Best ass in the series?
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dumb Aqua poster
Worship it.
But of course, nopan are best ases.
best ass of the 2010's prove me wrong brotip you cant
i don't remember this chapter, srs pls?
Saggiest breasts too.
If we go into screencap territory, it's even worse. Not to mention that Aqua's ass is often just a poorly drawn line like in your pic, which is frankly unappealing.
Made a chart for you
>Best character
That one still goes to Aqua.
Maybe in bizarro world.
Fantasy Australia is pretty bizarro so I guess that is correct, yes.
I'll give best hat, but Megumin is the most boring character.
>liking cowtits
best tits goes to eris. now, we dont really have any evidence of what they're like before padding so i'll just take them as they are
for anal
for facesitting
Where are the nipples?
oh hey look it's that thread again!
Best tits are girl recepcionist's
I thought it was about the three main girls only.
Because then best everything goes to Wiz.
You should go do that with megumin's thread as well.
childhood is thinking megumin is cool
adulthood is realizing aqua and darkness is where its at
she's still got the smallest ass out of the 3, and is a meme loli.