Princess Principal

I can't believe Beato is FUCKING dead!

Other urls found in this thread:


Beato is for bullying

I want to fuck dead Beato.

It's okay, we can transfer her robobrain to a new body


I want to gangclang Beato with a group of anons.

>not picking Lizard

If you're "that guy" then just know the problem is that people kept telling you the reason for the situation and its context but you kept ignoring all that and instead trying to dictate their arguments "oh so you're saying X well then you can't prove how Y!" and asking arbitrary bullshit from people and changing the topic and ignoring everything people told you which really made it look like you had an obsession with the themes you were focusing on and couldn't grasp all the things people were telling you. And to top it off you go and accuse everyone else of being pathological or some bullshit too.
It feels like speaking to a wall, one that's frustrating and rude.

Toasters should be shot.



But then how would I watch my anime?

That doesn't look too dangerous, especially with all the metal in her neck.

Hopefully the bullying ramps up every episode

>Beato bullying right out of the gate

Is she a robot?

I love Beato but I can't vote for her, she's a shitty spy.
She's the most loyal friend though. Won't hesitate to have her head chopped off.

You can choose only four for your spy squad.

Choose wisely

Is Ange the sexiest girl this season? Tight and perky tits, nice legs for people with taste, not a slut, doesn't need to flaunt cowtits around or dress like a complete whore, cool hair, fun personality, has a soft side.

I really don't want to spoil another thread, user. Let's just have a nice thread instead without killing any more fathers.

I wouldn't hesitate to chop her head off aswell.

Those tits are about to take flight.

>who has a very particular pair of skills
That she does.

No she sucks and I hate her, there has never been a more tasteless and dull bland girl without anything interesting before.
She's boring, shallow and lame. Utterly generic and forgettable. There are tons of anime girls just like her.
Ange is a shit SHIIIIT!!!


Holy shit, what's happening?

and flyyyy so hiiiiiiiiiiigh

I don't know! What is happening?

You forgot your Ange pic, Princess.

Nippin stronk

Where's our ninja loli when you need her?

You needing to fuck off with salesposting is what's happening.

Ange is Toobie. No wonder I like her so much.

How much longer till Princess NTRs the shit out of Control

Control will NTR the shit out of Princess.

These threads are about to get crowded.

>when she sees your dick


We've already concluded that the episodes so far have been ordered by Beato bullying. From no bullying in episode 1, to attempts on her life in episode 5, I'm assuming she'll lose a limb or something in episode 6

>144 cm
>250 kg

Just what the fuck is she made out of?

Make fun of me now all you want. I'll get stronger. All the power will be mine.





Brass and tungsten.

Sugar, spice and everything nice (i.e. precious metals)

Chise did nothing wrong and she's not a sociopath. The proof is that she's really in pain because she killed the one person that she loved. She's just bound by honor and different family values, just like those samurai that killed themselves rather than feel shame.
There's nothing wrong about their way of life. Family is not everything.
People who don't understand shouldn't talk and stay in the corner with their narrow minds who can only deal in absolutes.

Beato's birthday.

That actually sounds plausible.
We know her father has the technology to replace it with something crazy if he wanted and it would be an easy way to give her some focus and upgrade her capacities along the way. So far she's been only useful at distracting people with her voice gimmicks and taking a hit. But if she had a cyborg arm with cool gadgets then she'd be able to actually fight.

It's amazing that they managed to make a Ryuko clone look even gayer than the original.

>144 cm
>250 kg

L, please

>Control still pretending like they have any control over what's coming


It's all 7.


Beato will ditch Princess once she finds out Ange's the true Hime-sama. Beato's a gold digger.


Sorry for being stupid, but does Control actually know what the Princess plan is? Why are they okay with the Princess being on the throne? I know they are suspicious of her, but I wonder if she only shared her goal with Ange.

This thread needs more cheese.


imagine picking her up and placing her on your bed on your wedding night, but in the process popping a spinal disc and having to spend the next 3 months in bed having her treat you.


They know that Princess wants to become a Queen (because she shared that information with both Dorothy and Ange), but they probably treat her like a retard who will do anything for power, even actively weaken the very kingdom she wants to rule.

The Pilot, Chemist, Wheels, and Tommy gun.

I'm so intelligent Ikuhara often asks me to explain his own shit to him, but this scene is too deep for me

Lolicon identified

Are you gay? Not judging, just asking.

I want to be Ange's princess.

I am a literal retard. Someone tell me the chronological order of the episodes.
Also, why was the spy team allowed to show off their abilities in public and in front of japs before said japs agreed to work with the commonwealth.

They are "okay" with it because she is being cooperative for now. Realistically they want her on the throne then swap her with Ange.

Control has no idea about Princess plan. Control has a contingency plan probably in case of rogue Ange but maybe not.

pretentious =! deep


She is ripped as fuck. 10/10 would combat her in bed.

Robot throats have no souls.


Its simple, they are the Princess's maid and a member of a diplomatic envoy. They are messing with their cards, but its not as if they can stand up and tell the to get the fuck out.

All the anime this summer in general are kinda lame.


They are labeled as cases.
So the order is 2-3-5-4-1 so far.

I want to marry beato.
Do you think she's one of those cyborgs that can still make babies?

I don't think It will happen but there is definitely a lot more angry people for some reason.

Someone repost that tarot card explanation

>she sees Ange's dick

Fuck I didn't screencap it. Really need to have that at hand for these threads this week.

Ah, I see it.

Ange-san, not in front of the princess!

t. ange

funny enough she would be dead if not for her father

makes you think

she'd have never been born if it weren't for her father

basically it's to show that Cheese is Japanese Ange.

I was a Dorothyfag but the last couple of episodes turned me into a Chisefag. I still have to wait for next episode but Dorothy really needs to stop jobbing.


Isn't taking Beato pretty much handicapping your team as if you had an empty slot?

She's for sexual relief between missions.


they're just too quick on their hands basically they are just testing each other's skills

I like that font. Dish.

they'll show in a later episode that she had throat cancer or something and her father was actually a nice guy, but her mother made him leave and then she abandoned her as a kid because she was an impoverished noble only useful to get favors from the royal family.

My favorite is the dealer.