The FBI ignored multiple specific warnings and tips about the Florida school shooter. Instead they were more concerned about politics and covering up their own homemade scandals. The blood of 17 innocents is on the hands of the bureau and its director Christopher Wray. If Wray was an honorable man he would step down immediately.
FBI has blood on its hands
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Stfu faggot. If they investigated every edgy post, you and every other 14 year ols would be locked up
Trumps words hurt and wounded more people than any schoolshooter! He's the orange meanie
Anyone that jokes about that to be "edgy" deserves to get raided probably suburban white kids
They didnt have to investigate an edgy post, dipshit. The national tip line got a specific call giving specific, credible information about Cruz just a month before he shot the school. Not only did the FBI not follow up on the tip, they did not even forward it to the Miami regional office to investigate.
cops went to his house 39 times...Sounds like the jew sheriff fucked up too
All victims families should be filing lawsuits against Wray, Israel, the Broward County sheriff office, and the FBI. Those kids are dead because of their negligence
Florida governor: FBI Director Wray must resign
Male brains take more time to develop. Therefore young men should not get gun permits until they are ca. 25 years old or go through enhanced psychological checking.
>The blood of 17 innocents
Did anyone actually die in this episode of APIAC's False Flag Follies?