What is the most garbage opinion you have?
What is the most garbage opinion you have?
Code Geass is shit. SHIT.
iyashikei is the best
I said garbage opinion user, not objectively correct
I like people.
anime is for children
What's with those gay "opinion" threads?
Millennials trying to socialize.
kaiji is better than akagi
Evangelion is SHIT
Kyoto Animation is SHIT
Shaft is ALSO SHIT
This thread is SHIT
Sup Forums has become a pile of SHIT
This is true though. The last ten episodes of Akagi are a snoozefest.
I don't have garbage opinions because I'm perfect.
There are quite a few Isekai that are enjoyable.
you are absolutely right and everyone believes you
I love battle shounen, school battle harems, isekai, ecchi and moe.
I like anime
Poopoo peepee
I like Death March.
Browsing Sup Forums is still fun in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen.
I like tsunderes.
Sup Forums is he best board.
I enjoy isekai and storys with no dramatic stakes whatsoever.
Probably that none of my opinions are garbage in my opinion is my most garbage opinion of all.
If I were to list one, Black Lagoon is edgy as fuck and unenjoyable. Revy is an unlikable thundercunt and the entire show is shit.
>has become
I enjoyed Code Heads R2 more than R1
i like streaming more than torrenting
dtb s2 is better than dtb s1, mnemosyne is a good show.
Evangelion is shit.
Yanderes are best.
Dubbed is trash.
Dragon Ball Super does not deserve the hype it gets.
Ridiculously large breasts are great
But all kinds of breasts are nice too.
I think Code Geass and FSN are masterpieces.
GATE is good, Konosuba is fucking annoying
Koi to Uso is rushed but still OK
>Maybe I should visit Sup Forums today
I don't even watch anime anymore.
Anime fan discourse should be rational, collaborative, and aimed at achieving greater insight into our favorite medium.
I agree, but what website is that actually possible on? If you want good discussion on Sup Forums you literally have to wait till 3 in the morning.
Feel the same way about Black Lagoon, especially that bitch Balalaika. Always hated Hellsing for the same reasons as well
Your opinion is SHIT
KLK was at least a 9.5/10 series.
I visit Sup Forums for comfy Superman
I really like the Granblue Fantasy anime. I wish there were more shows that were incredibly generic. No deconstruction, no isekai nonsense, just mediocre basic fantasy executed without being truly awful.
That Attack on Titan is a great manga and an even better show, but I don't understand exactly why that opinion is garbage.
isekai is a milked genre
The harem genre is the most stupid genre to ever be created in fiction.
Hero Academia is already better than HxH
But if you're posting it in this thread, this is your most garbage opinion, meaning that you're not perfect. But if you're not perfect, you might be wrong about your most garbage opinion. But...
Kanon 2002 > Kanon 2006
BNHA is good
That Seaweed hair girl in Gamers! has nothing on the glorious blonde
FLCL is overrated garbage
I love you all
t. millennial trying to socialize
Most anime traps look better than the girls but the dick is a complete turn off
fun things are fun
Griffith did nothing wrong.
Madoka is trash.
I think Boku no Hero Academia is good
K-On is the greatest achievement in anime of the last decade
Captain Earth is one of the best mechas ever made.
Anime fanfiction is not so bad
Hidamari Sketch bores me to sleep
traps are gay
Kill La Kill is better than Gurren Lagann
I like monster girls and monster girl manga, anime, and threads. It feels like I'm constantly have to move from show to show because as soon as an anime ends it becomes unspeakable on Sup Forums even if you want to talk about the manga.
>Dragon Ball Super does not deserve the hype it gets.
That's absolutely truth though. It was made solely on the hopes of reeling on the cash of all the nostalgia fags, and bluntly does stuff with that in mind.
This but only if they come to the conclusion that my favorite anime is a masterpiece.
Angel Dendetsu is the most overrated trash in the world. Nothing outside of the dad chapter was any good.
>people running straight towards each other while shooting, yet still miss
>everyone takes being an edgelord to the next level
>meme characters like the playboy, the token nazis or the chainsaw girl
>Japan glasses girl wants to reach the criminal side to embrace DARKNESS but commits sudoku by ramming a 5 meter long sword up her throat
>MC becomes the edgy thinking man in the OVA because people die when they are killed
>every episode must end in a sad or omnious way because the first seconds of the ED always have to play during the last seconds of the dialogue for some fucking reason
Yeah, I hated it too. People shit on me because of that but I just can't help it.
Baka to test is my favorite anime
To be fair to you it is like a dumb 80s action flick. Most people like that but it's not for everyone.
I think Akame is a well written character, and the only good thing to come from Akame Ga Kill
Cowboy Bebop isn't good
Yuru Yuri San Hai! > S1/S2
Anime should be fun. Shows like Lain is shit because if I wanted "interesting/deep" I'd rather read a book (which I do). Having a unique interesting concept doesn't mean it can't be entertaining too.
Yama no Susume is better as a short anime.
Tamako Love Story is much worse than Tamako Market
How convenient, thats early for me
None of my opinions are garbage, if you disagree, you're garbage.
back to r/anime you go
The combination of the Gunbuster and Diebuster OVAs watched sequentially is GAINAX's greatest work.
>evangelions end was 2deep4u garbage
>kill la kill is good
>anyone who openly discusses anime is a faggot
Some english dubs are passable.
Disappearance is a 10/10 film.
>I can't into aesthetics: the post
I'm not even gonna call you a brainlet. At least the latter might attempt to better themselves. No, you can't even fathom change and actively attempt to tear down any series that steps outside the narrow and comfortable band you deem acceptable; that makes you a garbage luddite.
Ueno did nothing wrong and I love her
i only watch anime if it has at least two boys i can ship. incest is fine.
I agree
Traps aren't gay.
pic related
Streaming is okay if its a series you don't love
Toradora was an overly melodramatic POS.
Also, I strongly hate that the whiny brat wins, which is the exact kind of character I loathe.
As someone who also worked to be the "perfect" looking person, I strongly sympathized with whoever that "perfect" girl was who agreed to just be friends.
I see girls (and boys?) who like Taiga inserting themselves in her position. The useless, annoying person that hardly has redeeming qualities and shouldn't get the guy/girl in the end, but they inexplicably wins because of reasons.
I think Sup Forums constantly sexualizing girls instead of actually discussing anime is bad
I intentionally refuse to watch ecchi anime and go into threads weekly to ask for webms so I can fap to it without having to actually watch the show.
That's a great idea, actually.
Code Geass is overrated. It's an alright show, but not great.
gary stu mc > spineless/average mc
This is a garbage opinions thread. I posted this because I know that there's room for more than just "fun" anime and people watch it for different reasons. It's just that when I decide to watch chinese cartoons it's for one purpose, when I do other shit it's for another. Did you realize that this opinion of yours is garbage as well or was it just a happy coincidence?
I liked both seasons equally.
life is worth living