>Yeah lets just bully the mentally deranged kid without any emotional support, in a school that will probably expell him if he tries to do anything back at us, in this country with easy gun acess and hope NOTHING happens!
Normalfags deserve it.
Yeah lets just bully the mentally deranged kid without any emotional support...
>Normalfags deserve it.
that's true but they won't learn and bitch about guns instead. do they ever wonder why every shooter is male why suicide rate among males is so high etc.? no
>Normalfags deserve it.
Original. Very edgy and cool my dude.
>I feel bad about myself, therefore it's okay for me to murder others
It's not "mental illness" that causes mass shootings. It's self-pity.
The worst part is bitching about gun controls
We have gun control laws in most of the entire world, but does that stop criminals from getting guns?
Normies need to learn that criminals will get their guns through the black market REGARDLESS of gun control laws, and the ones that will get cucked will be the good citizen itself, now defenseless.
Actually its mental illness, bullying AND a "snap" is all that it takes
>treat people like shit
>be surprised when they retaliate against you
what happened to taking responsibility?
Kids usually pick on each other out of a sense of pride. When another kid loses the urge to defend their pride dangerous territory has been entered because only two choices remain suicide or self defence.
>le bullying causes school shootings meme
no they pick on others because they have little to no self-awareness and have no pride in themselves. otherwise if they had pride then they would be wary of damaging their own reputation. anyways, those type of normalfags who pick on others are low IQ retards