NHK list of top 100 anime of all time

Breaking news: Japan has shit taste

For those who can't read moon

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It's not a totally outrageous list. I may not like every placer near the top but it's an accurate sampling of what Japanese casuals gravitate to.

I just don't get the 3 entries of Tiger & Bunny in the top 10

I don't see any problem with that list. Also clearly shows that Love Live is universally loved by both genders.

This is pretty much a MAL tier list.

I thought Akira was loved in Japan too

Japan has crap taste don't you know?

>have to watch the vid because no moon
>dick sucking Akira
It's not even that good lad, it deserves a mention but he's acting like it's meant to be top 10 or something crazy

Why one piece so low? Isn't really big in japan?

>Youtube commentators
Absolutely not.

>shilling youtube video

>IBO has fans
Fucking disgusting

>the hesitation at explaining while males like Usagidesuka
Little nogger
>surprised about Re:0

>video thumbnail

Skin yourself with your pewdiepie tier videos.

I liked ibo and i despise zz and seed. Come at me, bro.

>Joker Game 12th.
Maybe Japan isn't so bad after all.

>Japan has shit taste
more news at 11

>Literally used for translating the list
>All this fucking autism
Cant wait for that nuclear war that ends this all.

This is old as fuck.

Anyone who watches the fucking Anime Man should unironically kill themself.

>here to criticise japan
You want some real news, suffer through the video
>he's a hibike fan
>claims no one liked it
There's so much to hate

>dude in his 20s overreacting like a fucking child

Gen Z was a mistake.

Did anyone even watch that show? I feel like I was the only person watching it by episode 7, and tons of anime Youtubers shit on it (unsurprisingly).

>constantly cites MAL
>surprised at S;G
End me any time

What should he cite instead? Sup Forums?

>The Anime Man
Kill yourself retard.

>of anime Youtubers
Never use that term unironically ever again. "faggots on youtube".
>SnK up that high but lower than the west. Maybe Japan's taste isn't so bad after all
>the attention whore keeps sucking kyoani's dick
>here's where I start to get triggered [for SAO]
>after wanking MAL and talking on YT
Wew lad.

Happy Psycho-pass was top 20 though.

>one faggot site represents the entire community
There are a lot of people who aren't just on MAL. Youtube losers, Redditfags. Tumblr fujo and Sup Forums. If he's such a fucking expert he should know his shit.

>osomatsu that high up
God like taste from Japan for once.

MAL is just convenient to compare since they have a list too.

Probably the worst top list ever. If 6 of your top 20 anime are Gintama you might want to consider changing your ranking system.

Changing the system how?
It won't change the userbase

Don't just order by mean scores. Use a proper scoring algorithm that takes multiple variables like popularity to account. You could also put sequels under the same anime.

>everyone complains it's moefag otaku ruining the industry
>it's actually fujoshits

The guy in that video is the average Sup Forumsnon post about 2013.

>Code Geass is the only series that in the top 10 for both genders

>Last two decades of anime were shit
>people still trust a list of animes made by Japan
What were you guys were even expecting?

>anime youtubers

Well boys like robots and girls like gays so that show has something for everyone.

Here's the actual list

Wow normies like normie anime! can you fuckers stop posting these fucking threads with this poll
You're all so fucking retarded

Less shit.

Did you even watch the list?

That's because it was a nationwide poll that took all ages into account.

>tiger and bunny a literal who to most people
>normie anime

Can't wait for you to stop to being an annoying misanthrope

That's a different list, OP linked to NHK

Gen Z isn't of age yet

No shit, but it's easily a 10x better one.

Now this looks like a legit list.

Can someone make a list so that we don't have to watch this stupid video?

They have been for a few years. Gen z starts around 1995.

nobody cares about your youtube channel.

Does anyone in the west even remember Tiger & Bunny?


wait, was that the name of the anime with that loli? I remember something about a highschool boy being a negotiator or some shit like that.

The anime is Kure-nai

Lurk more.
Stop watching and linking cancer youtubers here.
>But the title sounded interesting, I'm just curious.
Shut up sheep.

There were tons of threads here about it. Spring 2011 was one of the biggest shitposting seasons we've had here.

thank you very much, user-san. Have a cute Pariya.

I remember how shitty it was.


No one seems to talk about it anymore and whenever I see these types of lists, there's always a few people surprised to see T&B.

I'm more surprised that Mononoke wasn't higher up. Top 100 isn't bad though.

Mods leaving e-celeb threads up as usual. Great job.

>GuP is more specific to the Japanese anime community
Yeah, that's mostly true.
>So is Hibikek

Go and complain on his youtube comments

>click male only
>pretend there's no idolshit
>get a respectable list

Would GochiUsa be in that "male only" list?

Oh sorry, I thought I was on an anime discussion board. My mistake.

1) Madoka
2) Code Geass
3) CCS
4) Gintama
5) Joker Game

You may be right

Toppu 25 it's this lads

**1 Tiger & Bunny
**2 Tiger & Bunny Movie: The Rising
**3 Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica
**4 Love Live! School Idol Project
**5 Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season
**6 Tiger & Bunny Movie: The Beginning
**7 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
**8 Cardcaptor Sakura
**9 Love Live! The School Idol Movie
*10 Osomatsu-san

*11 Gintama
*12 Joker Game
*13 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
*14 Neon Genesis Evangelion
*15 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
*16 Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
*17 Mobile Suit Gundam
*18 Digimon Adventure
*19 Psycho-Pass
*20 Sword Art Online

*21 Clannad: After Story
*22 Girls und Panzer
*23 Haikyuu!!
*24 Detective Conan
*25 Hyouka

Male anime fans are trash though. Click female only and take away fujoshit.

I'm glad Love Live is high

Well, apparently 12 years ago Japan had decent taste.

>All that Tiger and Bunny
Fujo's stronk!

its really frequently brought up whenever people mention never ever S2's or anytime the director does anything.

Holy fuck this guy has the most annoying Japanese pronunciation

Nihon Hikkikomori Kyoudai strikes again

It's better than a fucking internet poll survey. Tell me when NHK actually puts effort into surveying Japan next time.

>Attack on titan didn't make the list
Some faith in Japan has been restored.

This guy is fucking annoying.

Actually it's on number 28.


Kekkai Sensen is fucking terrible.
it's generic and has terrible pacing, the last episode took ages to come out.
there's a whole episode dedicated to search a restaurant to eat, and it was not remotely funny.

Pokemon anime 1st season is sooo bad.

K is terrible too. WTF?

Bungoo Stary Dogs is not that good.

Is Joker Game good? I dropped it at the time.

Shit I have to watch Tiger and Bunny, it's on my backlog for ages.

Mushishi, Mononoke AnoHana, Haikyuu, Shirobako, Your Lie in April, FMA, Fate/Zero, Gurren Lagann, Steins;Gate, Attack on Titan, FMA Bortherhood, SAO, Psycho Pass, Code Geass, Evangelion, Madoka I can understand, maybe not in that order

>Bungoo Stary Dogs is not that good.
That's just your opinion, man.

Tell me about Tiger & Bunny

it's not bad, but i don't thinks its' good enough to be in the top 100 anime of all time, it's pretty generic, but yeah it's my opinion.

>no Gunbuster

japan was a mistake

and you posted one of the more cliche characters btw.
>muh dark assassin past

It wasn't bad, but I don't get the praise.

They only polled people 17yo and under, right?


>Girls und Panzer is #22



other than that, yeah, they have shitty taste. some of those in 11-20 are far better than their top 10.

The happened weeks ago who gives a fuck, also linking to some retard on youtube.

>Original Gundam, SEED, and Orphans made list
>Orphans made the list

The show was okay at best.

Just give me full Origins anime already, Sunrise.

Anime is meant to be watched by japanese people, it's normal that you can't apreciate that top 100.

>Breaking news
It's from 4 months ago, don't bring here your fucking Youtube "experts" just because they just watched the list and so did you slowpoke.

japan has short term memory loss.
if you look at their lists of 'favorite games' it's all shit from the past 7 years too. they don't search out for buried classics like gaijin do