Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - #120db Day of the Rally Edition

Day of the rally.
>#120db Women's march in Berlin
>Right Wing memorial rally in Dresden ... no streams, though

>Berlin Livestreams


>News in german

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD Right Wing Faction speeches on traditional "political Ash Wednesday"

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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old bread


Deutschland über alles.

>woman march broke out from the blockade and is marching to Kanzleramt now
>Deutschland, Deutschland über alles is sung
>Cops are busy with Antifaggots


Join the euro Sup Forums discord good goys
discord gg/DUmqvgm (just put a . to join)

imagine hundreds of people in front of the bundestag singing the national anthem like at the kandel demo
the reeing of the antigermans would be heard in timbuktu

fuck off CIA nigger.
Don't go there unless you want your IP to be reported to BKA.

where are my fellow comrades?
>oswald spengler
>hoi user
>genetics austria wappler
>irish axe guy
>fatty user
where are my blutzeugen?

obligatory bump&cocaine

Ich hasse Linke.
Ich hasse sie so sehr.
Ein verdammtes Pack lügender, manipulierender, blutsaugender Insekten.
An das Gute im Menschen zu glauben ist für mich nicht möglich, da Linke als umfassendes Gegenbeispiel fungieren.

RUPTLY stream has ended. Fagbook strewams feel like early Montagsdemos in 1989.
>Auf die Straße

Livestream from a nationalist march in our capital Sofia rn. Many germans there as well.

>giant anti german marxist mob illegally blocking other demo
>we tried everything to ask them nicely to move out of the way for 2 hours gee too bad you didnt even reach your prime location and now its dark and no one can see your anti rapist demonstration. :^) well we had to to try everything to prevent any of them getting harmed :^)

>medium sized legal german pro demo
>police anti riot cars and waterthrowers and thousands of policemen encircling them and police chief permanently itching to dissolve the demo for any excuse like marxist attacking them
>some leftist threw a firecracker oh well we have to dissolve your entire demo immediately
>hey its been 2 seconds since we dissolved this demo MOVE AWAY OR WE WILL BE FORCED TO USE WATERTHROWERS :^)


the fire rises
>cops arriving at spontaneous demo against Merkel now

Larger than the pro-EU march I saw in Heidelberg last summer.


is bulgaria flooded with islamists aswell? i thought eastern europe is based?

Reporting in ... calligraphyanon a.k.a. the OP currator

Just keep on redpilling your local circle and the world will be a better place. Life is struggle


Future's looking great!

They are celebrating the memory of nationalist general from the WW2 - Hristo Lukov. He was killed by commie terrorists in '43. It's done since 2003.

thx :^)

Latest rall status
>rally seems to be officially closed
>people trying to make their way to chancellory on their own

it always so hard to find out what's true and what is slipped in by divide&conquer and COINTELPRO fags

cops trying to stop sponti demo now


convert already you cowards

Anyone else who bought Kingdom Come Deliverance?


in this case it´s pretty easy to see it as the d&c attempt it is.

>Willingly coming to the rescue of white roasties
wew lad I dont know about you but if you really will do this Germany you will be even bigger cucks than you are

ersten und zweite strophe rühren mich jedesmal zu tränen, gibt sowas von keinen grund nur die dritte zu singen

You first, you heretic.

Lefties are triggered by any stanza anyway

WTF are you blabbering about EU-fag

Someday I want to be included too :(

Is the march primarily women?

Did Antifa attack them yet?

things are getting hectic, share the fagbook links
one woman arrested

>women marched in front, against islam violence
>antifa blocked them successfully
>demo broke out and tried to march to Merkel's bureau
>police stopped them, arrested a few

People care about me...
You warm my coal-heart.

Sütterlinanon reporting in!
(mind you, i have to remake all my stuff in Photoshop. deleted all my MSPaint-shit)

I am talking about 120db campaign you stupid turk now go make a kebab and dont talk to me or my goat again.

I know that feel.

stick around as often as possible and make yourself unique dear kamerad

Wow. The optics on antifa attacking women and police arresting them is great.

rally status
>people stopped near SPD HQ
>police starting to arrest
>streamingfag tries to register impromptu rally with police

>Tfw not listed
>Have been in these generals for a year and created the first ones with some Italian

It feels like the early monday demos 1989 in GDR.
They're now talking to police to register a spontaneous demonstration.

...gee, that's really bad for a shitposting attempt, Achmed

Good luck duetsche bros, god speed.

fug i am sorry
only listed the ones that i know

Antifa blocked the march and the police didn't put them aside. Common police officer's hate for Antifa has been growing for years though so it won't take long for something special to happen.

Also these women give zero fucks about Germany as a nation and people they are there because they feel threaten by the very "refugees" that 2 years ago where so eager to accept since they compared to the limp wristed Hans will take away their sweet feminist liberties if these men wouldnt be such a threat they will continue as before mixing with them and not having the slightest of moral issue about it.

>tfw shitposting here daily

d&c faggot, here's your you

fuck off fat german islam faggot, i remember you.


The police are actually doing their job?
And arresting antifaggots?

Who tinkered with the time machine?

how are msm spinning this though?
after all, it is women....
are they still waiting to be handed the correct spin?
screencap everything


Two antifags arrested, a few of /ourwomen/ arrested for forming spontaneous demo.

Who is saying they need to do that? They will just ignore it

Police speaking:
>spontaneous demo is not possible

get the Wasserwerfer.

Prove me I am wrong faggots you both know deep down that this is the only reason this is happening it has nothing to do with keeping Germany with pure ethnic Germans but instead it has everything to do with their sweet liberty to keep being sluts and face no repercussion.

Spontandemo von der Polizei verboten.

Basically they are cheering at Antifa, no word about the spontaneous demo.

they say its all identiarians and righttwingers and muh anti islamic racists (seriously)

reporting in

Was the spontaneous demo violent?
If so, why arrest?

I'm honestly never sure whether Kaiseranon or Spengleranon refers to me.
Probably not.

I am not a MGTOW I just see things for what they really are you might delude yourself into thinking that it might be for some other reason but it isnt.I am saying all of this because I care for you people and dont want to see you go extinct or become like amerimuts mixed to oblivion by 2100.

links are more than rechte.
germany needs its taxes.
without linke, no taxes.

Consider it the right-wing version of a Jizya.

Look retard, you're a beta rager or a D&C shill.

Women are inherently apolitical, their opinion doesn't matter and the natural order needs to be re-established.

No one gives a fuck if their not "ideologically pure" enough for your bullshit attempts to D&C

Your comment reads directly from Alinsky's book "hold them to their own standards" and "Concern troll" to create demoralization and confusion. You are fucking stupid. Kill yourself.

fuck off incel fag, one day you will be stabbed by your arab friends.

>not able to clear streets for properly registered rally
>blocking people from walking to the chancellory
>forbidding impromptu rallies
>is infiltrated by shitskins and Arab-clan-informants

Berlin police is a fucking joke.

Yeah, really great game. enjoying myself.

not violent at all, not sure why the arrests happened

sure, in case their first reflex to curb this fails i meant, of course
might habbeneding, just saying

nah i meant the kaiseryank
glad that youre here oswald

alas true even if the white knights here are fuming

who is da girl from image

then why do women attend the demo and help give the demo a more sympathetic touch (which a side which is considered full of brutes, definetly needs)?

I don't care how committed they are, they are allies for our cause.

What happened?

Bump, how well is afd doing?

>genetics austria wappler

I'm here...

Literally no argument
>calls women apolitical while having the majority vote in all western nation
This will be my last (You) since I dont like talking to 56% mystery genetic such as yourself.

I'm probably not Oswald either, I just tend to post Kaiserreich- or Weimar-era peronalities with some of my theoretical posts to make myself look smarter than I am.

i see
how about calling femisists identitarians, btw?

dafuq, spengleranon is me
thought this was about the nicknames we gave for the guestlist.

thats what i meant
nevermind kek

>tfw have to hope for Berliner to do their job because you live 7 hours away

Thank you someone on this thread that is level headed and isnt so easily persuaded by some fake acts.
Why do you think people would be afraid of pure strength user?Think for a moment would you feel afraid if you saw tomorrow rows of soldiers marching on the streets demanding that Merkel gets shot for being a traitor or would you feel relieved? As for being allies, they arent they care only for their group not for anybody else, only males are to some extent to do this.

i could also be forstwirtschaftanon. that's not the nickname i gave myself for the guestlist at least, but i think you and me had a talk about my field of studies in another kraut-thread.

Only 1% behind the 2nd strongest party.

well known fact, nonetheless if you want to convince more normies to shift their political views more to the right, events like the women's march today are an important tool.