Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist

Alright, time for this fuckin chapter

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Haven't read this in like a year, is Yukio still an angsty piece of shit?

Oh you just fucking wait














When did her hair get so long? I don't think that much time has passed since she dropped out of the exorcist program.



I guess Yukio wasn't actually there when Shiemi told Rin she wasn't looking for any romantic relationship right now.

Not that I guess that necessarily matters here.

Holy shit Yukio, get over yourself







I can't believe Yukio is fucking dead

Ow the edge
wonder how she's gonna react


He's alright. Sorta

Also look who just showed up




I kinda hope Shima's real allegiance is to the Illuminati.

Honestly though, I doubt Rin would be very forgiving if he learned Shima convinced Yukio to straight up join the illuminati.



I hope he's playing both sides and winds up fucking up and dying.


And thats all folks

Shit, apparently no chapter next month though

I dont even know what's going on anymore.

Man I hope we get S3 with a bigger budget than s2.

I wanna see Izumo get everything taken from her. With not shit animation like S2

Not much atm. Basically just setting up the score with the Illuminati.

Lightning and Bon learn that the order was experimenting with clones to create bodies for the demon kings so Lucifer didn't blow earth up, but I guess they broke apart from each other for reasons.

Rin and Yukio's dad was a failed clone of one of the demon kings, so was Arthur.

But Yukio doesn't care about that, he wants to know about his blood heritage and learned nothing.

I expect the Illuminati will probably move into action soon and that'll be the next arc.

I just hope whenever the dub comes out, they bring back Rin's VA. He hasn't been confirmed but JYB has been confirmed to be returning as Yukio, as is Shiemi and Izumo's actresses. But I like Rin's VA

This t b h

I'm still enjoying the series as a whole but I'm really starting to get annoyed with some of the characters and hope at the very least they end up with the terrible endings they deserve (Yukio and Renzo mainly)

thanks so much user.

I doubt Yukio get a bad end. Though I'd be pretty hyped if he fights Rin to the death.

But I do hope Shima does

I fear that since they are such popular characters, they'll just get "redeemed" for no fucking reason

did his eyes flare up blue or no in this page?

I don't think so

Well its possible for them to get redeemed and die.

That said, I don't think either will die. Shima will turn out to have been truly on the heroes' side and Rin will probably take Yukio down but not kill him or something, causing Yukio to rejoin his side.

Or itll go down like the anime, minus the pope trying to nuke hell

I just hope they don't try to do some "Satan was sympathetically evil all along" bullshit like the anime did.

i don't think that was his purpose by shooting himself.

i think she saw him shoot himself

You had only one job to do (not to mention Rin) Shiemi and you fucked up.

To be fair, she has no clue what his major malfunction is. He is super secretive

>I just hope they don't try to do some "Satan was sympathetically evil all along" bullshit like the anime did.

That's what happens when a person literally has no idea how judeo-christianity works. Actually I have yet to see/read anime/manga where Bible's belief system is correctly depicted.

Well I mean its already running off fantasy christianity pretty hard already, considering that Satan is literally hell personified.

But more than that, the anime suddenly went with a "Humans are the real monsters" twist kinda out of nowhere.

actually i'm pretty sure satan is and stuff but god is worse:
read the Job's story.
read the story of abraham where god goes and says: kill your son. kek just kidding.

*is bad

Well Satan in Job isn't Lucifer.

Also people back then had wierder ideas of right and wrong.

lucifer isn't satan in blue exorcist either

Well the never say he explicitly isn't.

It helps the story doesn't exactly follow christian dogma already.

It's because Paradise Lost is a better piece of literature than anything in the fucking Bible

Thanks for dumping the new chapter

The fact that nobody in Japan is Christian but are exposed to Christian media is probably involved

Really? Because they explicitly say when Rin and Yukio's father awakened they were shocked that it wasn't Lucifer but it was actually Satan...and Lucifer is always talking about how he's trying to resurrect Satan, you know, his fucking's very explicit for the premise of the story to work, otherwise you may as well say that Rin is Satan

no, lucifer is one of the 7 demon kings, already in a human body in AnE-
satan is the gate to hell personified, he also kind only exists because of human cloning of the order.

well technically all demons exists because of human concepts, but that is besides the point.

there are christains in japan my people made it happen:
"In 1570 there were 20 Catholic missionaries in Japan.[12] Nagasaki became the center of Japanese Catholicism, and maintained close cultural and religious ties to its Portuguese origins." we never appear in anime, well except chono crusade

Fuck I completely forgot about Lucifer. i have brain problems. Ignore me.

Though the Satan from Job probably isn't the Satan here. Satan is a title, meaning the enemy or adversary. In Job, it was probably just an angel that was making a bet with God.

Lucifer is also called Satan because he is THE enemy.

A minority of people so small they don't actually count doesn't qualify as "there are Christians in Japan"

More than 100% of Christians in Japan would have to be involved in the anime/manga industry for their existence to be a valid point, there's also Americucks in Japan too but they are not responsible for the anime/manga industry

1% is still over a million people user.


Right, a million people who say they are something means that even less actually care, and then, the ones who do sort of care still have a totally different perception of the religion than the West, so even if one of them became a prominent creator, their depictions of Christianity would still be "wrong" in your opinion

I wasn't even part of the conversation, I was just noting that even 1% is a lot of people

And even if they have a different perception of it, there are still ironclad aspects of christianity that japanese media gets wrong, different perspective or no.

Sorry for shilling manga, but if you like this you might like fire force have you guys tried it? I read and enjoy both of these manga.
I always make threads but they get very few people in them:

Hahahaha holy shit I didn't read what happened up until this point but wow. That looks really bad.

i tried to read this one, it didn't grab me.

Does the latest chapter have Arthur in it?
I find it hard to read that slow-paced mediocre shonen trash (it has good art but that's about it) without him as the author made everyone too generic cut-out characters for me to invest time in them.

He's already done it before, it's not a big deal, he knows he can't die so it was just a cry for attention

He didn't actually shoot himself last time, he almost did but got distracted before he pulled the trigger.

And then Mephisto told him to cut that shit out

For some reason that sound even edgier. Yeah so basically it's kind of an in universe equivalent to self harm. "Look I'm killing myself but not really".

Well, I don't care that much myself, but all I was saying is it doesn't make sense for Christianity to be depicted "right" in a secluded island country with hundreds of years of history that is like the direct opposite of Christian, if you're looking for some proper Christian depiction in your anime/manga, you miss so much of what makes Japan great and unique as a culture

In a world where everyone else gets that Abrahamic god's cock shoved down their throat 24/7, how can your commentary on Japan be "not enough accurate Christian media"

He jumped off the building though, it's the same difference, he did already actually try to kill himself and knows it doesn't work

No he hasn't. He tried to, but went whith jumping of a building. I think he was honestly tired of the lies.
It always amazes me that people hate characters like him. He is going throught tought shit he tries to solve things alone because he doesn't want to burden other people. He has been fighting since he was a kid. But I tend to sympathize with villains and good goes evil characters.

Exactly, he's been a very edgy character for a long time already, it's basically his thing because he was the straight-laced super sensei and it turns out he can't just talk to anyone

The thing about all his edginess is that in all his suicide attempts and so forth, that he knows other people know about, he's been asked by every character at least five times to take their support and turns them down because he wants to solve things himself!

My point was the first time he attempted it it was to try activating his powers

This time really was just a suicide attempt

He wasn't trying to kill himself before. He was trying to activate his demonic gene through life threatening scenarios.

You sound a little mad.

I don't really care if they all get it right or not, I wouldn't expect them to like I wouldn't expect 99% of western stories to get buddhism or shintoism correct.

But I don't think I've seen a single story that focused on christianity that's gotten it right. Like even ones that didn't go completely over the top tend to get basic things wrong.

Damn, bitch.

When can we get more Izumo?

>But I don't think I've seen a single story that focused on christianity that's gotten it right. Like even ones that didn't go completely over the top tend to get basic things wrong.
I'm mad that this is something you think is bad. Like big fucking whoop. You fundamentally can't seem to appreciate a difference in culture yet post on a board dedicated to the media of another culture. It's like you're just trolling at a certain point.

There is a Vatican priest detective anime on, have you checked it out?

I heard it had frozen Hitler s cum in the story.

Someday, she already got an arc dedicated to her.

I just wonder if that transformation she did was a one time deal or a move she can do again. Without it she's pretty useless, but with it she's pretty OP.

I think thats probably my biggest problem with this manga is that aside from Rin and Yukio, most the characters seem really weak.

Bon's verses could be OP as seen with Lightning, but he's not nearly that strong yet and we haven't really had any chances to see him shine with them.

Baldy is just useless aside from plan making. Shiemi is pure support and Izumo has gotten trashcanned every fight she's been in aside from the aforementioned transformation she had.

Shima was useless until Izumo's arc, though I guess that was intentional since he wasn't really using his forte til then.

But yeah, I'd like if they got more proper moments to show they aren't worthless.
I never said it was really automatically a bad thing. More just slightly baffling that none of them have really tried it seems.

But yeah, no need to get so upset

I was considering checking it out, though the character designs weren't quite jiving with me initially. I'll probably check it out eventually though

>decent family

What a douchebag. He means the world to his brother.

Please do, it's hard to get into at first because the pacing is hectic, but it's totally worth watching for the laughs and how over the top it is.

The thing is, regardless of his intent, he knows he can't be killed so a gunshot to the head is only a cry for help.

I'm not saying he doesn't genuinely hate being alive anymore, but he's being overdramatic about it. Someone who actually wanted to kill themselves for a genuine reason wouldn't have done it with a gun to the temple on the front doorstep of the girl they loved who had just tried to comfort them.

Honestly, I can't speak for everyone, but I probably hate him because I was like him ten years ago when I was his age. I hate him because he's pathetic, like I was, but also I just hate that he's not going to get the bad ending, like I did. It's aggravating to a lot of people to see such intentionally self-harming behavior that ends with the character getting popular and a happy ending because everyone really loves them! That's just stupid and also harmful to children who think that being attention-seeking and self-harming repeatedly will make people respect you and want to help you.

>I never said it was really automatically a bad thing. More just slightly baffling that none of them have really tried it seems. But yeah, no need to get so upset
Just remember that they aren't targeting their stuff to a Christian audience so there's no incentive to try. Rejoice in the fact you can get something different and see a new perspective.

No he doesn't appear this chapter.
The author is the same guy who did soul eater. Soul eater was monthly. Fire force is weekly.


Well they are students. Izumo probably won't transform until she learns to control the Ninetails.

The ninetails is dead. Died with Izumo's mom

She wouldn't be able to control it anyway, her body is incompatible

If Yukio realizes neither side is good and goes straight up rogue i'll buy every volume of the series.

Well right now aside from rogue elements and Arthur, the order hasn't been shown to be particularly evil.

Especially the demons working for it

from yukio's point of view the illuminati and the order are both shit.

Ok anakin