What's this bitch's problem?
At least MC got some titty out of it.
What's this bitch's problem?
At least MC got some titty out of it.
the main character has droopy eyes.
He is a blander version of hikigaya. He annoys me somewhat. His voice is also kinda meh. The light novel is much better. The anime also introduces this weird pumped up background music at the weirdest occasions.
That is all.
Best girl syndrome
this is like some danganronpa-fied version of yahari ore
i'm watching it but i don't really know why
She's a cunt because she's tired of making friends.
Because you miss hachiman yet can't find anything similar. So you take this crap hoping for it to shine, yet the redhead immediatelly pisses you off, and all the males look bland or annoying.
So you keep watching...
but Hachiman is dead, and the author is still raping the corpse.
Fuck this hits too close to home.
I don't miss Hachiman though. Or the others. It's just the only comparison I could make.
There is not one good girl in this whole show.
That is one sexy look. I want a footjob from her.
There isn't one good character in this whole show. Big titty sensei kind of stands out to me though. But not because she's a good character.
She looks ultra annoying in her "cute girl" mode. The black haired one (cant care to remember the name) was promising. All the males should die, especially the redhead, soup, or souta or whatever.
You cant even focus the hatred on anything really...
basketball guy right? yeah he's fucking shit.
>aaargh i am so angry!!!
>aaarh i get easily agitated!
>aaargh i attack everyone!
he is the worst character ever, in the light novel even worse i would say. the male class rep is the blandest nice guy charismatic person ever - they managed to turn a riajuu boring.
Quite a tough show.
>YukinoSHITa clone
Bitches and whores. This is why I avoid 3PPD bitches and whores. You never know if they fake and after your money or some shit.
Suzune will save us.
This is a 2D bitch though. So she takes away even your fantasies.
>Big titty sensei
Once again Sensei is the best girl. Drunk sensei was cute too.
Kushida > Ichinose > Sensei > Airi > Ponytail > Cripple >>>> * >>> trash >>> Horikita
All the girls are good.
there was a crippled one?
The cane one with the baldy. Its a heart condition though.
Wait, she is a cripple? i just thought she was a weirdo.
So a cripple huh.
He looks like he is judging me for something.
Couldn't you tell from the way she limped?
nah, didnt really think while watching it to be honest, it was like a series of flashing images. The bald head had quite an impact though, very nice.
The cripple is the MC's childhood friend.
"user she told you last time that her eyes are up here."
Strange, didnt find it anywhere in the LN, maybe its in the chapters that still arent translated.
She's worst girl who's a jealous bitch at best girl because she can't get close to her in spite of her self-thought talent at getting close to people.
>best girl
Literally frigid cunt due to getting punched in the ovaries one too many times by Nii-san
She still likes him
What's up with the bubble eyes thing many characters in this show have going on?
Nah, she is best girl after that. Really gave her character other than "I want to be friends".
>Your fingertips are on a my boob
>I'll tell everyone you raped me
Does she never wash her uniform?
Watching it right now since I have nothing else to do.
She is top waifu
It's supposed to be a smart threat but sounds so silly.
I fucking knew she would be something like this. I knew she was two-faced.
Kushida had a hard life
It does but that would end his normal highschool life even if it was a lie.
It was to show him that she was serious about the false accusation. Then again he should've threatened to make that false accusation not so false.
I'm guessing the first episode is a test to weed out students the school doesn't want. The ones that spend their money irresponsibly and don't pay attention enough in class to be able to pass their tests.
This reminded me of this scene and now i cant watch it seriously.
>Then again he should've threatened to make that false accusation not so false.
He should have punched her in the face
Yuipollfag is that you?
This made me laugh.
>"If you tell anyone, I'll say that you raped me."
>"So how about I just rape you and at least get something out of it."
4D Chess
You know what you did user...
I was hoping he would turn the tables on her and say that. I'm surprised he didn't at least tell her to fuck off after that though. Next episode was like it never happened
Why didn't he squeeze? What was holding him back anyway.
Smug-chan will carry this show.
She'll be left alone.
Just started the show and came to this picture and realized this is Kushida. The color of her hair looks different though. The style of it also looks different.
He's a cold monster. He dind't give a single shit about her and what she has saying or why she was like that.
He will also do some fucked up shit in volume 4 of LN
3 episodes in and the only reason I'm still watching is for fat tiddies. Looks like another drop
I still have not lost my erection from the first time I saw this.
She's a two-faced girl for a 50% guy.
Every once in a while an anime comes out that has a "picked the fuck up" moment in one of the first few episodes. This was one of those moments.
No regrets.
Someone post the spoilers. Basically, making friends and getting close to them was something she was good at and she did so, being that "friend" everyone liked and delved their secrets to. But she grew tired and bitchy of making friends, so she made a blog that talked badly behind various people she was friends with. That includes spilling their secrets. Someone found out and exposed her and people who called her friend began to turn on her. As a result, she turned into a vengeful bitch and decided to take everyone down by posting everyone's secret that she knew. In following, the school experienced a chaotic incident that later had to be covered and put under control.
>Then again he should've threatened to make that false accusation not so false.
She would've just provoked him. In this instance she has the upper hand, 50% man knew this hence he backed down so quickly.
And gotten an instant expulsion? What a great idea user idiot
Having a few minutes of pleasure in compensation of fucking up your entire career is really not worth it.
Bitch of the year, all years.
Someone needs to improve on their spelling.
That's retarded. Why didn't she just stop making friends when she didn't like it anymore?
But why did she want to repeat it again in high school since it's tiring her. Making many friends again as her goal will make her into an absolute bitch.
Because she never learned from her mistake.
Angst or bad writing.
It's hard to break a habit.
>Its a heart condition though.
Thats what she tells you but its actually from all the class A students gangbanging her nightly
This is what I want to know. Maybe her parents pressured her into being someone she didn't want to be. Like the perfect student or something.
She's jealous of Horikita because she's pretty but she isn't exactly bad looking herself.
She is massively hot yet isn't getting any.
Would fuck the crazy bitch side though
She's mine.
>What's this bitch's problem?
She doesn't know how fingerprints work.
Neither does the MC apparently. Maybe it was just an excuse for her to rub his hand all over her boob. She probably got drenched and then went back to her room to schlick
He's more interesting tha 8man since this one at least is actually not giving his all instead of just badmouthing people that rejected him.
>Neither does the MC apparently.
Maybe he knows and just didn't want to escalate.
stop shilling your fucking image everyf ucking thread
Do you know what shilling even means?
An user spamming his OC isn't shilling
I miss Danganronpa, not Hachiman.
best best girl
I felt like i was about to watch hajime no ippo or somthing. I'm not into dancing but maybe seeing someone find a new interest might be fun.
Sounds like my kind of girl. An utterly powerful monster that's hard to tame. Tame, or be tamed.
Isn't that 50%man's thing?
I consider the free titty grab a bribe. Carrot and stick to cover both bases.
She was just blowing off some steam. I would to that other girl is a real bitch
No problem. She's the best girl
What's the matter?
Can't handle a real woman, OP?
>"am rejected by and am incredibly bitter and insecure about"
She is just jealous.
The anime is great as a comedy. The LN isn't is.
>Trusting ESLfag spoilers