Is Bernie Sanders a Russian agent too you guys?
they pushed the candidates farthest from center hoping to get idiots fighting in the streets
and it worked flawlessly by the way
They only helped Bernie to divide the democrats and help out Trump. Jill Stein on the other hand was definitely a paid Russian shill.
Yeah bro, those memes they put on Facebook sure did a good job swinging votes
>Everybody who opposes Queen Cankles is a russian spy
Sanders & Stein were about dividing and conquering American liberals.
just wait till the charges are unsealed on richard spencer and deray
it's gonna blow your minds
Bernie Sanders is a communist who literally went on his honeymoon in the Soviet Union. Of course he is a KGB pawn
Americans fighting each other is good, though. Anything that weakens and destroys America is good. Anything that helps America is bad.
>external propaganda in the year 2016????
Everyone who isn't currently living in the HIllary is literally president right now timeline is a Russian spy. Get ready for the gallows, Drumflstilzkins!
I'll just leave this here for ya'll
*tips tinfoil*
Unironically, this.
they were clearly shilling for candidates that werent openly hostile to russia and its interests.
Sup Forums, Proudboys, IDEuropa were duped by Russian Propaganda. Who would have thought?
>pushed the candidates farthest from the center
That doesn't sound like helping.
Literally everyone is a Russian agent according to delusional Demotards.
They literally boosted everyone against her. It was so fucking rigged it turns my stomach.
If you were a Trumpcunt or a BernieBuster or one of those people who just stayed home because "they're all the same," motherfucking KILL yourself.
You betrayed your country if you voted against HRC, the only one who would have stood up to the Bear.
I honestly cannot tell the difference between a troll pretending to be a Demotard and an actual Demotard
Yeah I wasn't joking. America is the source of all social cancer on earth, and the sooner this place falls the better.
It certainly helps to identify those idiots
the fact that they tried helping everyone but Hillary, to me, makes it less likely that the Trump campaign sought out the Russians for help, and its mostly just the Russians not wanting Hillary to win, and tbvh, Trump being a political neophyte that is doing what they have tried to do since the 60s (which is to pit various races and groups against eachother) his ascension to the office could only be beneficial to their cause. Bernie would have been good for them too, bc he had proven himself to be a massive pussy.
This and only this.
its the sole, simplest reduction of every single, federal, social and theoretical argument about the entire 2016 US Presidential election.
satan is no longer hiding its power level
In reality the Russian influence played a very minor role in the election. I believe the largest audience they reached was about 50k people on a Facebook add. That's nothing compared to the amount of time, effort and money they spent. I know for a fact that they along with China will be attempting to influence the midterms by promoting democrats. Remember, the goal is creating chaos amongst the electorate.
Stein being funded by Russians is something we knew for like a decade or so.
Russia is anti-USA, not pro-Trump/Sanders/Stein. Get that through your head.
That picture of them eating dinner at the same table is the smoking gun.
Hillary lost because people don't like her.
Get that through your head.
I think that giving her $150 million counts as helping her. And if Mueller looked, he could find plenty of foreign nationals, even Russians, who "interfered in the elections" to help Hillary. Time to end this charade, round up the Dems, and gas them all.
Yeah. Remember that Russians love Greens universally because they're the ultimate "bow down and take it up the ass" when it comes to international politics. They also make the industry in their home countries less competitive by introducing dumbfuck regulation and enforcing wrong policy(ever wondered why they're ALWAYS anti-nuclear power?)
it played exactly ZERO infleunce. ZERO not a single person was swayed this way or that, by any Russian meme on facebook or otherwise.
in 2016 the two most inconceivably divisive people in the history of politics were pitted against each other for the soul of the United States. Every single voters mind was made up the moment it was whittled down to those two. functionally, the moment Donald Ran, (knowing that Hillary was the Dem choice 8 years prior) the decision was made.
Its absolute insanity on the part of the American-judeo media, liberals, democrats and other affiliates to imply otherwise. The have selected to destroy the nation for the choice made on Nov. 8, 2016.
What about this?
Obama race baited for his entire last term. He did more than Russia could have ever done to cause the situation that you have just described.
Not if you think about how they almost caused ANTIFA to be a real thing and if it wasn't for Sup Forums and other sources exposing how bad they were so people would take action before it was too late, Antifa would have been capable of being a real gang in most large cities who would violently put down any expressions or protests they disagreed with not just Berkeley.
A lot of the fighting at Trump rallies was based on Russian trolls who incensed Mexicans to come down and beat up white people.
What is it proof of?
thanks for admitting trump is
>implying that 100k worth of shitty facebook ads caused the friction we have today
oh my sweet little retard
No you colossal faggot. It means they spread the animosity that was growing thanks to their unleashing of dnc server stuff. It's so clear that Trump would never have won without Russian disinformation/bad will campaign
>implying it wasn't effective
Can't hide forever, shill
i really doubt russia cares about a couple retards pepper spraying each other
in other words if there was no transparency in government, the shadow government would still be in control.
i only care about the truth and so does most of this board whether you like it or not you delusional socialist faggot
it's time to go to the acceptance stage november 2016 was a while ago
Everyone who opposes Hillary Clinton is a Russian spy.
Everyone who wasn't a SHILL4HILL was RUSSIANS
>muh Facebook ads
>muh disinformation
Gee it’s like Russia observed how the west subverts countries through social media and tried the same thing. Should Obama stand trial for coordinating the Arab Spring? Also how are accurate leaks “disinformation?”
I have a question. Isn't George Soros of Hungarian citizenship? If so, isn't he guilty of the very things these 13 Russians are accused of? Hmmm.. C'mon Sessions! What are you waiting for?
He's currently funding the democrats in Texas right now. No one cares though because he represents the Rothschilds
Anyone see any evidence or proof that there was a Pro-Trump rally held in NYC on Nov 12, 2016? That indictment is a load of horseshit. It reads as if the only things they investigated were found online meaning they saw Facebook Events ads for this shit rather than anything that actually materialized in person as a result of Russian nationals planning or involvement
>be country
>was in a cold war with enemy for decades
>former enemy has elections coming up
>candidate most likely to win doesn't seem sympathetic to your interests
>decide to avert potential conflict by promoting one of the other candidates
>indirectly funnel money into your candidate
>use media disinfo to promote your candidate over the others
>have campaign strategists meet with your candidate to help him figure out how to beat top candidate
>finally turn the poll numbers around
>get your candidate elected
>secure a better position internationally while your candidate tanks healthcare and other basic necessities in their country
>be US in 1996
>pic unrelated
There are only 2 kinds of people who oppose Hillary: rural and suburban retards and Russian trolls who get paid to do it.
Which are you?
>Russia tried to help everyone BUT Hillary Clinton
It sounds more and more like the "Russians" that interfered with the election, were just Americans that hated Hillary.
Probably people that involved in the DNC
if the cost of getting the treasonous cheeto out of office and into a jail cell is offering Sanders up at the feet of Moloch, then so be it
haha you got me
Wouldn't they have the best access to education?
He has US citizenship.
>russia helped everyone except the most corrupt politican
I'm a subrural retarded russian troll. Is that the same as deplorable?
Hillary lost because the russians made the american people think she was corrupt and unlikeable
> If so, isn't he guilty of the very things these 13 Russians are accused of?
He only owns 2/3 of all the electronic voting machines in America, he'd never meddle in elections :^)
She actually lost because of how they did gaddafi, if you want the real reason behind everything being set in motion.
>treasonous cheeto
you mean cheesyness treato?
> rural
> suburban
> Russian bot
That’s 3 kinds of people. You have to be able to count to three to post here.
Ok Ivan.
> gaddafi
That bitch got this old man sodomized with a bayonet. Now they are selling slaves openly in the markets in Libya, and liberals still love Cankles and Barry.
Libs don’t have actual beliefs. They just want anarchy.