then traditional rules don't apply and it's like fish in a barrel. You can hack carotid arteries, femoral arteries, jugular left and right get sprayed with the shit, leave them to bleed out and go on to the next person, it'd probably work best in a subway.

and people wonder why china is forcing muslims to shave and dance. i bet they will not only make them eat pork but receive pork protein based vaccinations to even be in the country in a year before they use a flame thrower on them for not leaving

>it'd probably work best in a subway.
good luck trying to get your knife out of your pocket on a Japanese subway

Oh well of course in Japanese subways you'd just use fuckin sarin gas, nice attempt at complicating things you nip

Chinks buying into this shit fast