Let settle this once and for all. Traps are not gay.
Let settle this once and for all. Traps are not gay
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and that's not a trap.Faggot.
>it's a boy
>dress like a girl
girls (male) are for BULLYING!
girls (male) are for fugging and then throwing away once they get to clingy!
There's nothing gay about fucking a trap but if you fall in love with a girl (male)… then you're gay!!
There needs to be more girl on girl(male).
>They have surgery magic to change sex
See this is the kind of context where traps are okay.
traps belong to girls
Traps are degenerate and that's what you're really afraid of.
and reverse traps belong to boys.
>he fell for the 'traps are not gay' meme
2D trap: not gay
3D trap: faggot
What did he mean by this?
They are totally gay you closet retard.
Pretty sure they don't.
>Having a dick twice as big as yours
/r/ing poemboy
>Gays are allowed in the army
>Trans people aren't
Traps aren't gay, Trump confirmed.
trannies =/= traps according to /?/
Leave the closet user, you like boys, end of argument.
>Let settle this once and for all
How hard can it be to look up definition of "gay" and to look up definition of "trap"?
the fact that you have to argue whether or not traps are gay just proves that they're super fucking gay bro
Being attracted to men = gay.
Being attracted to traps = straight.
Can we all agree?
So traps = females?
Do you have the one where somebody on /sgg/ bought a trap prositute and pretended it was hibiki?
Traps are men in women's clothing. Thats why you call them traps. How dense are you?
agreed, this is hot
Okay for real though, I get that it's all fun and jokes but it seems a few people actually take this seriously for some reason. So here's an attempt at a bottom line.
Why do you care? Does it matter? If something turns you on, why are you trying to justify it with a label of 'straight' or 'gay'? You are not fundamentally changed by what gets your dick hard. Can't you just enjoy it? I don't like traps, but I'm kind of into futa, not all the time, I largely like women, but I don't actually give a shit if that makes me gay or straight or somewhere in the middle. That just gets in the way of me trying to have a good time. Que sera sera.
here some rules that will make traps not gay:
1) no eye/dick/balls contact in any order
2) no dickless panties
bam not gay
Traps are gay. If you want boys to suck your dick and you want to fuck them in the ass, you are gay. Stop being low T bitches and just accept it because it wont change anything.
That makes it even gayer
>Why do you care?
Homosexual is generally frowned upon. You can pretend we ought to ignore social norms, but the people who ignore social norms are usually weirdos and outcasts (or criminals).
>Does it matter?
>If something turns you on, why are you trying to justify it with a label of 'straight' or 'gay'?
Labels are important. Labels are everything. Again, while we'd like to ignore sociology, we can't. What society labels as "bad" ends up often being illegal. What society deems vile ends up being outlawed.
>You are not fundamentally changed by what gets your dick hard. Can't you just enjoy it?
It doesn't matter about me. I need to care about what others think. We all do that, to an extent.
>I don't like traps, but I'm kind of into futa, not all the time, I largely like women, but I don't actually give a shit if that makes me gay or straight or somewhere in the middle. That just gets in the way of me trying to have a good time.
Futa is straight, though. Traps are gay.
you bring up this sociology stuff but this only actually applies if you're telling your friends and family that you jerk it to anime boys dressed as girls, which most people don't. The only conversation I've ever had that comes close to revealing it all as if I were coming out of the closet is
>hey so what turns you on?
>I like chicks with dicks
>oh really? so are you gay then?
>I don't really care, I'm just me
I totally agree that labelling is important socially, but you're applying social norms to personal things - this would be frowned upon regardless of the sexual fetish, most people consider being into: feet, S&M/bondage, swinging, sounding, frotteurism, dogging, armpits, and many many more, pretty gross and they frown upon it, but this isn't because no one is into it, it's because it's not something that is brought up in normal life.
Being gay is often a lifestyle choice, which is why it matters in a social sense. However you deciding if traps are gay or not for yourself doesn't actually affect you, you don't suddenly come to a conclusion and go "OH! I'm gay now, best start hitting the gay clubs and buy a pair of leather pants"
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