What is Sup Forums's opinion on the whole asian "male" thing?
You know what I mean!
(They're all girly and stuff, kinda makes me wanna bang em' with my superior white bigger penis)
What is Sup Forums's opinion on the whole asian "male" thing?
You know what I mean!
(They're all girly and stuff, kinda makes me wanna bang em' with my superior white bigger penis)
Asian males make the best traps.
Sup Forums is a gay website for homosexuals.
Prove me wrong.
If you wouldnt fuck a hairless twinky asian boi ur gay
That poor lad.
Asian men and white are cut from the same cloth. Weak, twitchy and they make their own women extemrly uncomfortable. You guys should get along well since you have so much in common.
They used to be Samurai though...
What happened? What was really in that nuclear bomb?
Someone please explain what happened to the poor lad. I didn't see the pic/gif/webm/post whatever.
Masculinity race hierarchy
hispanic latino
western white
south asian/south east asian
nordic white
brutal. He took it well though. I think I would robot walk all the way after
low iq isnt manly
if you have 4chanX you can still see it by clicking (Dead) link in responses
maybe Sup Forums will join them.
Koreans are manlets who behave like literal faggots.
>t. former Samsung employee
umm sorry cucky boys but you need melamin to be a real man
Even samurais were gay af
Nice numbers btw
Degenerates obsessed with gaming and anime.
reverse the list and you have intelligence hierarchy
intelligence is far more important in this day and age than masculinity, nigger.
Contrary to what Sup Forums claims, asian girls are attracted to feminine guys and brand manly guys as gays.
The italians actually are tied with austria for the highest IQ in all of europe, and they're brown. Try again cucky.
The mods are insecure Asian soyboys and turkroach faggots that has shitty up Sup Forums for a while now
fucking cucked gooks
>melamin to be a real man
ok amerimutt
What is the actual measured penis hierarchy?
Only Asian women in their respective countries.
Westernized asian women are all alike white women.
Westernized asian males are so fucked, 0 chance.
Every day you are proven more right
No wonder why their girls prefer white men.
italians are honorary whites
>posts some ugly faggot with herpes
I'm italian. I'm white.
Fuck off mutt.
>le meme flag
>buh iu'm italian!!
go larp elsewhere double nigger
Gay porn has become super popular in both japan and south-korea. There has been a massive spike in sales of their gay porn, and their drawn gay porn in the last century. Also, they are making more animes with heavy gay themes, like orgairu(saika pls), tsuritama, naruto(sasuke pls), and lots of gay porn animated movies.
Lots of gay stuff going on in asia, its like the men have stopped fucking women, and started to fuck each other.
>calls italians niggers
>country is named after one
Whiter than americans at least.
East Asian rice farmers have very low testosterone and are extremely effeminate. Japanese are the exception that proves the rule, as they are a hybrid race whose masculine phenotype is derived from an Ainu-admixed warrior caste.
There are three qualifiers for pure blood true white.
1. Blue eyes - Nearly white
2. Blue eyes and blond hair - Very white
3. Blue eyes, blond hair, pink scrotum - Pure white master race
those are the big three
>wanting to be a snownigger
who was in the wrong here?
this system sounds good
unironically niggers are lower due to malnutrition
I bet he went on to become a really beautiful ladyboi, so don't feel to bad. It was meant to this way bro.
Honestly, the bro was. The skinny asian guy needed to be working those weights.
Well, I'm telling you!
The japanese are at it again.
There has been an explosion in gay porn over there. AGV and JGV is HUUUUGE.
The gym rat faggot was not only in the wrong but also looked like he skipped leg life
He is probably not a virgin anymore. He has been sucking lots of white dick and getting cave explored by the big great white
who needs em to be traps?
>you will never be THE chad
people like to say that being a white woman is being the most privileged but being the white chad god IS the best shit. gotta hit the fucking gym.
>he skipped leg life
hahaha /fit/ never lets me down
I bet he walked home to his white BF and got comforted properly
Look at those disgraceful legs!
>obvious divide and conquer
>fascist flag
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>mutt tier face
>backwards hat
>skeleton legs
>using momentum to lift the weights
He really showed him who's boss of this gym.
Just fucking lol at gooks.
Some, not all. Just like some white women are hoes, some are not
niggers are the gayest demographic
Why do so many asian males become traps?
There is no place for masculinity in the world anymore goyim.
We're taking their men too it seems
Ladyboys are gross, but gimme a cute Asian twink to fuck anyday.
post more qt bois
Italians are not "brown". Hispanics are brown. Spaniards and Italians are on the darker end of the white spectrum.
I'm a bisexual twink who likes twinks, and I fucking love Asian "men".
The largest penis sizes are actually recorded in black nations.
>alpha arab chad
literally a clip of a youtube drama queen prankster who is more of a little bitch than the worst roastie you could ever imagine...
at least the asian guy makes an effort to make a better version out of himself...
the youtube cuck just goes around making "pranks" that are as silly as they are retarted and most probably partially responsible for the degeracy you witness in the young generation today...
seriously... fuck you
You got a problem with freedom?
KEK just look at the legs of that rat
Are these the threads where white men vent their frustration after all the BBC spam?
I would be angry too if someone constantly posted black cocks penatrating women of my race.
I just realized somehting....
Asian males are pretty much just shemales with flat chest and short hair at this point.
How do they deal with this?
>his legs are thinner than the Asian kids arms
>kick his legs in
>he fucking falls over
Asian male and white women side by side comparison
Your people really love these sodomites.
I wouldn't be surprised if you were the first to have a tranny president.
man looks like hed make good sushi
Isn't it a problem that white men are stealing all the asian women AND MEN?
Is that JF?
I don't know what a JF is. But whatever it is, it certainly makes the asian boipussy ovulate.
>Prove me wrong.
Why prove wrong something that is just right.
Anyway it's not gay if it is a trap.
I personally fuck boipussy all the time and don't consider myself gay.
your """"country"""" is literally irrelevant
take back your migrants
If you are in such a situation the best way is to give the chad a kiss or pinch his butt. I did this numerous times and they always run away while I laugh.
How redpilled are you? Do you only do traps, or do you even go full twink?
huh... Asian males, will they ever recover?
What does male even mean?
nah I find twinks disgusting, I fuck only traps and ladyboys.
Also pic related is Brazilian trans I fucked in London
>your """"country"""" is literally irrelevant
Yes, avoid the reality check.
>take back your migrants
No, you. I'm fucking tired of dealing with you at every traffic light asking for coin.
Male, as in asian guys, what asian guys look like in asia, what a lot of asian guys look like in asia. Look at these guy, you could sit and have a beer with these men!
Nice, I bet it felt good to invade the brazilian butt, representative of all brazilian males, with you white colonialist cock, huh? You're above all brazilians now!
For what purpose?
based ladyboys
They look kinda eerie.
it makes me sick
>pic related
Yes, a small glimmer of former masculinity lingers on, and somehow, unexlicably, you get the preculiour sense of vertigo, an inescapable premoniton, that somehow, it befell on you, to cleanse that last remaining flicker of masculinity from their voluptous butts. Snuffing out the last remaining essentials of their dualistic vertigo, like a soul reaver!
that is WHACK!
baka! baka!
>Open up door to my bedroom
>See pic related
>"user, you have to take all of our butt virginities right now!"
Every their """"men"""" are made for white/black cock.
nonwhites make white women actually uncomfortable you retard
Blacks don't get in on this. The asians have clearly chosen the white cock as their preferance. Black men can only have arabs and indians.
Africans have been cucked by every race known to man just stop
>fagraid thread
are you from bizzaro earth?
Whites have the lowest neoteny of any other race. Asians have the highest. Stop comparing white teenagers to adult asian men.