How's that bombing campaign going against ISIS? The jews made ya stop didn't they?
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No 4 pic is really offensive to me, I gag at the sight
I really really hope we get some coordinated Islam shilling here, it'd be so hilarious seeing the most degenerates of all race trying to """redpill""" Sup Forums into the most useless and destructive religion on earth.
I have no problem with muslims or islam, as long as they stay in their own countries. I think they could prove a valuable ally if they ever get their shit together.
The majority of people on Sup Forums are insufferable morons who think muslims are a race, or are just alt lite retards.
The most useless and destructive religion on earth is Christianity.
I *tip* my fedora to you good sir !
t. salty sandnigger
Wrong, its Judaism faggot
>muh fedora
sperging out like this isn't going to change the fact christianity caused the dark ages and fucked up europe
>yfw christianity was created by jews
you dont understand you cucked leaf, jews may be satanic lice but islam is a virus. It already has infected half the planet and it is very hard to eradicate.
History is history, in the making now is Jews.
Open Israel border, lets see that first.
>the fact christianity caused the dark ages
You are either trolling or just retarded so here's a (you) lose either way.
it's not even close to a real threat
The real threat are the white people and (((jews))) at home who support liberalism, leftistism and cucked ideologies. Even if the entire muslim world united, they would never be even close to our technological or military capabilities.
If the west ever manages to regain sanity and throws of the liberal cuck regime, they'd never be a real threat to us.
How is basic history retarded? Christianity brought down the Roman empire causing the dark ages.
Dude, they all gone already, Jews NOW using muslim migrants destroying whites, deal with it.... btw, you Jew ?
no i'm not a jew
i'm just saying that we have to deal with the biggest threat, and that's cucked whites and jews
muslims want whites and christian dead, it's in their fucking book
that's all you need to know
muslims are not allies
jews are not allies
fucking buddhists are not allies
don't fall for the reverse psychology
ok then, you got the idea, yeah, SJW and rosties etc really sucks, and it happen with the muslim too, all screwed up
>I hope we can be a-allies
just kys cuckboi
example of why Jews win - divided
>How is basic history retarded? Christianity brought down the Roman empire causing the dark ages.
It's called the dark ages because there are barely any written record of the time. The only record we have ? Made by christians monk. The fall of rome ? Caused by unchecked immigration, over stretched empire and corrupt officials.
It's the dark ages because not only were there limited written records, but there was massive famine, anarchy and constant civil warfare.
The fall of Roman happened because Christians kept fighting civil wars against the Pagans and depleted the army. So then relied on Christian germans to fight, and then they rebelled and fucked everything up.
Look at the early history of the church, they hated private property, had women clergy, and would convert women because they were easy to fool and would convert their children in secret.
Too bad Christianity and Christian morals led to the greatest advance in civilisation and technology.
Islam who just spend its killing eachother in a desert and brought nothing to humanity is a-ok however
>forgetting the islamic caliphate
>greatest advance in civilization and technology
that was the Romans and Greeks and then later the British and Europeans
the latter advanced only happened after society became secular so put two and two together
look i now how israel came to be is awful but shoudn't palestinians agree to a peace for the sake of the civilians on both sides?
Peace process delayed for expansion.
See pic
wasn't that caused by constant wars???
maybe the palestianians coudl have had some territory if they just signed peace
i now it's unfair but keep in mind that there are a lot of families who live in israel, kicking them out of the place where they have been living their entire life is kind of rude.
A good last resort if cultural marxism breaks out is teaming with muslims.
my point is that this would be solved if palestnians where a little bit more willing to solve this out, you can't just kick out people from their homes beacuse tehy descend from douchebags
>entire life
Yeah, right, who plant that tree ? Guys on the jeep ?
>Cutting off the nose to spite the face
And then, away with the entire head
i''am talking about civilians, dude it doesn't matter if they were tehre for 5000 years or 100 years, it's still their home, with that logic we shoud all go to europe and give the land to the native americans
True, but the Jews want it all and then some. The palestnian want theirs but lose some instead.
Who is winning should cease fire, but they dont.
not really
>constant civil warfare
nothing new
The term "Dark Ages" is misleading. The Middle Ages were the highest spiritual point since the Death of Christ and the Apostolic Age.
if they cease fire palestinians will rape them in the ass
This, why the fuck is that even legal? Burn faggots alive
so, they raped palestinian ass first, rigggghttt, good strategy there, lets keep the peace process longer
we are in an argumental loop, what your ancestors did doesn't mean shit. Israel opens fire when conflicts arise
Learn a bit about Israel during its early days, you got internet, dig, you got maps, learn to understand why some parts are shrinking.
You know its true, nevertheless you defend it because of your belief. Do you think you on the right side ? If so, why lots of people find it different way ? Why not for once view from the other side ? At least you might felt good inside yourself as a human.
Oppressive nature will guarantee guilt ridden winning.
Step 7 - Marriage:
- marriage is very important in islam so to spare yourself the pain of westerners to compete we will give you your sister (or if you're lucky your cousin) to marry - don't worry about inbredding we're all inbreds in islam
Step 8 - visiting another country:
- if you visit another country and you dare to live there please don't show respect to the culture, they are oppressive and you should piss off as many people as possible because they are kaffir and we are after all the religion of peace
Step 9 - Hygiene:
- if you want to smell good you're in the wrong religion kiddo, just remember to never wipe your ass with toilette paper and to wash your hand as Step 5 recommends. Also: don't succumb to stupid western morals about washing your hands after you've taken a shit or changing your clothes once in a while they are dirty kaffirs who don't know shit
Step 10 - going out with style:
- if you don't have enough pleasure from fucking younger boys, girls or your sister cousin you could blow yourself up and receive 72 virgins ALLAHU ACKBAR
huh? what belief? i think religion is cancer i'am just asking you questions beacause i'am willing to change my centrist view if that's what the truth is.
I don't give two shits about racism, sexism,xenophobia or wathever, i just want to know the truth.
i don't care about being on the right side, i don't even believe in morality for the matter.
I just want use logic that's it.
The upper hand should stop oppression. - Israel did not
Integration of Palestine into Israel is a must - Israel even send back migrants
Multiracial multi religion in Israel - No, they hate other religion
Palestine have something to lose ? - They already lose a lot, nothing much to lose
World accept Israel - USA and Micronesia that depends on USA only
World agree with Israel - Ow cmonnn, how blind are you
Who is oppressed and who is oppressing, the upper hand ? Find out yourself
If Israel really want peace, they should propose Palestine Israel merged. - No they dont want that either
If Israel peaceful, return back the occupied region - I think they will keep it, forever
So, who is taking other people land, again ? Whisper to my ear.
i now jews started it all, but now their civillian descendants don't have to pay for it, Don't condemn all jews for that. Like dude what do you think, you are born jewish and you are suddenly evil?
Its not like that.
Its like this...
you are born Jews, why do you keep doing what your fathers have done ?
The Jews are human too, but those in power are really evil, the zionist, and zionist create Israel using Jews belief and Jews, of course, agree. In return, Jews everywhere hated, not my fault.
Ask yourself, why the world does not hate Japan like they hate Jews. Japan kill lots of people too, yet...what Jews have done to be so much hated worldwide ? Find out yourself.
Eating pork does not cause heart problems you worthless retard.
fine you have a point, there are personal reasons for israel wanting to be jewish, they want to be a jewish state and that's it.
I get that jews tend to victimize themselves but the past is the past.
They do want peace, peace for the jewish, same as the palestines with their habitants, but all plaestinians understand is blood and it's comprehensible.
but they should accpet the reality and agree to make peace
Yes, peace agreement is must, but have you try to migrate to Israel ? I tried, disqualified in just few lines. With this mentality, how do you think Israel view on Palestinian into their country ? Fine its theirs choice not to accept, OK so, could they return back the occupied area ? No ? Heres some mortar then.
I dont think Palestinian have chances by the way.
most israelis only have a problem with terrorist and extremist palestinians and relate their problems with the higher controling class of both societies, palestinians hate all israelis
where are you from?
>most israelis only have a problem with terrorist and extremist palestinians and relate their problems with the higher controling
most palestinian only have a problem with Israel government, blockade and extremist Jews and relate their problems with nobody they arm up and fight, yet pretty much what left - stones and sticks
Hamas and Hezbollah have some fund, not sure which one is "controlled opposition", but Fatah/PLO certainly is "controlled opposition", since arafat.
Honestly, what has the world come to when Islam is the least degenerate culture on earth...