passion of christ
some of the chants in the channel are not available online
and the thing that is for sure those that are SUBTITLED AND TRANSALATED ARE THE ONLY ONES ON YOUTUBE FOR SURE because i had to read a shitload of from the new testiment to find the right subtitles
orthodox music is coming up soon
share the channel to fellow christians
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank you for sharing
Go spam this bullshit somewhere else. This isn't the place for you to haeve a CONSTANT CIRCLEJERK ABOUT YOUR IMAGINARY BULLSHIT.
Fuckoff Christfag
Daily Reminder: Protestants are Jews, not Christians.
Look dude. The religion itself, imaginary bullshit. But this music is beautiful nonetheless. So fuck off and let these people larp
*tips fedora*
how's your commie state going?
Satan worshipping Jews detected
What about some super cute mormon babes singing about space travel to Kolob? (the star where God lives).
This kind of talk is enabling and dangerous. Religion should be purged. Or are some sky daddies better than others? I hope you get beheaded and skullfucked by Muslims you Christ killing Jew.
>says he smugly as he worships the semitic god Yah.
Do you think that you could ever,
Through all eternity,
Find out the generation
Where Gods began to be?
You don't read much do you
Everyone knows it's a quad. Quads are the best.
Haha that's good. I actually have been reading all three of those. Part III is actually pretty interesting from a near athiest perspective
Lmao nu-pol at it again
is this the based black man ?
It’s a photoshopped meme, the original had nothing to do with christianity
really? thats what you took from that? this level of pettiness shows you cant compete with your fellow blasphemers
thats it? you didnt even say jew on a stick
(((They))) are afraid.
The evil and vileness I see coming from the Jews and hedons only furthers my faith, I cannot contemplate how you are able to live in such states.
>falling for such an obvious jew puppet
so have you donated to bring in more muslims, niggers , and jews goyim?
Celebrate life, not a Jewish rabbi.
Come home, white man.
Hail the Tuatha de Danann.
Why do atheists always have to ruin good times with their degeneracy
The gods of your ancestors are speaking if only you open yourself up to true spirituality. Drink from the well of your folk. Give up the spiritual decay and death of semitism.
2.5 months until Beltane, lads, seek Brighid, feel her inspiration.
I don't recall atheists leading a crusade to rid Europe of islam
>Celebrate life, not a Jewish rabbi.
>Come home, white man.
>Hail the Tuatha de Danann.
any goodness or beauty we see in life has to come from one source
that is why we owe our worship Him and only Him
Take this cuck shit somewhere else
My soul is the soul of an Aryan, not a Semite, and as such we have our own gods and goddesses. Yahweh is an ettin, a malicious entity, whose only goal is to serve that of the filthy jews and their goals. To serve Yahweh, whether you call it by its name or not, is a betrayal to your Aryan soul and is spiritual death. There certainly may be a source to all that is good and beautiful in this world, but it's certainly Aryan and not Semitic.
I can tell for a fact most of you larping as Christian's on pol don't know jack shit about it. If you did, you'd be an athiest. Not the fedora tipping kind, the just not being a fucking idiot and keeping your mouth shut about it kind. You post those pretty church pictures, ooh ahh. That's exactly what they want. Do you have any idea how much that shit fucking costs? Lol I remember in grade school out church got a new altar that was hand carved in wood and costed over a million dollars. For a fucking table.
>My soul is the soul of an Aryan, not a Semite, and as such we have our own gods and goddesses. Yahweh is an ettin, a malicious entity, whose only goal is to serve that of the filthy jews and their goals. To serve Yahweh, whether you call it by its name or not, is a betrayal to your Aryan soul and is spiritual death. There certainly may be a source to all that is good and beautiful in this world, but it's certainly Aryan and not Semitic.
saying this shit so hard you have convinced yourself you might actually believe it
if you recognize a source for all existence then you have to recognize that any power your "gods" have to create comes from that one source. Making them not gods just created beings who owe any goodness they actually have to the source of their holiness. No matter how you want to square this Paganism leads back to Monotheism because Paganism makes NO SENSE.
>You post those pretty church pictures, ooh ahh. That's exactly what they want. Do you have any idea how much that shit fucking costs? Lol I remember in grade school out church got a new altar that was hand carved in wood and costed over a million dollars. For a fucking table.
the "Church spends a lot of money on things so it's bullshit" meme
>The absolute state of pagans
You seem very upset, did your christian dad tell you to not stay out late?
Paganism is atheism.
I could talk for days about it, that's one small example. Or say, like how over 50% of priests are fags and have constant non stop access to any age kid from preschool to adulthood
strong argument
>Or say, like how over 50% of priests are fags
oh you believe this meme statistic too?
I am absolutely convinced that people only assert atheism for emotional reasons.
>Daily Reminder: Protestants are Jews, not Christians.
Yeah, if you'd do a little bit of research, you'd find out we have our own pagan source deity known as the Sky Father. In Irish paganism he is the Dagda. In Germanic, Tyr. In Greco-Roman he is Zeus/Jupiter, all the way back to Dyeus Pater of the Proto Indo-European religion. Creator of everything. Tell me why I need to worship the Dagda through a Jewish lens? The Sky Father is the creator and I don't need Yahweh for that.
>ad hominem
>Atheism - the lack of belief in God or Gods.
Nice try, but the gods are fully real and we do believe in them.
Not listening to the magnificence that is Palestrina
or Victoria
Many such cases. Sad.
Where do "pagans" get their knowledge from, why is it better than Christianity and how do you plan on fixing Europe and possibly America.
If you cant answer these you are just an Atheist larping as a pagan because you are too prideful to upset you were wrong.
I've been around priests my entire life and I'd say probably about 100% of then seemed like raging homosexuals. I get it, religion is hard to break the conditioning of. I was groomed to become a priest my entire life and it's absolutely fucking horseshit. Seriously, read the old testament. You'll laugh your ass off at what a pathetic jealous god he is. There's zero evidence of God. No one with internet access has any excuse for still believing. You realize Christianity, judiasm and Islam are basically the same religion rught.? You talk about Muslims all day but they believe in the same good as you
Who made god? Who made the person that made god?
>Yeah, if you'd do a little bit of research, you'd find out we have our own pagan source deity known as the Sky Father
The Sky Father is not the source of all existence he is just Primate of your false gods. The closest Pagans get to this is the Oneness Essence of Plato or the Prime Mover of Aristotle (which has it's own problems with incoherence because it stubbornly believes the false gods are worthy of worship.) The Sky Father you worship is not the font of all creation ergo he owes his powers to a source greater than him. That is what you owe your worship to and that is the God we Christians preach to you.
In 2018 I will paraphrase the words of Augustine said to his Pagan countrymen to you. You would be better off just worshiping "The Sky Father" because he is the closest thing you believe in that actually resembles God.
some of these are in the channel
i just posted some of the populars
>I get it, religion is hard to break the conditioning of.
I was an atheist not unlike you till I converted. Atheism simply passes the buck on all hard questions and ignores the ones it doesn't like the answers to. Like that there has to be one fundamental and eternal source for all things which contains all actualized realities in it's being.
>There's zero evidence of God.
This proves what I said above.
>Who made god? Who made the person that made god?
You should know that is a meaningless question because God is the most basic and essential reality. He is eternal, he requires no creator.
1. You can find information through archaeological records, through the myths written down by Christian monks, the fairy tales of our people handed down through the ages, folk tales such as the stories of the fairy folk in the Celtic countries, all the way back to the Vedas which are some of our oldest records before Dravidian influence. Through studying all of these we are able to reconstruct paganism.
2. In the Vedas, Indra (Or Thor, Tuireann, Zeus) actually demands that we strike down with supernatural might those with swarthy skin in which he hates. Removal of all non-Aryans is the only way for our societies to survive. As the gods go with us, America is part of our realm as is Austrailia and Canada. The outside influences must be removed, tribalism and ethno-Nationalism must be reinstated. Through might, as is the Aryan way, we will flourish.
also when the tracks are monotone i tend to delay their upload
>. In the Vedas, Indra (Or Thor, Tuireann, Zeus) actually demands that we strike down with supernatural might those with swarthy skin in which he hates. Removal of all non-Aryans is the only way for our societies to survive. As the gods go with us, America is part of our realm as is Austrailia and Canada. The outside influences must be removed, tribalism and ethno-Nationalism must be reinstated. Through might, as is the Aryan way, we will flourish.
This is the kind of thinking Socrates and Plato debunked thousands of years ago. It's called "consistency." Start believing in it.
What made you convert? Have you read the entire biblee?
Real Catholics and Orthodox don't like each other. It just proves you guys are all larpers when you lump them together as if they are the same thing.
At the very least I will thank you for responding as most tree-worshippers fail to do so, I am not entirely sure "the aryan way" is going to work with all good men dying in WW2 and you seem like you've taken too many ironpills. Not sure you are going to be able to remove 50% of the US population either.
>What made you convert? Have you read the entire biblee?
I've read a lot of it. Including many of the controversial Old Testament books. They simply reflect a more basic and tribalisitic understanding of God which was corrected by Christ. It still teaches us important lessons about God's justice I find particularly interesting the period of Babylonian captivity. It demonstrates that when a people fall from virtue they are punished in some way, they lose faith, they become conquered, they die out etc. It's exactly what is happening to us.
What made me convert was realizing that the end road of the beliefs our society organizes on is death on the individual and cultural level and that such beliefs could not be true if they lead to disastrous ends. It made me question what actually is true, good and beautiful and I found that the Catholic Church consistently offered the most well argued, reasonable answers that have the best track records. It's a very subtle doctrine and that is something people in this day and age (see our Pagan frineds) shy away from. It's been about a year and some change and the more I read scripture and the writings of the great Saints the more I agree with it. I was a Protestant in my youth and my Christianity was deconstructed by Progressives. To return to the faith I had to find a religion which satisfied me intellectually and that was Catholicism.
Well, if you want to get fully into theology, we use a lot of comparative study all the way back to the Vedas before their Hindu/Dravidian corruptions. We, at least the group I'm a part of, believe in the ages, or Yugas, and that we are in the Kali Yuga. The end of the Kali Yuga will come about when Kalki, basically the Vedic Wanderer you may be familiar with as Odin, comes as a destroyer to rid the world of filth and bring about the golden age of spirituality beginning the cycle of ages again. We also believe that Hitler was likely an avatar of Wotan, look at Carl Jung's essay "Wotan" and you get the idea.
So yeah, we may not be able to do it, but the Wanderer in his furious incarnation very much can.
In typical fashion, the third one is always the worst.
nice argument
>Real Catholics and Orthodox don't like each other.
Real Catholic and Orthodox LARPers* Don't like each other. Relations between East and West haven't been better in over a thousand years.
Nothing about that was inconsistent, christcuck. Only because you are basing your logic on the category "human" without taking into account subcategories. Your assumptions define the outcome of your logic, and your assumptions are egalitarian.
And besides that, Socrates was a nigger.
>Relations between East and West haven't been better in over a thousand years.
Because both churches are run by ecumenist heretics.
>Nothing about that was inconsistent, christcuck.
Yeah it is because you believe in Justice for one people but not the other which is incoherent. It's exactly what Plato argued, that the Just man is not one who treats his enemies unjustly.
You either pick Logic or dominating all people. You can't have both.
>Because both churches are run by ecumenist heretics.
This is the American attitude personified. You fundamentally don't believe in authority or hierarchy.
>Yeah it is because you believe in Justice for one people but not the other which is incoherent
No it isn't. You're assuming that "justice" means the same standard for everyone. Your conclusion is already implied in your assumptions. Plato was a retard and Socrates was a nigger (and also a retard).
>No it isn't. You're assuming that "justice" means the same standard for everyone.
Yes I am because my thinking is based on the law of non contradiction which yours isn't which makes it definitively incoherent.
>be me
>tuesday night
>pull an allnighter at work, finishing up an important business proposal
>finish at 7AM the next morning
>drink just enough coffee so I don't fall asleep behind the wheel
>get home, stumble up the stairs
>head hits the pillow, black out instantly
>wake up several hours later
>it must be around 6 PM or so
>wife comes home from gym
>shes wearing them yoga pants that make me go HNNGGGG
>just as i'm about to grabtheBRAPPP.jpg......
>suddenly remember its ASH WEDNESDAY
>fingers curl back into my palm
>body shrinks back into my comforter
i almost broke down on the very first day
>when it's beautiful but ultra heretic
2nd video is KINO
by the way, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings very beautiful songs. I love their patriotic hymns.
>makes a living off YouTube AD shekels
merchant detected
Christina NO
Ireland is beautiful, always wanted to go there.
that is beautiful
you're being WAY too edgy bro
The only law for the Aryan is subjugation of those who are NOT Aryan. They do not deserve anything but our wrath.
Jew God thread
kill yourselves godfags
When they are all saying differently from orthodox and Catholics throughout all of history up until 50 years ago, it is justified. Ecumenism is considered heresy by both churches. The leaders are demonstrably ecumenists. You like to talk about logic, yet don't see that it is illogical that two churches with mutually exclusive claims to being the one true apostolic church are accepting of the other.
>The only law for the Aryan is subjugation of those who are NOT Aryan. They do not deserve anything but our wrath.
My point exactly. You've regressed into the basic might makes right tribalism which you rail against Jews for having.
well done user resisting temptations is the hardest thing to do
>Yes I am because my thinking is based on the law of non contradiction which yours isn't which makes it definitively incoherent.
There is nothing contradictory about having different rules for different people, retard. It is your ASSUMPTION that rules must apply to the entire category of "human" without taking into account subcategories. Even that isn't true though, since you still accept different rules fro adults than you do for children or different rules for men as you do for women. There is nothing contradictory about it. You just don't understand logic.
>Ecumenism is considered heresy by both churches.
It's not. Eccumenism can be heretical under certain conditions, eccumenism qua eccumenism is not heretical.
You like to talk about logic, yet don't see that it is illogical that two churches with mutually exclusive claims to being the one true apostolic church are accepting of the other.
Well the whole point of the dialogue is to resolve the differences. Is that so hard to understand? Catholic Church have already accepted a lot of Eastern Rite and Anglican Rite Parishes into Communion. Eventually all the Orthodox Churches will be.
Everyone was great time until atheists came along.
Woah tf I subscribed to your channel a long time ago while looking up music, I didn't know you're from Sup Forums
>tfw mexican
>tfw right wing
>tfw cop
>tfw no christian
>tfw love gregroian chants and roleplay being a crusader and saving the west
>tfw my typed information and internet history will be released to the public because of evergrowing internet censorship.
It is bad for a Jew to do it because Jews are not fit to rule. Different rules for different people.
I would honestly hate being a cop in the US
unfortunately i am
how did you find the channel? the videos are named in such way that its very hard to find in search function (but its more organized to returning viewers)
>There is nothing contradictory about having different rules for different people, retard. It is your ASSUMPTION that rules must apply to the entire category of "human" without taking into account subcategories. Even that isn't true though, since you still accept different rules fro adults than you do for children or different rules for men as you do for women. There is nothing contradictory about it. You just don't understand logic.
That would be true if you had a coherent concept of justice to offer. Which you don't. Because there is nothing essential to these "subcategories" which you have offered to justify the subjugation, death and repression of by other "sub categories." Now if your argument is that they have an essentially different "spirit" then it's based on whether or not your theology is coherent. Which it isn't because you believe that one source of all existence could have create gods with contradictory wills without deeming one of those gods to be in error. It's literally one group of people worships one god and the other worships another which makes them enemies. If this is the case the concept of "good" is non existence because there is no fundamental source of "good." You just have Will. And if you just have Will then all things are justifiable. Which is contradictory to the notion of Justice.
>Well the whole point of the dialogue is to resolve the differences
They cannot be resolved because the doctrine is different. Just for one example, Roman Catholic doctrine rejects the essence-energy distinction while the Eastern Orthodox Church has it as doctrine. There is no way to resolve this without resorting to relativism (which both churches are increasingly guilty of).
also check this one
less people like it but i do, the music and the narrating
>That would be true if you had a coherent concept of justice to offer.
Justice is rules adhering to the nature of the person. Different people have different natures, therefore justice demands different rules for them.
I was listening to non nobis domine & it showed up in recommended
>Like that there has to be one fundamental and eternal source for all things which contains all actualized realities in it's being.
Like a seed contains a tree? So your god is a cellular automaton?
>Roman Catholic doctrine rejects the essence-energy distinction while the Eastern Orthodox Church has it as doctrine
Oh for crying out loud. This shit again. You know what the problem there is? Nobody can actually agree on what Palamas means by "real distinction." So nobody can agree on whether or not this contradicts "Actus Purus." The only people who say it does are polemicists from the 20th century who Jay Dyer likes. David Bentley Hart for example does not believe it contradicts Thomism. There is a lot of opinions on this matter and the Orthodox have no defined teaching of what Palamism actually means.
>Atheism simply passes the buck on all hard questions and ignores the ones it doesn't like
> You should know that is a meaningless question because God is the most basic and essential reality.
The intellectual might of the believer.
Read the rest of the comment to understand why you have no justification for this.