In my opinion only hunters and sportsmen should own pistols and revolvers, no fully automatic assault-rifles.
I own 2 shotguns and that's enough imo
In my opinion only hunters and sportsmen should own pistols and revolvers, no fully automatic assault-rifles.
I own 2 shotguns and that's enough imo
Yeah, okay
when has a member of the ira killed someone?
what do you mean, just brand it as a "mental health issue" and do nothing about it
im all for guns but it's to much tbqh
“Fully automatic” is already illegal, and don’t be so proud of being gaslit into submission. We hardly need a new thread for a lefty who’s proud to be an idiot
>when has the ira killed someone
lol, but seriously op is a shill fag, shall not be infringed
>already illegal
>what is a AR15
im not a leftie but i dont want a shooting every week
and btw, i use guns i am a hunter and voted trump
The entire responsibility is on the Broward County Sheriff's office, specifically Sheriff Scott Israel, and the FBI, specifically the director Chris Wray. They let this tragedy happen and the blood of all the dead is on both of their hands and theirs alone
fuck, forgot to change my flag
my bait-thread is ruined
Your just jumping on the issue because its trendy nothing worse than a trendy hypocrite
"Fully Automatic" Learn how to read you aquafresh-for-brains.
>no fully automatic assault-rifles.
You dumb FUCK.
1. There is no such thing as a "full automatic assault rifle"
"bait" Learn how to read you stupid faggot
post non-meme flag
This proves you have probably never shot a gun. Anybody who’s ever hunted, even if they only use bolt action, would know what semiautomatic means
nice, that's what i wanted
Then you're a fool.
The NRA is a lobbying firm for gun makers and associated industries (including ones that have bizarre cultural associations that aren't obvious, like tobacco and beer). It is about money--that's it.
I agree I am a born and raised southerner I own lots of guns but I just turned them in to the police because children should not fear going to school.
sage goes in all feilds
why are you faggots replying to guncontrolshillthread.jpeg#4424
this, real southerners give up their consitutional rights
Fuck your opinion
Go cry about it at your drum circle you pinko bastard
She's a hot piece of ass
Well come get me faggot. Make sure you bring alllll your lefty soybois and roastie soccermoms with you and thier meatshield kids.
Low quality bait. Kill yourself.
AIDS has killed millions of faggots, yet dick smoking is still legal.
Wtf? this is an /akg/ tripfag's ex girfriend.
If that's what you think stop using your meme flag, commie.
Did you know that assault-rifles were baned in the united states from September 13, 1994 until September 13, 2004?
>Pic very related.
>Another stupid amerimutt needs to learn his history from a spaniard. Many such cases! Sad.
why did he post his gf on /k/
the pics are everywhere
I don't have a personal place shoot anymore. Will be going to a pay to shoot range with a stub 38. pistol.
>fud posting in the current year
Why is this woman holding a penis-extender?
you tell me
Is this really Alex Jones' phone number? 2898301286 I'm too scared to call
>NRA is a terrorist organization
>BLM is not a terrorist organization
i have more bait if you want
The NRA lines the pockets of politicians to ensure that mass killers have access to assault weapons. The blood is on their hands.
Ironic bait threads are just as bad as the real thing
Think before you post you complete waste of space.
This is your logic but from a conservative perspective.
The FBI was warned about the shooter's erratic behaviour shooting. They didn't investigate but they did have time to investigate false claims against Trump via the beginning the Mueller investigation under Obama. The DNC supports the investigation. Therefore, the DNC is repsonsible for the shooting due to diverting resources away from the FBI.
I see the DNC as nothing less than a terrorist organization.
it goes in all fields
Nice penis extenders.
Never been fired, right?
I see you outed yourself, but anyway. The AR in the AR line of rifles comes from the company that made them - Armalite. The first AR-1 Parasniper rifle was first produced in 1954. It does not stand for assault rifle as the media has led you to believe.
I have a hard time believing Dylan Roof was a registered democrat
nooo its assault rifle from 2015
designed to kill shoolchildren
30,000 die in car wrecks every year but the faggot lying liberal kkkuntbag wants to blabble pretending he owns the entire nation
more people need to be shot dead than ever before
dont tread on me flag and lying fuckface says he has shotguns
learn how to bait
pathetic newfag
>It does not stand for assault rifle as the media has led you to believe.
It's an backronym, idiot. AR can also stand for assault rifle.
There are lots of countries that dont allow gun ownership. Go to any one of them. You will get what you want and stop shitting up america at the same time. Win, win.
Molon labe
Fine, but in the case of the original AR-15 constructed by the company Armalite it does not. It's kind of like Kleenex. Everyone calls tissues Kleenex now, but that doesn't mean they were all manufactured by Kleenex. Smoochies my leaf bro.
>I own 2 shotguns and that's enough imo
>things that aren't true
That is the most delusional cartoon ever.
China numba 1. America numba 4.
Don't insult the Gadsen flag with your leftist bullshit, you fucking subhuman. I take a shit on you, your family and your deads.
ta gueule tbqh
your opinion irrelevant to anything. fuck your feelings and your opinions. no one cares.
>implying the government isn't a terrorist organization
Do you think when that Jew shot the other jews he absorbed their powers like the highlander?
I would guess the best reply to Ben Wexler would be "not according to the second amendment". Posted with a picture of you constitution.
Your opinion sucks.
I usually don't think girls with guns are hot, but the fact that she's wearing a skirt made my dick harden
You’re not even trying are you, shill.... got eat your bosses dick
Good going you dumb fucking idiot. Kys
Typhoid mutts need to prove themselves.
You always can recognize a loser by his fancy guns. If it shines, if it is too modern, if it has too many pendants...
That dog do not hunt.
Wow. Chimps GF has gotten really popular on Sup Forums
Va niquer tes morts sale troll
If you have more than a glock (or a sig), a shotgun and an ak (in my case a FAL, I can not have an ak) you are a fag trying to compensate a fag dick
>In my opinion only hunters and sportsmen should own pistols and revolvers, no fully automatic assault-rifles.
We don't care about your opinion. If you have a point construct it better and give evidence to support it.
> I own 2 shotguns and that's enough imo
I pressed x to doubt
> theguardian ... the-week-in-patriarchy-florida-school-shooting-nra
Please try harder with your bait next time faggot flag.
0/10 Would not operate with.
After reading this slide post, I see OP as nothing less than a faggot
The NRA is little more than a front for a for profit gun club. The GOA is the best gun right advocacy group at the moment.
They just don't get it but I understand a little since I used to be one of them
Take off that flag. I hunt with an AR.
hog hunting?
fully automatic is not illegal, just restricted
there is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault rifle
kek. school isn't a right.
I'm glad op doesn't like guns. It made his ancestors easier to round up and gas.
People who have an issue with the 2nd amendment should just leave. I'm sick and tired of all these liberal pussies trying to make every country the fucking same and cramming their bullshit down our throats.
Which NRA member shot the school? I've never heard of an NRA member shooting up a school.
Around 8000 people are murdered with firearms each year. 80% of those are black and hispanic gang bangers killing each other for sport in gun free zone ghettos run by democrats.
Gun violence is literally a non-issue for your average American and no one in congress is going to support additional gun control.
Gungrabber tears are sweet though :^)
guns don't kill chirren, school-chan does!
Then you're a fucking halfwit. Less than one in twenty gun owners are members of the NRA, mostly because of their soft stance on gun rights. They are literally America's oldest gun control organization.
Yeah, awesome Creepy Joe. thanks for the opinion piece. Sage as always
The 2A is not debatable u faggot. Don't like it? Leave
is it really that easy to buy a gun in texas and florida?. dont get me wrong i get that guns are not the problem and the kid was a retard.
Shoot straight school chan!