Tfw you recognize an opportunity

'Nobody deserves that - it's hell': What Donald Trump said about his long-suffering alcoholic brother who drank himself to death at age 43
The president looked up to his older brother, who 'had a very, very, very tough life because of alcohol,' he said. 'Believe me. Very, very tough, tough life.'
'But it just broke my heart the way he died. It was ridiculous, if you think about it. He had so much in front of him. So much.'
'This is why I don't drink, ever. I just don't do it,' Trump said quietly, without a hint of bravado. 'Fred told me not to, and I saw what happened to him when he didn't follow his own advice.'

What are you saying faggot? Buy trump wine? Kys
>eats chicken

As an alcoholic who's been trying to get his shit together for a long time, I admire Trump's stance on it. I know many people that drank themselves to death as well and I will join them unless I can slowly keep making changes/taking on new responsibilities that prevent me from going back. It is a sort of hell I wouldn't wish on anyone else.

He means, Trump refuses to drink alcohol because he knows how addictive it is.

Which is why he sells it to people instead.

Basically, imagine watching a member of your family die due to opiate abuse, and then saying "Wow, he took those pills until he died. I bet I could make a lot of money selling these"

I hope you can make it brah.
Seek help, ok?

but alcohol is legal and the majority buying it aren't alcoholics
are you a retard by any chance?

I'm with you brother. I'm going on and off of this shit and it seems like I can go weekdays off of it but weekends kill me.

>It's legal, so it's okay!

yes it is ok in moderation like with most things

The fact that you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about is very telling.

Reread the thread a few times sunshine.