Hardly. This is just the beginning. You honestly think we are at the peak?
Alexander Perez
no, it can always get worse child prostitution was legal in Weimar Germany and we aren't there yet
Jeremiah Jackson
No, I do think we are soon to enter the last stages of degeneracy. Give it maybe 10-15 more years.
Hudson Harris
We're about to hit peak Weimar. And from there, a retribution.
Nolan Carter
Is it really going to happen though? Are we going to keep moving down this path steadily?
Christian Jenkins
Jesus Christ, I hope. I was semi-liberal just a few years ago. The overton window has shifted so much
Kayden Reed
Depends on whether we can get the message out fast enough
Ryder Cook
I've been redpilling people close to me as hard as I can for six months but its a gradual process.
Alot of them are starting to see.
Christian Gray
Good stuff
Gavin Rodriguez
It needs to get to the sweet spot where the backlash will hit hardest, but before it's too far gone to recover The left is trying to crank it up as much as they can before the currents change, because they think they'll be able to finish the job the next time the pendulum swings back their way.
but what they don't realize is that the thing they're cranking up is not a pendulum.
It's a ballista.
William Wright
only the Collapse will stem the tide of degeneracy.
Thomas Stewart
you dont need to be 'fashy'. Being 'fashy' is making a trend of it. Live a good life and remove as much degeneracy as possible. Not because others disprove of you watching porn or smoking weed.. but because degeneracy holds you back from being all that you are capable of.
Joseph Ward
Let it burn
Tyler Bennett
>its a ballista Well put, hiro
Nolan White
Kek'd pic relate. If only the goy knew.
Jose Edwards
We do have minor prostitution though. I am sure there are child prostitutes also. That was the accusation surrounding the penn state shit. He was providing kids to powerful people.
Owen Sullivan
If we are on the journey to a collapse that parallels the Weimar Republic, then when did this start?
Anthony Bennett
Although upon closer inspection whoever drew that picture doesn't appear to understand how a ballista works since the arms are drawn as a big bow that's bending instead of being rigid members connected to the torsion springs and the "torsion springs" are just some rope wrapped around a stick
Ryan Young
Degeneracy is both a sign of the Femin Virus(feminism) bioweapon's spread, and a way that it spreads.
[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
The never ending state of the war on terror followed by the collapse of 08.
Due to these factors, and the economic bubble we’re in, everything is technically progressing yet everything somehow feels stagnant. The more technology advances the more it enslaves us. Digital processing is greater than its ever been and all its caused is us to be skeptical of everything we see. It hasnt made our movies more real and lifelike as much as it has made our real life experiences trivial and hollywood like.
We flippantly broadcast all of our thoughts across the internet. We thought it’d make our experiences more real, but its paradoxically made them more fake and superficial. The user’s on here are just as or more real to me than my next door neighbors. The artifical intelligence on my phone is more helpful to me than anyone in my family. The same device people use to throw bombs at pigs on Angry Birds is the same device we use to see who the president bombed today. The same device you use to call your girlfriend is the same conduit you use to access pornography. Which one gives you more satisfaction? Which one matters to you more? Everything is smushed onto a level, digital playing field so nothing matters anymore.
“Oh look theres an economic collapse incoming! Let me tweet about it on the same device i use to post star wars memes!”
This mindset leads to a decadent culture. Like giving a stern family talk to your children while farting on the toilet.
Condensing all social services and interaction into a literal push of a button hasn't made the act more consequential, its simply devalued the social services and interaction.
These factors will totally wreck a nation’s psyche, and lead to nihilism and ultimately animalistic tendencies. Because those are the only things that have true weight anymore.
Dylan Butler
peak? Tomorrow is another day, op.
Hudson Russell
Blake Butler
>child prostitution was legal in Weimar Germany and we aren't there yet
1965 in America. Gibs were few before the "Great Society". America was explicitly white nationalists. It was a nightmare for anyone not white to get citizenship. The only ones allowed were descendants of slaves (African migrants were refused) and a few nips/chinamen in very controlled numbers. All of this crumbled in 1965.
Juan Brooks
After the Hart-(((Celler))) Act. I presume Hart was a commie?