This is a lesbian
This is a lesbian
Didn't she use magic to turn Kobayashi into a boy?
Was a dick shown?
No, Iruru temporarily gave her a dick and Tooru tried to rape her.
>no dick
>attraction played as laughs and/or for moe
Sasuga Japan
There is literally no country that doesn't have that logic
I know but westerners learned to be hypocrite about it. See PC culture
Who is stronger Tooru or Drogon?
Drogon is just a fucking wyvern. No chance against a full blown dragon.
I sorta agree, but I think the main difference is that westernes as a counter culture for christian discipline have come to believe that sexuality and attraction must be a life-style, unlike asians, who just keep it in the bedroom or as jokes.
wyverns are the trash race of dragons. just ask mikhail (drakengard 3)
the 'gay lifestyle' thing doesn't come from us, it comes from the christian idiots who think you can change your sexuality; as if straight people could suddenly turn gay. idc, i'd be fine living in asia where it's kept private. no one's business who i fuck. besides, girls there are so affectionate they wouldn't think much of the public affection
That's a Kobayashisexual, not a homosexual.
I still prefer the western way. Injecting hormones on children is not cool but I prefer individualism over blind collectivism.
I'm not blaming anyone user, just trying to think how both cultures have developed so differently about it.
How are asians blind collectivism?
This is something only someone that doesn't understand a culture would say about said culture.
Tooru is a full pledge dragon that also have magic.
she needs a good dicking
this show was the definition of comfy
its not really blind collectivism if you wanna fuck dudes and suck dildos as long as you know to keep that shit in your own home/private space and not annoy people to hell and back about it (see: gay rallies and the like)
If she goes into the OPM world she'll be killed by Saitama
you know that right?
got it. i don't like how political it is either. everyone should do their own thing and leave others alone. japan seems like a pretty private culture to begin with i guess
>japan seems like a pretty private culture to begin with i guess
This is true too, if I recall correctly, some prefecture had rules against couples holding hands near parks or schools, because they don't want to lead children to think about such matter before time-
It will be worth it, or she'll just become maid no.2 for him because lonely people seem to be a turn on for her
But not before Genos jobs to her.
>for laughs its clear that tooru unironically wants to fuck kobayashi dick or not. The dick just made matters more urgent
No she'll constantly try to find Kobayashi attack people at random to do so, wreck Genos when he tries to stop her and then Saitama will wreck her when she tries to attack him.
Do you think Genos could take her in a fight and would she be, 'dragon' class?
Was it your first SoL? Maid Dragon was enjoyable but it was nowhere near the comfyness of other anime.
This was the best family comfy. NNBiyoris are good, but they aren't a family yet.
chapter 37 would like a word with you
not surprised most lesbians are giant monsters what hate men for no reason.
nah I'd say it hangs with the best of em personally
Maid Dragons are completely retarded in terms of power, makes the whole "humans hunt us" kinda ridiculous.
Comfy comedy is better.
Not when humans have the power and direct help of gods
i take offense to that
i have a good reason to hate men
Tohru doesn't hate men, Tohru hates Humans, they are inferior and want to kill dragons
I really want to fuck those chibi doragons.
Ah, Dragonslaying: Knighthood's greatest calling.
That's a Kobayashi-sexual dragon, OP.
>Been playing tabletop games for years, long before I even knew /tg/ existed
>Always played funny, charismatic characters
>Took "You can't seduce the dragon" as a challenge and made one of my characters a dragon fucker
>Wound up developing an actual fetish for dragons
>Kobayashi's Dragon Maid comes along and gets close to what i want but most of Tohru's time is spent in human form
What's worse is that human male x female dragon and not human girl with horns, pointy teeth and bat wings bullshit art/stories are so fucking rare that I have literally never seen any. How could I let this happen to me Sup Forumsnons?
Nice blog dude
You're just a furry, go die.
user, you're a fucking scalie, seek professional help!
I really really want to fap to lesbians being dicked so good they turn straight, but I've yet to find a decent example of it.
That's because it doesn't exist. Pussy always wins. You can't beat the pussy
Do we have canon, detailed art of all the dragons in their true forms?
lol saitama would wreck her. If there was a crossover, I'd want the plot to be like this.
Saitama sees kobayashi whilst shopping and falls in love. Apparently, saitama has always had a fetish for red haired dull looking work women, and he pisses off Tohru insanely.
There'd be some funny shit, like Tohru doing some gags, and her being really salty, seeing saitama's idgaf face look unbothered.
We'd get some Genos and Kanna great shit. Genos is amazed at what Kanna can do, and all her power, so he starts noting down what kanna does, which is just shit kobayashi tells her.
Shota becomes really interested in Fubuki's powers, making Lucoa jealous af. Apparently, at the end, he only wanted her because her powers were weak enough to equal his stage of magic.
Elma has a crush on genos, with his power and good of heart, she tries to interest him. She gets rejected constantly, because Genos is either training useless shit with Kanna, or getting interupted by Fafnir/otaku guy him on his robot cosplay or gaming skills.
Through the episode, some of Tohrus shit is questioned by Kobayashi and Kanna, kobayashi suspicious, and Saitama letting his invincibility slip as he unintentionally doesnt get affected by Tohrus plans, which are too funny as gags e.g.Tohru perception blocks, straight up slaps his back neck as he walks, and breaks her hand.
And the last battle is Saitama vs Tohru, were Tohru kills it with dimension switiching, getting Saitama mildly confused. Ultimately, she does her final downward attack midair when she thinks hes finally got him, he casualy grabs her by the tail, which he doesnt notice rips off, and she smashes face down in the ground.
Tohru tailless, and on verge of tears, she crawls next to kobayashi, says im gonna miss you, love you kobayashi bla bla...and its finally revealed Saitama isnt interested anymore because he didnt know Kobayashi was a lesbian all this time.
"Lets go genos, I got some tail meat"
I'll bet 30 bucks that you're the same jackass who wrote the same shit about Tooru getting NTR'd
She should Turn Kobyashi into a dragon
posting best doragon
Since humans are different biological species, she's into hard bestiality.
>the 'gay lifestyle' thing doesn't come from us, it comes from the christian idiots who think you can change your sexuality; as if straight people could suddenly turn gay. idc, i'd be fine living in asia where it's kept private. no one's business who i fuck. besides, girls there are so affectionate they wouldn't think much of the public affection
They still judge little child.
All I see is turd horn.
>who think you can change your sexuality
>people can develop fetishes
>can't change sexuality
>wyverns are the trash race of dragons
>just ask mikhail (drakengard 3)
Jokes on him, because all of the beings called "Dragons" in Drakenguard are in fact, Wyverns
Not him but this show makes me feel warm inside.
The only sensible post ITT
Where is she even living anyway?
That angle looks like someone is shitting on her head from above.
This put me off as well.
I always knew lesbians were monsters.
she has good proportions and a real job
>I became gay because I like 2D traps xDD
You tell me.
And this was just playing around in human form.
Agreed. I literally use this show to prop up my withered excuse for a soul (and to fantasize that I have friends)
Comfy comedy into warn, personal introspection is best, but Gwyn wants those dragons ded. Clearly that swordbolt which nearly killed her was some kind of powerful miracle.
Humans in magic world have magic powers
Army, sorcerers and priests can be a problem for a dragon
Elma is a snek and has no wings
That's no pokemon. That's a fuckin, chinese myth dragon.
Only in groups. Most dragons are leaps and bounds more powerful magically than individual humans.
She would be a high dragon tier or low god tier.
Either way, Genos is no match for her and only top S-Class heroes stand a chance.
>not having King beat Fafnir in vidya games
She's basically one of those seasearpents/leviathons on old maps.