Lost Girls anime is coming. Are you ready for more Annie?
Shingeki no Kyojin
>You want to waifu my cheeks because Annie's is stink?
Lost Girls confirms Annie is coming back to us.
Yes. Annie a best.
Best time to be a BRAfag
I just want him to be ok in Marley.
Armin and AM a cute.
We should all post an Annie picture to celebrate Lost Girls getting animated.
It truly is.
What's going on here guys?
Armin will kill eren
Mikasa is still a slut.
>A: Shall I ask them to hire me as a servant? Or should I try to seduce one of the men there and marry myself off to them?
Her bottom should be painfully penetrated by something blunt and not rounded. Like a chair leg.
joke page?
Which chapter did Annie stop bathing?
An entire year of warrior chapters and now an Annie OVA. Made even better from all the LAMEfag tears.
Why, just why?
KEK Annie literally a huge stinky std infested slut
>Mikasafag this buttmad that Annie's getting an OVA
Similarities had to be more noticeable.
>Or should I try to seduce one of the men there and marry myself off to them?
It's a very nice change.
But there is one part dedicated to Mikasa too.
Right is literally just a panel, left is a full page spread.
Doesn't matter, Mikasafag doesn't want Annie to get any form of attention or praise whatsoever, it makes him insecure for some unknown reason.
kek, it's gonna be sooo fun
yes, but I dunno why there's still anti-annie posting, oh the sweet tears
And it's hugely regarded as being awful.
>When CT was cool and scary-> now is the worst character
>When we thought Eren was gonna kick titan´s ass in 3DMG->we barely see Eren killing one titan in that form
The Mankasafag is perpetually triggered by Annie. It doesn't help that Annie's part in Lost Girls was so much better than Mikasa's.
So if Annie awakes what kind of feelings will Eren have toward her?
He took down the Colossal with 3DMG.
Lost Girls means more HA
No, it's definitely the fan's favorite OVA atm. How do you think it is being done in the first place? the nips wanted a mikasa OVA for awhile now, Annie just happened to ride the wave. kek she truly is worst girl
It does. Their interactions were very cute and it confirmed that I was right about both Annie and Hitch being nice girls.
That's blatantly untrue.
who nose?!
There will never be an OVA consisting of Erwin doing essential things like eating, sleeping, walking, showering, complaining about the weather, tying his shoelaces.
It's a cruel world.
Are you serious? Annie has no fan base at all, after the Levi OVA they were planning on doing OVAs for all of EMA but instead they decided to Mikasa with Annie, Annie is just lucky she had Mikasa's fame to ride off of.
>Annie confirmed ded
I am ready for some annieme.
even forgetting the OVA, he's retarded enough to keep shitposting
This is the grandest delusion, it doesn't even constitute trolling.
>Annie has no fan base at all, after the Levi OVA they were planning on doing OVAs for all of EMA but instead they decided to Mikasa with Annie, Annie is just lucky she had Mikasa's fame to ride off of.
The entire story was literally her delusions. That's how bland Mikasa's character is.
Anons, no one wanted the Annie OVA. sorry
I want this angry who to spit on my face
Mrs Smith. Stop.
Very angry and hurt. The poor fool will still try and get her to redeem herself though.
Poor Mankasawhale. They didn't even bother having Mikasa in the Lost Girl announcement pic.
Instead she was replaced by BR who don't even appear kek.
I think he will be conflicted if Armin has relayed information that he might have gained from Bert about the Warrior Program.
I did not type that. I liked Annie's OVA because of Hitch and the chemist girl. Can't remember her name though.
>Annie is just lucky she had Mikasa's fame to ride off of.
and that is why there's mikasa on the poster with armin and eren standing behind her in the poster right?
>relaying shit from Bert
Who cares about lost girl? it was below average anyways
The only good thing that could have came from Mikasa's portion being animated is Lolikasa getting stepped on.
I'd actually be amused to see him doing extremely mundane things while maintaining his tactical genius Erwinface. Like during the whole thing you expect him to do something unexpected and clever but he just keeps doing normal shit.
The Mankasafag is braindead. I'm not even sure if they're going to bother adapting Mikasa's part. It was shit.
Pedos should be stepped on
Endgame right here, brothers.
Mikasa's part was indeed below average. Though Annie's was decent for a side story.
It's especially good because when Erwin has a day off it's almost as if he's a NEET. He is delightfully lazy and probably just lounges around in pyjamas or a lounge set all day, eating junk food and stuff.
there are 3 eps so I guess they would but it would be a bad ending I supposed, ending the 3 OVAs series with a literal what if dream
Top 10
Not best
Isayama showing off
Wish Eren got more moments like this.
I hadn't looked at the page in a while. I forgot just how tiny she is.
>Mikasafags and Anniefags duking it out
They're both confirmed whores why would you care so much?
Mankasa a shit.
There's only one Mikasa autist.
Poor babby ;-;
I think they'll have something with BR considering they're on the preview image.
Yes! You're best girl too.
Poor babby.
Reminder that Annie sucks dick for information.
More nonsense delusions.
I disliked it a lot. I hope they don't do that in the Ova.
Hopefully they'll fill it in with BRA scenes instead.
>More SnK
I honestly thought the franchise was dead when I saw S2´s sales.
Good to see there are people that haven´t give up on it yet.
>OVA is somebody interesting and not another bland fujobait shit like Manlet
Thank god.
>Mikasa's fanfiction
Anime sales don't matter.
Cadet Erwin and Nile should be an OVA.
It's like a better Armin.
I know merchandise can make up for it, but even the most recent 3DS game sold like compared to the first one.
The general audience (at least in Japan) already lost interest.
I fucking hate this author.
The girl behind Nile has a very cute hair style.
I'll take anything over more manlet pandering. Especially with all the shit on it's way in season 3.
stop, even if I don't like mikasa, this is too sad
This is another fantastic idea for an OVA, preferably with green screen capacity. Perhaps remove Eren as it's a bit weird because he's still a lad and not a MAN. Then you can greenscreen yourself in the MAN spa and shuffle over to your desired MAN of choice, perhaps drinking the water as you go along.
>comparing cutest who created from the love of some poor animator's heart to the worst, most rancid pig shit to be imagined
Holy fuck, YES.
>dat poster art.
HNNNNNG. Will them add extra scenes with BR? That would be great.
Indeed. I hope they add extra scenes not included in the manga.
>one Mikasa autist.
one mikasa insecure autist*
I've seen people who like mikasa but no one is this buttblasted
Why did the mangaka decide to write off one of the most popular characters?
He could bring Annie back any time he wants. What the fuck is he thinking?