Fuck to you. Women can do anything men can do.
Women can do anything men can do
Good for them.
They can indeed.
It's just rarer.
This is immediately apparent by all the great female inventors and philosophers that have become household names.
But let's not praise what they did.
Let's praise their cunt.
try pissing standing up
Actually you know what, you have convinced me.
Let's remove sex segregation in sports as equality has finally been achieved. I can't wait to see that first mixed sex UFC match, powerlifting competition, footage, or really anything that requires athletic skill.
>Let's meet women who did some things at NASA.
Sure you can, but you don't want to. Yet to ever see a female fire fighter or garbageman/garbagepeople. Why is that user?
>Women can do anything men can do.
Except build civilizations
So they're not completely worse than men in every aspect? Wow, cool.
They choose not to do a lot of things, then bitch about men holding them back.
I agree that women can do the same things so let's get rid or hiring quotas and AA.
>Fuck to you.
then why do men make 99%+ of all important scientific discoveries :)
>Women can do anything men can do.
>can't pee standing up...
Okay get circumcised. ;)
That's not my flag, I was shitposting as a nigger earlier.
>Women can do anything men can do.
If that were true, women wouldn't need their own Olympic events.
Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night in your ghetto with bullets flying by every 20 minutes.