Episode 14: ゴーストガールの誘い – Gōsuto Gāru no Sasoi
(Ghost Girl’s Invitation)
Interested in the incident that happened 10 years ago, Ghost Girl challenged Playmaker to a Duel, with Ai as a wager. Learning that he will be able to obtain the program that allows him to infiltrate SOL Technologies’s Data Bank if he wins, Yusaku heads to LINK VRAINS…

Script: 武上純希 || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: 西田章二 || Nishida Shoji
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk

Episode 15: 闇に忍ぶオルターガイスト – Yami ni Shinobu Orutāgaisuto
(The Altergeists Lurking in the Darkness)
Ghost Girl carries out an unpredictable Duel with her phantasmagorical tactics. Meanwhile, Playmaker calmly analyzes Ghost Girl’s moves and looks for a chance to use Storm Access. Thus, a battle of wits unfolds between the two as they try to outsmart one another. Who will ultimately triumph?!

Script: 武上純希 || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo

Episode 16: 潜入SOL電脳要塞 – Sennyū Soru Dennō Yōsai
(Infiltration! SOL’s Digital Fortress)

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

Episode 17: 完全無欠のAIデュエリスト – Kanzenmuketsu no Ēai Dyuerisuto
(The Absolutely Flawless AI Duelist)

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 宇代祐規 || Kawamura Yuya, Ushiro Yuki


So next ep is a recap?

> Hara busy with design work
> Ebina is busy with Fate/
> Kagami came back only for the YGO! movie
Holy shit, VRAINS is in shit.

Most likely

Great. I hope they show Aoi doing something at least.

Noh Gil-bo is the only one left but surprsing enough, he has done a lot of episodes so far 5 out of 12. I remember ARC-V having good looking episodes only once in over 30 episodes

it doesn't seem like many people actually hang around in vrains.

That's some crazy hair going on in that pic

>Yusaku duels Ema for SOL access
>Episode 16 spoils the outcome

Just what I wanted. Another win for Playmaker-sama.

Why do artist always draw Atem and not Yugi? Yugi is the protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh and Atem is the deuteragonist.

And then there is Judai looking normal.

I fucking hate Yuya, worst protag ever. Yuusaku is already a better one.

Go away tumblr

Naw Tumblr still loves Yuya. Sup Forums seems to resent him snd his show because six kids are essentially dead.

as long as their soul is still intact they're good.

You can't fuck their souls.

yeah but that can be said about most of the girl monster cards as well.

>more Ghost Girl incoming
Gonna start saving semen

Akemi Yokota is also one of the good ones

Yokota, Noh, and Kawamura are the experienced vets. Although, with how there are still 2+ ADs regularly on an episode, it seems like they're still playing catch-up with the scheduling.

I think Ebara is also good but I'm not entirely sure, they did some work on the very tail end of Arc-V and not that much for Vrains yet. Ebina briefly worked with Ebara (last part of Yuya vs Yuri) to help train them as his replacement, which he mentioned on twitter a long time ago iirc.

If Revolver didn't win, then there is no way Ema would have beat Yusaku.

Hara isn't that good anymore as an animator. Probably because of age. He had a good run, though.

It'd funny if Ema has a notably more entertaining duel than Revolver

post cards you've made in card maker.



Anybody that lives in Japan or has gone to Japan to buy things? I want to ask tips of where are the yugioh goods and maybe some figures.

Japan agrees. YGO event from last week had like 0 ARCV cosplayers www

>0 ARCV cosplayers
That's hillarious and sad at the same time. But I am happy to see a Saiou cosplay again. Now where is his boyfriend?



When will Smug Angel return?

He looks like a girl.

Is the possibility of Autist love and the not-evil AI the only reasons to watch this card commercial ?

Go away leddit

Who would win?



because the women in astral world wear clothes.

>she always prompts you for a backup when you're busy
fuck off.


Arc-V would be my favorite yugioh anime if it wasn't for that shit ending, I love the character designs and duels

VRAINs characters are few and a bit lame so far, and the soundtrack completely pales in comparison to Arc-V

>My destiny draw

Tag Force 6 confirmed?

Konami pls

Why is number four's hair translucent?


I still haven't gotten into VRAINS desu. Speed duels are terribly boring, the color palette for half the show is "blue", Link VRAINS makes no sense (why do people spend time in something where everything is a bunch of copy-paste buildings and the equivalency of chinese MMO hackers are everywhere ruining shit and getting people's accounts banned?). They haven't done well at making me care about the characters besides Aoi. Arc-V soundtrack >>>>>>> VRAINS soundtrack. Links-only is boring, especially considering how lame the summoning visual is.

>why do people spend time in something where everything is a bunch of copy-paste buildings

That's only with the speed duels, master duels can take place in different locations like where the dragon was attacking in episode 1

To be honest, I got in because of the concept art, got horrified by the PV, liked Aoi and Yuusaku on episode 6 and stayed because the show isn't falling apart despite the everything. I'm staying I think.

>They haven't done well at making me care about the characters besides Aoi

Honestly her episodes were so fucking good compared to everything else, I can almost feel the favoritism towards her coming from the staff, no wonder Yoshida doesn't want to give her more screentime

Yusaku seemed like he was going in a good direction with his character development but then the Revolver duel pretty much reset everything because

>muh 3 reasons
>muh revenge
>muh tomodachi who I never even seen before

Its like the new Egao

You mean Tag Force 7

Whatever, the point is Tag Force is the highest quality Yugioh series by far (with the DS games almost competing but apparently they're dead now)


>Yuya and Go


>Dat Kotori

>Even Zarc

I miss her ;_;

is there any new info in the new ED? isn't it supposed to be coming out?

With the problems Vrains has be great full we have an ED.

>this shit is still going
Season 0 or GTFO

>can't see a single obese person
What a contrast

Only abridgedcucks call it season 0
Its not America

I mean, you're pretty much right.

But at the same time I get the impression that the staff is kinda (maybe) trying to piece together some kind of coherent narrative, which is more than I can say for Arc-V in its last 1/3rd. It's like Arc-V broke their spirits so hard that they're fumbling through Vrains like a klutzy and retarded anime girl who can't walk straight

>0 ARCV cosplayers www
there's Kaito though

so Astral's world is space afghanistan?

Everyone, male or female, wears clothes in astral world. The question is why Astral is the only one who doesn't wear clothes

I miss harem YGO

>Its not America
I never would have guessed if you didn't tell me user, wow. Especially since every single person in that picture is asian. Are you aware of the meaning of the word 'contrast'?

I cant tell if those male chars are playee by women or men

Meanwhile most US cosplay I cant tell if a female character is played by a woman or a man

i like to imagine clothes are either optional or only used for someone in a higher position

>season 0
>not Shadow Game season
>not To-Ei-Oh (or toeioh for short)
>not Yami no Game season
go back to your abridge episodes

>being this Autistic
Look at me i'm using a non-animu reaction image.

>Its like the new Egao
Nothing can claim that title until it starts brainwashing masses of people on a whim

imagine Yusaku being so obsessed to fulfill his three reasons he goes berserk

No thank you to cringey berserk modes that never go anywhere anyway, unless it's a one-off for plot or whatever

at some point he will go berserk, is a must happen in every yugioh series even if it happens in one duel only. It must happen.

Also i think Playmaker's outfit is too bland

I just expect that at some point out of anger he will just say
>my 3 reasons to beat you are:
>1-fuck you [Encode Talker destroys one monster]
>2-fuck you [Decode Talker destroys another monster]
>3-FUCK YOU [Firewall makes a direct attack, winning the duel]
I know it's sounds cliche and probably won't happen, but an emotional outburts would benefit his character a lot

>Also i think Playmaker's outfit is too bland
I think it's fucking ugly, but sitting through gargoyle Yuya-Zarc made me resilient

How come Aoi pleases my boner and my heart at the same time?

Fuck, surfing the web looks so much cooler in the concept art than it does in the anime.

that would be great though, mentions 1 reason, draws a card. mentions 2nd reason and Summons Firewall monster, names 3rd reason and makes a direct attack. like whatever makes him mention his 3 reasons while making steps in his duel will make the duel good

maybe not something edgy like Yuyarc but something more dynamic like Yuse's or Yuma's, they both have cool outfits something in between maybe. Maybe Yusei's without the orange orbs or Yuma's jacket

That dude with the orange jacket seems like some concept Go, but instead of a wrestler is a rapper, if done correctly a trash talker nigga would be better than a fucking wrestler acting stupid after each turn
>yo think you big shot, don't ya
>you won't last, though, mah boy Gouki is going to kick your ass

He looks like that dancer guy from the episode where Atem and Anzu went on a date

After the awful aftertaste Arc-V left me with, I am mildly surprised that VRAINS isn't a disappointment like I thought it would be, now that I'm caught up with it. Is it going to keep the ZEXAL quality, or is it going to be like Arc-V was, where the art diminished for six episodes until Ebina or Gil-bo could be the director? Episode 12 was a real treat for the eyes.

It seems like Vrains is making more use of in-house animation directors than Arc-V did, by promoting/hiring a couple new people. And the in-house guys are like the only decent ones, anyway.

Who knows, though. It could backslide badly at any arbitrary moment, like Arc-V somewhere in the middle of Synchro and during Xyz.

pls no
The duel script between Playmaker and Revolver was genuinely good, the artwork of the show was good, I'm actually liking the characters instead of just having a hard-on for Reiji and Shun, and most importantly I like how EVERYONE has the bullshit mechanic instead of just the protagonist. I don't want VRAINS to turn into a shit-show like Synchro Arc did.

Can backs be erogenous, when they have nearly no tactile nerves, or are they simply erotic? Can a back be considered erotic in the first place, considering they are only necessary for biological function, and not biological reproduction like, say, the breasts?

massages in the back, specially in the lower area can be really sensual, considering that in a regular position a male holds a female by their hips or back, so it works a prelude for the act, so yes, backs can be sexual


Me on the second to the left.


I'm not the only one who thinks it's criminal that Arc-V wasted so much character potential, right? I'm not the only one who thinks that Sawatari should've won Serena's heart, right? I'm not the only one who wanted more psychotic Rin, right?

We all do, user. But now we must move on. It's the only way.

do girls backs look like this in real life

a few of them, you have to workout to get that kind of back

I... I see...

Quite a low number of 5D's cosplayers. Even Arc-V had more despite his reputation.

>Zexal had more romance between two fucking robots
