be me, cute Swedish grill 19

> be me, cute Swedish grill 19
> go to theater in Malmö to see black ape
> Black teenager shout: You at the wrong theater!
> get groped by same guy
> fend back
> get bottle in face
> mfw.jpg

I want a civil war so fucking bad..

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fake news you faggot

is this real bc she fine i hate migrants siege heil

go shove a baguette user

It isn't a civil war, it's brown vs white and hanging the race traitors

This dumb bitch probably votes for left wing pro-immigration political parties. Thots reap what they sow!

This looks fake as fuck.
Id hit her with my bottle tho, if you know what I mean.

>I want a civil war so fucking bad..
Take arms and defend your country fucking sven, burn down those refugee camps.

so fake

They should castrate him and set him on fire