I'm the Neocon Kike who talked with Mike Enoch recently

Ask me anything.

(My 19k follower twitter and my newest 200 follower twitter have both been suspended so this is literally the only way to communicate with many people for me.)

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I really enjoyed listening to that episode, it was great to see how open you both were. Although Mike did go a little hard on you at times.
I can understand your motivations and reasons for being a neocon, as I used to be one as well, but learning about race realism made me realize that not all races have to ability to live up to the standards a western society requires of it's citizens in order to function properly.


no 1 cares kill yourself

Thanks, I received a lot of kind words from many people who disagree with me. The more I think about how race realism affects my world view, the more I think that dominating by imperialism and forcing a cycle of strong eugenics against violent peoples in those respective countries. I.E We should be occupying Afghanistan full force right now, and applying law and order with eugenics hand in hand, till a decent amount of generations have passed that will be able to enjoy the fruits we have cultivated for their respective peoples.


that's immoral.

I don't care. It's immoral in my eyes to let a race of people never ascend to a higher level of enlightenment and to contain themselves perpetually to being retard niggers in african tribes fucking each other and brutally murdering anyone for no reason.

There is nothing immoral about purging out the immoral and violent, criminal aspects of a race, through sterilization. Full stop.

>cant even make it few posts without shilling Jewish desert wars

Do you want to be made into soap, a lampshade, or furniture?