Your ID is literally: "" O Fug! """
no it's bn0XfvUg
My thoughts on this have evolved. I thnk Donny is too dumb to realize the colluding. I think he honestly believes it never happened. Unfortunately for him. It looks like Mueller is racing down the money laundering trail at full speed. Donny boy has been laundering Russian mob money for years to keep his operation afloat, and project the image if a successful business man.
Get lost, leftcuck
>too dumb
>Russian conspiracy
Doesn't Soros know that paying you to post here is a waste of money?
yours is 2bJ for the guys you sucked off faggot
Careful there donny boy
So what's the desired outcome of all this? Trump being arrested, the election declared invalid and Hillary takes her place as madam president?
no it's 2bJXvRD4
They will be making excuses for all 8 years of Trump's two terms.
>ends up in jail himself
For memes.
Meuller says "no interaction between actual Americans and Russians'', which means no collusion you fucking moron
Don't you have to get back to watching Ahmed take pleasures with your wife?
>no interaction between actual Americans and Russians
>June 9th 2016 at Trump tower never happened
Oh you!!
fuck you, pol wasn't this retarded back then
You can't really judge Fox by what Hannity says. Notice that Hannity takes way dumber, less subtle positions than the rest of the anchors, and he often doesn't follow the narrative of the rest of the station; that's because the rest of the people on Fox are performing for their geriatric audience, while Hannity is just performing for Trump. That's the only reason Fox hasn't fired him yet, because he's Trump's guy. He's their way to the president. Otherwise, he would've been fired at least a year ago, because he's too fucking stupid to craft any effective messages.
I can imagine it now. Trump locked up in the bowels of ADX Florence watching his small black and white box
so hannity is too dumb for the average fox viewer, but just right for the president. that actually makes a lot of sense
In the investigation with the 13 people you fucking brainlet
Too late
At least Fox actually changes what they report when real evidence is found. Unlike the Leftist morons on CNN, MSNBC etc. that just keep repeating the same lies, regardless of any evidence.
The facts dont change. that's a fact.
it goes in all fields.
Well, in evaluating your post, Shareblue, i'm getting the feeling that the unpaid interns are running the office on the weekends. The initial bait is mediocre, and you were forced to shitpost numerous times to try and keep the thread alive. I think I'm going to rate this pretty low and adjust your records accordingly. Please report on Monday for a mandatory re-education meeting with your Team Leader. Remember, it should have been Her time, and you're the reason it wasn't.
7 more years, bitches!
Is the russian meddling a hoax?
So how did the Russians use their memetic braincontrol technology to make the electoral college vote for him?
top kek. what you're actually saying with this is that it's not real news. and that's why you like it.
I'm not a fan of MSNBC or CNN, but they do a lot more fact based reporting on the investigation along with their mouthpieces. facts don't change desu