ITT : 10/10 sports animu
>sports anime
Slam Dunk was already poster
The final scene on the beach was pretty nice.
Haikyuu S4
I'm still waiting for a curling anime.
I know it will happen in my lifetime.
I'm still waiting for a fucking surfing anime. I think there's a good change at one finally happening though, cuz they added surfing as a sport for the 2020 Olympics.
There's only one
>only one
Imagine being this delusional.
not the one you posted
No ending more iconic.
The anime was shit, but the Eyeshield 21 manga was a godsend.
Until the whole arc after the Christmas bowl.
The only 10/10 sports anime is Hajime no Ippo.
Close second is One Outs.
Slam Dunk starts off too weak, especially since the protag is far too annoying early on.
HnI is too drawn out to be 10/10. The matches have become almost boring at this point.
>HnI is too drawn out to be 10/10. The matches have become almost boring at this point.
If HnI isn't 10/10 then no sports anime is. It's the most consistent in terms of quality out of all the longer running ones.
Diamond no Ace
Slam Dunk
Fucking retard, get out.
Only like Dokaben or Abu-san is of comparable length and I doubt you've read either of them so that's a completely baseless statement
Initial D First Stage.
Pic unrelated
Xebec can do no wrong
But the manga is 10/10, not the anime.
Joe no Ashita hands down is 10/10.
We didn't get enough of best girl.
How was it not more popular? It's way better than trash like SnS.
It got no good release.
Called the Federal Bureau of a Good Taste.
Everyone, don't move, thread will be cleaned in 5 minutes.
Forgive me for my ignorance, but does that "VPN" there mean you are in violation of Sup Forums's rules?
>mfw people haven't watched TOUCH yet
It's turned off, sometimes I use it for undercover work.
The VPN rule only exists to sell Sup Forums passes anyway. Why do you think those let you ignore it?
>shit pacing
it's a 7/10 at best
Don't you think that moot may have introduced it because he was being pressured by the feds?
>people unironically rate that borefest that is the Sannoh match
I like Slam Dunk but other than the last part, the final match is pretty dull.
All Out. An anime about rugby
sports manga are objectively superior
Straya cunt, please leave.
>A genre based on physical activity and movement in order to display the skill of the athlete is better in still images rather than being animated.
>>A genre based on physical activity and movement
No. The most important part of sports manga/anime is the character drama.
That's why you don't need to be a sports fan to like them.
The vast majority of "sports" anime isnt about sports. Sports are just used as a setting. Every time I watch a "sports" anime I am impressed by how little the writers understand about the sport they are trying to make the anime about. Its funny that Keijo probably has more connections to its respective sport than the vast, vast, vast majority of "sports" anime.
Manga depict movement better than anime in most cases
>mfw people haven't watched/read a single Adachi work
Honestly, how can you even call yourself a fan of the medium?
Ma nigga the two OPs are amazing
This is true in almost all cases since anime is made with such shit budget and with such little care that the movement that is animated looks like shit anyways.
Which of them has more strategy in their matches?
One Outs is fantastic.
Sports manga is better
1. Prince of Tennis
2. Baby Steps
3. Diamond no Ace
4. Hajime no Ippo
if only the anime had enough episodes, it could include the manga's beginning and focus more on the characters' personalities and stories, so that this specific match (but not limited to it) would benefit from that.
adaptation compression can make the anime less enjoyable than it could've been.
It got really popular everywhere but Japan, probably because
Fujoshits and faggots need no apply.
For me, anticipating the opponent's actions/decisions is more important than character drama. Souls are delicious.
This show was shit, get out newfag
What are some good sports anime about females?
Preferebly recent, but old ones are good too.
>please read the thread for me
Also, I prefer tense moments and ballsy, uncommon decisions and elaborate strategies. I like trying to come up with a solution for the problems presented in the manga/anime, before the solution is revealed.
Shakunetsu is 11/10.
Sports anime are just too grounded in reality for me. And I'm a huge baseball fan IRL.
Will we ever see any sort of continuation of Slam Dunk, besides 10 Days After?
I know Inoue said in an interview that he sees Sakuragi years later still working on his rehabilitation, remembering his glory days as a basketman.
Probably not after he's done his wheelchair basketball one and that's been going on since 1999.
He's dead, and there's no more story to tell.
Yuri on Ice
>and there's no more story to tell
2 more years of high school basketball.
>Cant into Mahjong
>Have no idea what the fuck is going on in Akagi
>Kanji suddenly has 200+ chapters about Mahjong also
Five years of following FKMT's work and I still don't know how mahjong works. Still enjoy it though
>mfw I learned that she's best girl in a way I wasn't expecting.
I hope, really hope that it's just a disadvantage for Mio, and that in order to win against her, Kazane has to play flawlessly. Nozomi vs. Mio never, and it hurts me ;_;
Kokou no hito
I'm dissapointed Sup Forums, no one has said the best one, our boys at Kuroko no Basuke.
If you don't understand the basics of Mahjong after having watched Akagi then you might be retarded
>draw and discard tiles to make pairs/sequences to form hands
>don't discard the wrong tiles
>call riichi to increase your hand's value at the expanse of not being able to change it and discard every tile you draw
>get money
It's even simpler in Kaiji
Is there any anime about track and field by the way?
I don't know any anime, but there are some manga
>33 points alone: 10 shots, 3 nailed, 1 triple, 1 shot that did not find the terminology to explain, and 2 free shots
The ESL terminology makes his statline difficult to parse. If he made 10 2 pointers, a 3, and two free throws that's only 25 points. No clue what he "nailed", blocks maybe?
This. Every episode is intense for different reasons and always stays interesting. Slam Dunk suffers from dragged on matches that weaken the effect, maybe it worked better when it was weekly but binging it was definitely a chore near the end.
it's simple to understand at first (except for a certain part regarding the hand's scoring when it involves fu -- the hands worth below mangan value), and when you become familiar with the yaku and the gameplay, you'll be thinking mostly on when and how to attack (going with a fast hand, or a hand with two or more waits, or taking time to make a more difficult hand that's worth more points), and when and how to defend (reading the opponents' discarded tiles can give you information about what tiles they probably want, how many of certain tiles are still remaining, and whether some group sequences are physically possible or not, so you can choose to not risk dealing them instead of forcibly advancing your hand).
If the math works out, it's sensible to assume that's what happened.
What exactly "nailed" means is still not answered. But they probably were worth 2 points each.
That would make sense but I can't find anything to back it up, presumably there's a breakdown in a newspaper somewhere but it isn't in that post, only an obituary written in Chinese that as far as I can tell just says he once scored 33 points in 59-115 loss.
Kuroko no Basuke was really good until the end of s2. Then it became too absurd.
Perhaps "nailed" means dunks?
I wouldn't worry about it, that article is fake as fuck.
Fuck, now I gotta re-experience Eyeshield 21.
I wanted to say Cross Game but that's Slice of Life pretending to be Sports.
Why you gotta browse the chans at work?
There are a bunch of little Russian fuckers stealing credit card info, and you're going to fuck around on a Mongolian finger painting board? That's not what sentinel is for
This isn't 100% sports, but Silver Spoon's subplot about the rural kid trying to make it as a professional baseball player really struck home for me. I grew up in a shit neighborhood full of Cuban kids trying to do the same thing and I thought it was really poignant.
Especially since his fucking outfielder ruined everything for him. Every pitcher knows that feel.
This is a SOL, not a sports anime
Slam Dunk
Tetsuwan Girl
Sports is slice of life you absolute retard.
>pic related
>slam dunk
>eyeshield 21
the manga though