The upcoming war with the turks is here. The second problem is fyrom,
We have to decide on a name for them or else they will invade greece.
The upcoming war with the turks is here. The second problem is fyrom
Let's burn the roaches
There will be no war with turks now retard.
The Imia incident was just testing the water to see how EU and NATO react to 'hot' incidents.
Now they see EU and NATO are literally 'depply concerned' they know they can go full force on blocking Cyprus from further oil/natgas stuff.
But they won't risk all-out war, not in the Aegean at least, while they have Syria and Iraq fronts open.
Please look into the geopolitical situation before you go full retard.
Thanks for the blog post. Any ideas on fyrom's given name?
Tsipras traded that for american help on the economy shit.
The americans want fyrom in NATO next June.
The whole Novartis shit you see on tv these days is only targeting conservative politicians exactly because they need to decrease conservative influence and ease the public opinion on the matter.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if all the info about the scandal got 'leaked' from american agencies.
The name is already lost, anything that happens now is just for people not to chimp out again.
What are sources
I never said these are facts, it's just my opinion, based on reading semi-reputable sites and geopolitical analysis articles.
Doesn't it sound more sane that the Novartis incident is a syriza move to win the next election?
LMAO Greeks couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, what makes you think you can beat Turkey or even Best Macedonia.
It is, if you think about it.
Think about it for a sec, if Tsipras 'sells' the name for help on the economy front and the Novartis evidence, he can play up the 'I got the country out of the austerity programs' card as well as the 'the conservatives are corrupt' cards when the election period begins. If anything, it's a pretty smart move on his part, although I personally don't believe the americans/NATO left him any choice, there's more at stake here.
Pay your debts before you rack up any more
I wish we actually declared war on you subhuman rapebabies so that i'd not have to see you subhumans crying on every board.
Is Sup Forums allowed in your country Abdul?
>G3 as service rifle
oh baby I wish we got full 7.62 as our service rifle
I'm thinking of buying one of my own
"fyrom" is a stupid name.
They did not cease being South Slavic.
You have no money to fight a war so you will lose.
I'm posting this from your mother's bedroom.
You wont be disappointed.
Preparing for another school shooting incident?
Ebin meme
diaspora shitskin with inferiority complex
The problem with the Novartis incident is that previous ND politicians are accused, not kyriakos
turkish shitskin
Greece is a powerful and wealthy country.
slavic subhuman
no you arent you muslim shitskin
Greeks don't have debts you shitskin.
But you have the SCAR-H.
>school shooting
>with a 7.62
Ok now i dont scare
Why the fuck not
why not just spitroast fyrom between greece and serbia and split it between yourselves?
>you have the SCAR-H.
not as our service rifle, maybe for special forces
Kurd here, where do I sign up? I'd genuinely join some kind of Greek volunteer army if it meant I get to kill some t*rks
Because Albania roaches and turk roaches will invade greece
Did you serve your conscription time yet?
Did you fire the G3?
Now imagine firing that while standing, in a cramped corridor and you have to hit moving targets with it.
You'll get one or two, maybe.
>Greece doing anything worthy from a military stand point
I would laugh at you but I believe you really think to be real Hellas or some shit.
Not yet, I'm a student
You guys are not Spartan's anymore, Turks will roll you hard
Actually, our massive (compared to the size of the country and the economy) military is one of the reasons our economy went to shit.
You'll understand what I mean when you serve.
Unless you're a giotas.
this is the iranian shitskin in romania
he hates Greece and turkey because both are better
they are you shitskin
turkey is dead
No I'm not fucking scared to serve like some edgy pampered soyboys
>being this retarded
A fucking leaf
turkish shitskin
Greeks are not a country you shitskin
Greece is a bitch.
Actually the giotades I met during my time legitimately had health problems, with their back or ears, and regretted not being able to fire a gun.
LOL! Wussy Greeceman can't handle a G3!
I live in chalandri, most of the giotades here are pampered soyboys with connections
You basically are turks. By all means, slaughter the roaches. But how will you conquer the roach within.
How.come.are you guys posting here greece got range banned ? Isaste sto spiti i kinit?
you are a slavic subhuman
Diaspora Greek in Congo, hahaha now I think I have seen it all.
Mate you cant beat a country that has a massive population compared with your own while also having a stronger economy than yours, just accept that in the event of a war your best hope is that your neighbors will assist you.
slavic subhuman with inferioity complex
Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks.
science > shitskin
Why did greece get banned?
shitskin iranian
this is a slavshit subhuman from fyrom
meme nationalist
tries to force his self made trash pictures on Sup Forums
how will FYROM be divided, will the Western half go to the siptars and the Eastern half to the Bulgarians, will it be that simple???
just NO
macedonians are our south brothers, and deserve own country of MACEDONIA
this site is basically diaspora and shitskins trying to insult superior people like us Greeks
No matter where you serve, it's a big waste of time. I spent most of it watching anime desu.
I have a pass. I always get one every year, but I hate having to actually use it. I hope Hiroshimoot gets cancer.
That guy is some turk living in germany that has become a living meme and keeps changing proxies. He's the 'i am greek' guy.
And true, we can't hope to win in a all-out war of anihilation to the last man, but we can definitely hold our own untill the matter is solved in the international stage.
>tfw i only need to do 3 months of service
is it as disorganized as they have told me? having some military brothers and guns definitely sounds awesome, but i dont want to have to fight for the (((greek government))) if you know what i mean
albanian subhuman in kosovo
they post with serb flag
>Hopping that by repeating himself somehow things will change just to fit his world view
I am 100% Romanian and have no Iranian blood in me.
Part slavic, part greek, part anglo, part franc, part german, part magyar, all American.
I support the Turks. Greeks are leftist faggots and deserve to be destroyed.
Depends on what unit they send you.
After the first couple of months it's really chill.
Being this uneducated.
How are we "leftists" when a right wing party has joined the "left wing" government
you are not you shitskin
i know its you
a slavic subhuman
shitskin diaspora
this is what you get for being superior
all the subhumans run to this thread because of their inferiority complex
godspeed greekbro, kill those filthy turkish animals.
>How are we "leftists" when a right wing party has joined the "left wing" government
Because they only joined to prevent real right wing from having any power. You guys chose your fate. You chose to be slaves of the EU. I have no sympathy for Greeks and hope you get wiped out.
so wtf is going on with FYROM and Greece all of a sudden, another user in this thread posted that Tsiparis that slippery snake wants to sell the name “Macedonia” to FYROM for a few shekels, is this true???
How will you Grecko boys do it Turkey is just too strong. Macedonia should be called Vardaria.
turkey is dead
yeah i get that. a buddy of mine was stationed as a tsolias and he told me that all politicians greeted him, except tsipras lol
more like Southern Albania or Westen Bulgaria.
The fyrom issue is almost 30 years old
I understand that user, why had this become such a big issue all of a sudden???
>War with turkey
Erdogan may seem like a shithead but he is not.
He may not be a strategic mastermind but he is no man to be underestimated so there will be no war for now
Nothern Macedonia? As a german, no one gave a shit about the name of this 3rd world albanian infested shithole senpai, you manoverd your cunt in a stupid situation by yourself and made up a problem no one cares about
Greece is so poor, just tell me how would they put up a fight with a country that has their own military industrial complex.
You don't have the population and you don't have enough military equipment to be replaced in the event when they get destroyed in conflict.
The problem is they might use the name to disprove history and call themselves descendants of the great Alexander and stuff
we Greeks care
you have no history
its not you diaspora shitskin with inferiority complex
We will replace our troops by fucking your mom
UN is sponsoring to resolve t in the near future by creating a special envoy (he's a jew) to find solution to the decades old impasse.
good, it's about time you niggers started doing something productive again
It's a non-issue.
US and the majority of nations already recognize Macedonia as the Republic of Macedonia.
FYROM wants to be called Macedonia.
To the point where the slavs there went and started saying they're the true macedonians and Alexander was their predecessor, etc etc. Literally some WE WUZ national larping, it's kinda silly.
So here's the thing. FYROM is the typical balkan multi-culti (not the sjw type multiculti) state that's basically like a powder keg with the various ethnicities at each other's throats. Not only that, but the russians want FYROM under their influence.
To stop that, americans want FYROM in NATO in the next NATO meeting in June. But we keep vetoing them from entering NATO and the EU because they call themselves Macedonia.
they were always doing that
americans shouldnt call others niggers
Ayo hol up
*Smacks psomi
So you be saying
*Bends over and take it from behind
That we wuz
*Get conquered by the turks
Hellas and shit
>The problem is they might use the name to disprove history and call themselves descendants of the great Alexander and stuff
And noone will care. Alexander will still be Greece in all history books.
Like the poles try to ban the name 'Polish Deathcamps'. noone cares, no books will be changed, noone except some polish rednecks even care.
Same with FYROM. They car REEE and call uppon alexander just because of there cunts name but the rest of the world will simply not care
>we Greeks care
Yeah I bet you speak for 'we'
>you have no history
Disporra opinion has no value. Move back to greece or shut your faggot mouth
We will replace our troops by fucking your mom
Built some tanks & missiles and then we can have nice debate whether who might win. If you think France, Italy and Germany going to give you tanks and planes to fight a war for free, then get ready for a nice surprise at the end.
Stop this nonsense dreaming.
still is
shitskin iranian