Have you guys heard about Brother Nathanael? This Jewish man converted to Christianity and REDPILLS normies HARD on Israel, the Zionists Jew and the Globalist Jew


You guys should watch all of his videos. These godless Jews will destroy the world! They even hate the Orthadox Jew that is following gods instruction. These powerful Jews are worshiping Satan and Israel is full of them

Other urls found in this thread:


(((They))) don't want people to hear the truth.

This is one of the most obvious examples of jewish trickery that I've ever seen. He clearly just wants christian sh*ckels - particicularly from those of the anti-zionist & anti-semetic persuasion.

You don't even have to donate to him, just watch his redpilled videos. He's telling the truth

They open your eyes to the Jewish question.

If you don't like it then you must be a state of Israel loving kike


(((They))) always try to shut it down. The goyim knows too much!

He's a kike himself, but in the likes of Bobby Fischer he seems to have renounced his heinous faith and found Christ, which is great. However on the pretense of being a Jew I wouldn't trust him that much.

But he speaks so many facts. He's also constantly labeled as anti-simetic. The ultimate weapon against the evil Jew is a Christian Jew



I wonder (((why))) I can't like or comment his video.

This is a good channel for redpilling too
Watch the whole video


>If you don't like it then you must be a state of Israel loving kike
Where do you suggest jews should live if not Israel? Do you want to kill them all? Do you want them to live in our countries?

Why the fuck is he randomly in a snowy forest?

he lives there bro. colorado mountains.

>Have you guys heard about Brother Nathanael?
Yeah, some filthy jew, innit?
>This Jewish man converted to Christianity
Oh, wow, so he went from one sort of jew religion to another? Who cares?
You know he's not a real priest or monk, right? Like he got kicked out of the monk program or whatever and actual Churches try to tell him not to associate himself with them.

You must be new here OP, we all know about Brother Nathanael, he is /ourguy/

In fact I could swear that he lurks Sup Forums

>particicularly from those of the anti-zionist & anti-semetic persuasion.
JIDF exposed

whiter than you muhammed

theres only 14 million jews on the planet


Eh there are almost certainly newfags here. We need to start taking back the boards. Purge this place of the PTG degenerates.

K R U S T Y duh K I K E

A more nuanced approach that will preserve the right to have comments enabled.... youtu.be/GChgqU1qQiM

They can all come to the USA. We will take care of this

He is controlled opposition, stupid goyim.

>mfw I started to read the Bible recently
>I am still on the Old Testament
>most of these things make absolute sense

Always do the opposite of what Jews say

>He is controlled opposition, stupid goyim.
No he's not, fuck off kike. I know what controlled opposition looks like.


The only thing he's controlled by is Jesus Christ himself. I will never Trust Israel for the rest of my life.

You kikes will never take over the world

He's just our nutcase of the week that turned out to be fairly accurate.

My Jew friend said cyanide is bad for you.

Do you even believe in God and the old testement?

I studied the talmud for 10 years, AMA about Judaism.

Christians are Jews, basically Jews are special branch of Christian churches. USA only has two ways to count Jewish population of USA, through Christian churches or people writing in census that they are Jews.


>Have you guys heard about Brother Nathanael?

Let me answer you this right now. If nipmoot accrued 1 cent every time this pasty nosed jew-fro having blue-eyed ashkenazim faced faggot made the front page of /pol, nippymoot would've sold it all off down the river a LONG FUCKING TIME AGO. And following the pattern of oldmoot by hawking it to a more ethnic demographic, the new owner would probably be black or jewish guaranteed.


Ok call me when Isreal stops expanding their land then.

Yes. Jews are proof of it. There was a prophecy about the rebirth of Israel and about all the nations warring on Jerusalem.

Antisemites like you are also part of the prophecy

he is pro russia shill. and russia is in the grip more than the usa. i dont understand how people cant get such simple fact.

Brother Nat is completely blind to trumps subverion of the superficial indicators of jewry
Other than that he's alright

of course. Sup Forums knows him.
he's not so bad.

I've been on Sup Forums since 2004 you niggers. I remember when Sup Forums was /news/ and was painfully liberal.

Sorry you idiots are so gullible that you fall for a CLEAR jewish trick. Christ, I'm almost inclined to believe you're all shills

We all have that prophecy, and at the end you kikes all get exterminated.

>Quran, Chapter 62:

>62:5. The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying works of literature. Miserable is the example of the people who denounce God’s revelations. God does not guide the wrongdoing people.

>62:6. Say, “O you who follow Judaism; if you claim to be the chosen of God, to the exclusion of the rest of mankind, then wish for death if you are sincere.”

>62:7. But they will not wish for it, ever, due to what their hands have advanced. God knows well the wrongdoers.

>62:8. Say, “The death from which you flee will catch up with you; then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will inform you of what you used to do.”

Is it fine to fuck three year olds because their virginities return daily like tears to the eye?

By the way, not all of his videos are on youtube.

>I've been on Sup Forums since 2004 you niggers.
>rebbit spacing
Kill yourself kike
>Christ, I'm almost inclined to believe you're all shills
Also, nice projection.

Brother Nathanael is legit and /ourguy/ now fuck off back to rebbit kike.

have you read ‘Jesus in the Talmud’?
if so, worth it?

Jew goes Jew-lite (aka Christian) to explain Jews.


His singing is fuckin unbearible


Stay stronk '04 fags I'd begun to think you all offed yourselves,

t. summer 2006 btard


Nice try Achmed

Psalms 89:

My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips, 35Once have I sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David. 36His seed shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before Me. 37It shall be established forever as the moon, even like the faithful witness in the sky.

Ryan Dawson is better.


Too bad you are not the seed of Abraham, Isaac, or David you fucking Khazar. Either way, the Jews back then themselves broke the covenant when they rejected Jesus. It works both ways.

Jesus was a false prophet. There were many before and after him.

The punishment for disobedience in other aspects was the 2000 year old exile. It was all in the prophecy. but the exile is over and greater israel is being built.

palestinians are arabs. Many Jews today can trace their lineage to thousands of years ago. If Jews today are not Jews, then nothing in the bible is true. Even your stupid map shows that they have the same genes as saudis and bedouins and Jews overlap neolithic levant, which is more ancient than the arab one.

Jews today are the only ones who use the hebrew language and have continually used it for thousands of years. Take any Jewish prayer book at any time in history in the past 2000 years and it's jewish. palestinians don't know hebrew and their whole culture and language is arab

palestinians have the same genes as saudis, not jews

Take my (You)
Brother Nathaniel is what diasporas/zionists fear most - the truth

Wrong. Even your own media fesses up to this

If you are a goyim you are inherently anti-semitic and anti-zionist. Might as well embrace it.

Haaretz is not Jewish media. It's CNN on steroids. They'll say anything that undermines Jewish identity. No Israeli takes this newspaper seriously, it's a parody in israel. It's like lefties who say that all whites have black in them.

And before you quote any studies, tell me how they were done including all the methodology and how samples were collected. Otherwise, you can''t scrutinize them.

Nice projection Rabbi
It's the subtle subversion that matters

You are not the seed of Abraham faggot.

Literally everything you said is a lie or misleading

1) Jesus was not a false Prophet

2) The point of the graphic was that it shows that Palestinians are genetically the exact same people that lived there 5000 years ago.

3) I never tried to claim that Palestinians had the same genes as Jews, quite the opposite actually, the Jews don't even come from the region, they are almost all Khazars. It has already been proven that most of today's Jews actually have an origin in Iran from converts.

4) The only Jews you see that overlap with the Palestinians and come from the region are the Yemenite Jews who are only about 4% of all Jews.

5) Those Jews that seem to overlap with neolithic don't actually overlap but they are close. The only reason they are close is because those Jews are race-mixed in more modern times with North-Africans and the Neolithic samples were most likely North African tribes.

6) Jews can't trace their lineage back even hundreds of years, they are just chronic liars, everyone knows that.

7) Even the Hebrew language today is a fake version of Hebrew, not the same as ancient Hebrew. The pronunciations are completely wrong and actually come from the Iranian language of Farsi.

8) The modern Jewish people is a complete invention that has nothing to do with ancient Israel.

Nah, you go ahead an shoulder the burden of proof yourself. Everyone knows Jews are biologically similar when looking at DNA. *you* are the one claiming otherwise, so *you* shoulder the burden of proof yourself Rabbi.
>Jews trying to get goyim to do their work for them
Wow, that's new, lol

Why are there still people bothering the Jews these days, outside of occasional innocent trolling? I thought that now that they have their state and mostly reside there, they aren't supposed to bother anyone.
Aren't Muslims the problem? They're the ones massively immigrating and enraping everyone with their """culture""".
And the Biblical argument is retarded. Nowhere does the Bible condemn the Jews.

How does his steady stream of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sermons help you, your "people," and your "nation" in ANY way? Hint: It doesn't. If you really think otherwise, that proves that kikes' IQ isn't nearly as high as they claim it is.

If Jews are not the seed of Abraham, then you have to admit that all of the bible is false. Because no one else has kept the Hebrew language, the prayers and traditions and it means that Jews are extinct which is against all the prophecies.

And before you give me examples of "we was kangz", I've heard every single ethnicity claiming they are the real Jews. Yet, they never kept any traditions and they all try to copy from the Jews of today.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

>Jesus was a false prophet
Be careful of what you say, infidel. Everyone here hates you enough because of politics. It is of your best interest to not bring religion to the table now.

Prophecies? Like the one that says christ has come

You should remember that under Christ, there is neither Gentile nor Jew. Spiritually, anyway. It's (((their))) rejection of Him and all that is good that's the problem.

>ITT scared kikes and shills
This is your only defense now. Brother Nathaniel exposes you

its flagged , can't watch it in my country

Nothing wrong with embracing the great outdoors, God's natural creation, in all it's beauty.

Antisemitism has always existed and will always exist. The excuses always change.

>why they do this?

Picture related

Then what about the Muslims? Muslims are far worse than Jews.


Any objective viewer will instantly be turned off because he looks like a conspiracy nut. So antisemitism will be associated with him.

Brother Nathanael is BASED
He BTFOs the neocon jew puppet Drumpf every single time

>If Jews are not the seed of Abraham, then you have to admit that all of the bible is false. Because no one else has kept the Hebrew language, the prayers and traditions and it means that Jews are extinct which is against all the prophecies.
You're dumb, there were masses of Iranian/Persian converts to Judaism around 550BCE who overtook the roles of the actual Israelites long time ago. Almost all Jews today originate from those Iranians.

>jewish christcuck LARPer is /ourguy/
Go shill at the Dailystormer forums, there nobody will call you out for being a jew or a subversive and best of all discussing cuckstianity is forbidden so you can keep believing you semitic bullshit.

>Go shill at the Dailystormer forums
Obvious kike, go back to rebbit bitch.

how stupid can people be, watch disclosure videos of him, he openly mocked christ wich also aviable on videos
how stupid burgers are you acually
he is not /ourguy/ at all!!111

Dude, why are you so obsessed with this? I see you posting your garbage in every single thread on Sup Forums about Jews.

If we are just pretending, then why are you so triggered? I'm not triggered by" black israelites" or christian stormfags who claim to be the real Jews. I just laugh at them and move on. Seems to me like you're trying to convince yourself.

Because there is nothing I hate more on this planet than liars and deceivers. The genetic science has already exposed your kikery and soon the world will know and you will be dealt with.

"Black Israelites" are not ethnically cleansing another indigenous people while leeching off of other nations for support and completely censoring their media for their agenda of deception. Massive difference.

I emailed him years ago saying to tone down the dress style to seem more sane lol. He said no, this is who I am.

I then tripped that id just emailed a mossad and masturbated out of fear.

Although it's mostly in the Middle East and nearby geographical regions of the Old World, Islam isn't a race. Call me optimistic, but I think that all people who truly follow God and become Christians have a shot at Heaven.

You mean your people's excuses for being subversive parasites?

>Antisemitism has always
>pic related
Gee I wonder why they hate you so much.

Brother Nathanael is a jew you fucking retard.

You Satanist piece of shit. Nobody hates Jesus like a Jew.

I knew about him from /new/ I had no idea he was a Jew until awhile later on. I'm not going to listen to aome christkike and a literal jew

The censorship makes my blood boil

>He is controlled opposition

That's a pretty new excuse of the late 20th century and 21st century.

There were so many excuses in the past. The killing of Jesus, the black pague, drinking the blood of christian children, the creation of communism, the creation of capitalism, being too poor and insular, mixing with non-Jews, being rich. I can list a lot of other reasons...

It's a demonic hate that has always existed. But now we're building greater Israel and redemption is coming.

Reminds me of this dude.


genetic jewishness isn't the real problem. It's what they do to goys that is.

Christianity created communism. Marx came from a Christian family.

We also allowed you Israel. Foolishly. I guess we can't always make the right call. Also, I'm pretty sure that's false. Care to back it up?

Are you fucking stupid? Yeah it is exactly the problem you nonwhite fuckhead. Race = culture. Go read the culture of critique .