No girl ever liked me

>no girl ever liked me
>even fat girls were constantly rejecting me, I was always ridiculed, most I could get were pity fucks from fat ugly drunk sluts
>one day meet my old vietnamese classmate by accident
>we get along really well, turns out she barely dated anyone either
>we start dating, I love her very much, she loves me too

>Every single day wake up, and go to bed thinking our kids would be hapa mutts and no matter how I raise them they'll be nationwrecking parasites just from being born without a past

How do I stop thinking that?! I have genuinely no way out!

you answered your own question. You're a beta that local women aren't attracted to

That's my point. I can't get any white girl, and have white kids, but I'm happy like this, but I know it's bad for society as a whole
I either die alone or contribute to the death of Europe

>actually considering compromising your own life and happiness because some fat virgins on the internet keep whining about "muh race"
Literally the most cucked thing I've read in a while.
Live your life and raise your fucking kids right. They'll be fine. Who gives a shit?

Just be happy with your choices and seek ye first the Kingdom of God.
And remember, it's rearing, not race, that determines a person's quality.

there's vietnamese people even in Hungary ?

Just don't reproduce.

You are seemingly retarded so breeding with whoever is destructive to your own ideology.

How rould you rate her -/10 ?

>Live your life and raise your fucking kids right. They'll be fine. Who gives a shit?

AGREE 100%. Don't break up. If you leave, you'll die with no kids.

>That's my point. I can't get any white girl, and have white kids, but I'm happy like this, but I know it's bad for society as a whole
>I either die alone or contribute to the death of Europe
You have no excuses. Why don't you have kids user ? What is your malfunction ? do you have a small penis ? are you fat ? why don't you attract normal females ? are you poor ?

Stop being a piece of shit. Assuming she's a good woman, she'll conform to you. Be a man of principle, honor, and courage. Be an example your kids will look up to. A standard. I'm hapa, and my dad is all those things. Aside from shitposting here I'm good. If you're considering marrying here, make sure your kids hang out with other hapa kids, it'll help them not go full-elliott. You can find good people at church, vietnamese are pretty catholic and hate commies. You can figure it out.

Also don't let her become feminist. Asian harpy feminists are the worst.

checks flag, you're allrdy a mongol kek

Marry her if you want, but adopt white kids, dumb faggot.

10, I love her

Move to America

You're on a path to destruction. Leave it now, it's better if you die alone. No good has ever come from union of omega white males and yellow menace.

Just remember you're a way bigger loser because she's a foreigner. Just realize she's in her position for the same reason you are, cause of multiculturalism pushed by dirty fucking kikes. You could have had a nice obedient, average cute wife a long time ago giving you white children, but kikes rather send you on a long journey of wanting to die so badly that even a slit eyed gook is an attractive alternative for you.

The compromise would be marriage without children. If you can handle that maybe its good enough.

Press F for user.

I wasn't asking about love, I was asking about her face/tits/legs/ass.

This, also kys to be extra sure


Move to America, I'm sure they'll love to have another mutt family.


>no girl ever liked me
>even fat girls were constantly rejecting me, I was always ridiculed, most I could get were pity fucks from fat ugly drunk sluts

Why ? Are you hideous ? Is the mongol gene too strong ?


enjoy your life be a good husband and your children will rise strong and happy,there is nothing more than can help your children that a good parent relation

>Turkish rape baby saying don’t reproduce because you won’t be pure white

Take the yellow pill don't listen to the incels on this board.

50/50 its a girl anyway and Elliot's sister got laid.

Keep your gf and adopt a white kid. Don't make mutt children, for both Europe's and your childrens' sake

>because there are no Asians in glorious Canada
Fucking leafs


>a mongol loving another mongol
nothing wrong with this, carry on,magyarbro

>is scared of having hapa mutts kids

You cant have kids with her man. You'll resent your own children. You must break up.

I can't believe you look like an abomination. It's just you with serious self esteem problem. Contact me and I will coach you.

reading this is like drinking sweet ambrosia for trolls like us


I'm in the same situation Hungrybro, no woman would give me the time of day back in Europe but then I took an expat job over here and suddenly all the obedient housewife Azn qts want my white genes inside them.
My plan is to juat get a rich one. What my sons lose in the dating game from being hapa they'll make up for in being filthy rich.
...I hope.

its is better that you breed with her, than no one
and it is better that she breed with you, than some subhuman

Traitor faggot, you are a disgrace to the great nation of Hungary. I can't imagine even touching one of those gross insectoids. And your right, your kids would be mutts who would have to overcompensate in order to survive

Its tough i had a mixxed son before i was redpilled and now i want to 1488 and make aryan children in droves. My mixed son is a fantastic kid, but sometimes i regret getting his mom pregnant.


Bro, as someone who is with a black chick

PLEASE dont listen to Sup Forums too much. This shit is ingrained in my head now. I love the girl, plain and simple, "my race" isnt a collective.

Have a preference for pure white women, but let me tell you. Once a non-degenerate GOOD woman comes along, you fucking keep her, and dont fuck it up. Or you will regret it.

>Doesn't know the distinction between whites going to other countries and being treated well is because they bring money with them

Just be happy then if you think you can't change it

>Bro, as someone who is with a black chick
La creatura...

don't reproduce

>it's important that I be happy, even if it ruins the life of someone else, especially my own offspring

this. How much of a repulsive beta with shit genetics do you have to be that even obese roasties reject you, your kids are guaranteed to become Elliot Rogers school shooters and your daughter will suck every white cock she comes across to get validation from white guys. Don't fucking do it.

>be beta as shit
>also be so dellusional you think you can be picky with women

/r9k/ crossposters need to fuck off

THIS. Listen to the mentally ill Jew eurasiantiger, he will make you happy :^)

error 404 genetics papers not found

>this coming from the cesspool of mixed genes that is modern 56% (((white))) america

is there a african country that hasn't dipped its cock in your gene pool?

Better to be nigger than Turk

Same. I was always a turbo autist but somehow asian girls were still interested in me.

pathetic piece of shit. get your head out of your ass and be a man

What the fuck is your post even about? He already has a girlfriend, which is atypical for /r9k/. How the fuck does being picky even factor into this, this isn't what the thread is about.

yeah how about we castrate him too you roastie enabler.

i really dont know what to tell you men. white women are garbage and should be dealt with accordingly but an asian?

keep in mind that she only is with you because you are the bottle of the barrel and will abandon you aswell.

SE Asians> wh*tes

A yellow-white baby is better than no baby at all. And you could do far worse than mixing with an Asian. Asian and white Hispanic-white pairings are the only two acceptable forms of race mixing.

You all go on about Elliot Rodgers and whatever, but what about Keanu Reeves, Lucy Liu, or Berenice Marlohe? Devon Aoki is absolutely yummy.

Your genes are returning to their roots Turk brother.

The future is hapa. So make more hapas

hapas are fine and probably the future technocratic ruling class once the juden get wiped out of earth, everything else is disgusting tho.
So go on buddy and don't look back.


oh fugg, well... it's up to you, would be better if you can hang with superior nip, kor or even Han.

Then save the white race. Make more hapas

Pol has made me super uncomfortable with the idea of dating a non-white too. Non-white girls pedestal me in ways white girls never did.

I want kids, but not if they're going to be ugly, mentally unstable, and stupid. What do

Correct. Hapas are the whites of the future

no, its obviously a larp

At least find a northeast asian GF. Vietnam is pure gook. Japs and Koreans have a chance at being honorary aryans.


>Taking your life important decisions based on what a load of virgin neckbeards on the internet tell you

I wonder why you are such a beta

It'd be ideal if it had happened some other way OP but fuck off to Vietnam and raise a happy family. God bless and good luck.

Look at it this way. Your kids will be smart, no doubt. You can raise them well. You can teach them positive, nationalistic values. You can raise them with love and help them feel like good people. Not to mention, as a happy couple you could adopt some unwanted, unloved white kid and help them have a good life too. I recommend you do that because it would kinda balance out the other stuff that you feel bad about.

Sounds a lot better than the alternative.

You are already a mongol so its only natural to want to go back to your roots , I say go right ahead bozgor.


Get over yourself idiot, you dont deserve a wife or children thinking like that

White Hispanic isn’t racemixing, that’s literally an Iberian. And Keanu Reeves is 1/4 Asian. flag
How about you kill yourself cancuck

dont raise your kids like a fucking nigger and theyll be fine. One thing though, once you have kids a switch is going to pretty much flip in your brain. Youre going to love them like nothing else in your life. Its just a genetic thing and only subhumans can hurt their kids

Kill yourself

Hapas are the future. Most white people have too much empathy. And it's better than shitskin mongolization.

kids will be Asian, Turkish and Gipsy

take her and move to vietnam
and stay there


Gee, I wonder ((who)) could be behind THIS post

why should you try to save a country that sees you as an outcast. I need the answer to this

learn Japanese


>and Koreans


Jesus fucking Christ dude you found some happiness in this disgusting world. Be happy and stfu. Look at the replies. The “race” doesn’t give a fuck about you. Don’t be such a brainless turdcorn.

yup. seriously considering growing a tactical bowlcut so i can trigger people with my existence even faster than i already do

tbf we wouldn't want your shitty beta genes ruining our genepool anyway, fuck who you like.

At least this was you at least make recessive white gene carriers rather than dying a virgin.

Just be a decent fucking parent, teach postive masculine thinking to your kids and encourage positive feminine thinking in your wife and just fucking go with it.

Memes > Genes, because Memes direct Genes.

Also Caucasus people and Levant Arabs are just as far.

East asians aren't retarded ape people

> our kids would be hapa mutts and no matter how I raise them they'll be nationwrecking parasites
She should dump you OP.

>everyone calling Hungarians mongols


Just get a female egg and inceminate it with your sperm in a lab and then put it inside her womb

Work out and develop yourself as a person, or just kill yourself.
You haven't met enough white girls, go out of your nation and find some girl from elsewhere in Europe. Roosh said Lithuania was a good bet, so try there first.