The Nihonmatsu Siblings and the Adventure of Wooden Valley Ch.2

Dumping raws for chapter 2 of new Mizukami Satoshi wincest manga.




























That's it for this month. I'll bump the thread a couple times over the next few hours in case a TLanon wants to grab them.

Are they describing Shinsuke's village here?

By the way, fucking called it.





>kissed offscreen

This seems like a perfect mix between Sengoku Youko and Biscuit Hammer, hoping for swift translations.

I wonder if anyone will ever finish Mizukami Satoshi Tanpenshuu?

I'm just here for the incestual implications.

I don't think the raws for 3 have ever been uploaded. Somewhat understandable since it goes by 宇宙大帝ギンガサンダーの冒険 and not げこげこ 水上悟志短編集 like the previous 2.

What's the name in english/romaji?

Just checked in the goddess and all three volumes are there, including Ginga Thunder.

implying it's only an implication

It appears you're telling the truth.

Done and gave it to TS yesterday

Thank you for the dump.
I like this guy. He's a man of justice.