Reminder Goku is confirmed No.1 of the U7 team and Freeza is his equal.
Dragon Ball Super
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Can this thread contain friendly discussion please?
...what about Vegeta?
My hand slipped sry Friezafags
faulconer is unbearable
thats a cute pupper
>implying this is canon
>10 seconds later
I hate the manga.
Use the catalog retard
He's not a pupper! He's a fierce warrior!
I have come to preemptively accept all your concessions.
Reminder that Brianne is cute.
ah yes the anti-gohan brigade
>kisless virgin
keep on hating
>OP post is a flamewar "gohanfags btfo" post that invites people to shitpost
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful
Reminder that THIS is the one true DB canon:
> Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Manga (including DB Minus)
> DB Manga
> Yo! Son Goku Returns! Special
> BoG Movie
> RoF Movie
> Champa Arc script
> Future Trunks Arc script
> Universe Survival Arc script
NOT canon:
> Movies other than BoG, RoF
> TV Specials and OVAs other than Yo! Son Goku Returns!
> Episode of Bardock
> Filler
> Any differences found between the Champa, Trunks, and U. Survival scripts (such as SSB Kaioken, Planet Potaufeu mini-arc, Mastered SSB, Trunks' healing, Goku's Hakai)
> Entirety of DBGT
> DB Videogames (other than MAYBE DB Online)
> DB Online
Cry me a river
true hero of the series
Get a fucking life faggot.
i want her to beat me up
>Gohanfag projecting again
>Toeipedros enjoy this garbage
Can't wait for Toyo to fix this arc. Feels good being a Toyochad
sry handslipped again must be attracted to useless jobbers like frieza
Go fuck your dad.
What ABOUT Vegeta?
Why are Toyocucks so fucking autistic?
>Can't wait for Toyo to fix this arc.
Just like he was going to "fix":
- Goku never kissing Chi-chi
- SS Rage
- Sword of Hope
Instead of "fixing", Toyo either keeps it the same or replaces with some other nonsensical thing
>Gohanfag calling anyone a jobber
He's hated by japs and only spics care about him. He'll have to go ultimate to beat a jobber from U10 while CHADza beat their strongest in final form. FGohan is nothing to him.
The delusions of the Gohancuck, chapter 536363
>has to use filler garbage to prove his point
you're worse than toeicucks right now
I accept your concession, Toeimongrel.
Reminder that this is your dark horse for U7 MVP: Android "Leave the Pride Troopers to Me" 18!
I agree, Toeispic. This was far better. if you're a mutt
What did he mean by this?
I said
Toyocucks status: exposed
Has anyone seen any tumblr outrage about this yet?
Who the fuck even complained about Goku not kissing Chichi? It suits his character.
I never said that Sword of Hope WASN'T an asspull, retard
Animefags can admit to the anime's fault, while Toyocucks have to splurge on about how Toyo is perfect and can do no wrong.
>Your dick is my prey!
What did she mean by this
Hey guys, I finally got it!
>pick any panel from the manga in which is happening something that never happened in the anime
>spam the text in your post
>you can also use mistranslation, force the dialogue or take your headcanon as basis
>enjoy your "meme"
And this is toeishills' memes formula.
Nobody complained until it happened in the manga too, then Toeispics jumped on it as if it was a problem.
>Goku vs Jiren is approaching finally
>Beerus badmouths the clown God after another pride trooper falls
>Clown God replies with "That arm still hurt?"
>My little Toyocuck can't be trying THIS hard
she's a dyke though
The manga isn't perfect either, Toeimongrel, but it's a hell of a lot better than your shittily-animated non-canon toy commercial.
Hahaha, you said it again!
>no argument
I accept your concession, Toeishit.
Not really
Tumblr loves Vegeta and wants him to be their daddy
It's just retarded when people act like the manga does shit anywhere near as bad as the anime, when the manga actually goes out of its way to explain shit and have decent foreshadowing for shit beforehand. Both things the anime lacks completely.
What, admitting the manga isn't perfect? Of course it's not.
but he fixed ssrage and spirit sword crap by entirely scrapping it because it was that retarded.
b-but muh healing
-he trained under kaioshin. as a kaioshin disciple he got the ability to heal also it was forshadowed with mai and gowasu.
>b-but no ki was shown Reeee
its forshadowing , oda did the same with haki. haki was never visualised until post time skip but the admirals still used it during the war.
>b-but hakai bullshit
goku trained under beerus and knew about the technique. as a fighting genuis he found a way to replicate it unlike trunks who has no clue what a spirit bomb is and still manages to summon one out of his ass
If you were here last year, mangafags
Of course when it happened in the manga, they shut up about it and/or blamed Toriyama
But how do you know what's in the scripts?
What the hell?
Is Freeza good goy now? I only watched the movie.
>"That arm still hurt?"
>Jiren proceeds to access his god ki mode and absolutely obliterate the ever living shit ouf golden freezer (as he will prolly be the reason why toppo is kicked out)
>Leaving only Goku and him on stage
can't wait
Let's see you toeimutts cope with the shitanime including SSG this late and how the manga fixes:
-retard Goku causing the tournament to happen
-nonsensical power scaling in general especially with Mystic Gohan
>decent foreshadowing for shit beforehand.
> Mastered SSB and Hakai
> decent
>Emotional damage!
>Vegeta using SSG
>Apparently I have healing powers
>Fused Zamasu can split into a million clones just because
>Double the power!
How can anyone read the manga? I'd be embarrassed desu
>SSG returning instead "saiyan beyond god"? Good idea, Toyotaro-san! It's better that way.
>Wtf is that SSGSS+KK shit, Toei?
Based Tori
>Toeimongrels literally trying to change history to suit their "arguments"
Oh, fucking shit. This is hilarious.
Toeidogs don't have a leg to stand on after the last 3 episodes. There's some bullshit in the manga, but it's good with bad moments. Anime is trash with good moments. Which is better? Still the manga. Keep your 8 minute moeshit transformations and shitty half assed homages.
Temporary ally in the tournament that determines the fate of their Universe, with a 24-hour get-out-of-hell ticket.
>Animefags can admit to the anime's fault
Too bad they won't shut up and feel the need to grasp at any straw they see in the manga just to feel better about the anime.
>Spirit Bomb Sword
>Sueper Saiyan
>"fuck we got beat let's run back to the past" x3
>Future Zamasu can fight SSB Goku and struggles with Sueper Saiyan Trunks
>Oops I got so mad I merged with the multiverse lel
How can anyone watch the anime? I'd be embarrassed desu
Enjoy your non-canon promotional "comicalization", Toyocuck
You're fucking pathetic. Not even contributing to discussion.
I'll agree Mastered SSB lacked foreshadowing, but an explanation was provided. Hakai in the context of Goku using it was brought up at least 10 chapters before it was used though. Unless you're that one autist that keeps going "BEERUS WAS TALKING ABOUT BEING A GOD OF DESTRUCTION"
Goku Black pulled an infinite amount of clones and a scythe from his ass.
This is quite pathetic.
>>Emotional damage!
>>Vegeta using SSG
why shouldn't he? At least we know vegeta obtained god ki through ritual and not some unexplainable angel training that never got elaborated upon.
>>Apparently I have healing powers
forshadowed and explained if you would actually read the manga
>>Fused Zamasu can split into a million clones just because
better than I merge with the universe because XD
It seems you're new here
What are you going to about it? The manga is undeniably garbage and should be canceled already.
>no argument
As expected from an inferior Toeimongrel.
But Beerus actually did.
Reminder that Android 18 is beautiful
>- SS Rage
>- Sword of Hope
Toyotaro did fix that though. Mastered SSB wasn't a power boost, just SSB staying at max power. And Hakai wasn't going to work on Zamasu regardless, and was brought up 10 chapters earlier.
>j-just cancel the m-manga! s-stop threatening my anime!
He's now a Z fighter defending the universe!
Oh, so you are that one autist. Nice to know you still lack reading comprehension.
Oda did foreshadowed Haki several times.
Unlike Toyotaro that uses as shitty explanation of how Goku can use hakai (he said it was horrible).Is just as bad as Jotaro learning how to stop time.
What is Roshi doing there?
Isn't his powerlevel like 1/12 Radditz'?
Bri taking clothing damage soon!
Keep crying about your lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, Toeitaco.
I'm not that user you first replied to but:
>Read the first line.
>Beerus: "Being a Destructor God is wonderful!"
Hmm? No Toeidog will take a stab at this? Explain how Black's clones are any more plausible than Merged Zamasu's clones. Also, explain why Merged Zamasu didn't use any useful abilities like clones in the anime.
>Animefags can admit to the anime's fault,
no they can't. When confronted about the power lever inconsistencies, they just yell "BUT Z DID 2" or say some shit about " O MY HAKAI"
>Emotional damage!
It's a cheesy line but it's not meant to be taken that seriously.
>Vegeta using SSG
What's wrong with this? Goku is literally going to use SSG next saturday too. The movies also implied Vegeta used the ritual, and the manga seems to be going with that.
>Apparently I have healing powers
Better than Mai surviving a point-blank explosion from Black for literally no reason.
>Fused Zamasu can split into a million clones just because
t. speed reader
>Double the power!
I don't get it. They're just cheesy lines. The anime has cheesy lines too, but no one uses that shit for arguments against the anime.
You're not going to get a response. The only thing Toeidogs can do is grasp at straws and cry about the manga being shitty. If you confront them with the anime's flaws, they clam up or start screaming about how shitty Z was.
He secretly trained
Also he has techniques like the Mafuba
Roshi has been considered stronger than Yamcha since Revival F. They're also highlighting his paralysis attack too.
So is Toyotaro going to make Gohan great again?
>can't defend his product without bringing up another product