What does Sup Forums think of child marriages?
What does Sup Forums think of child marriages?
If there is grass on the field, play ball
is ok
Wish we had them here.
Pedophilic scum. Why don’t you join the democrat party?
>t. londonistani.
kidding, im against Dems too
why did they keep having babies?
More gibs and they will have no excuse to get a job ever.
How it's supposed to be. Girls are meant to be married and bred young. Only ones who'd disagree are scum like this who think instead of being good wives girls should be in school and be sluts.
If every party is in agreement, then what's the problem?
It's baaad. Don't you know girls have to be in school and "get experience"? They can't be married young and be good wives and mothers, that's bad.
The problem I have though is often little girls are forced to marry old men.
Really post puberty but under 18 should be OK for marriage so long as the man at least under 22
>so long as the man at least under 22
Why? Why should there be a limit on when a man can acquire a wife? Why should you be able to tell a man who he is allowed to marry his daughter off to?
>What does Sup Forums think of child marriages?
TrumDumpsters know it's the only way they'll ever get married.
tfw no loli waifu. why even live?
I don't really see any problem with it
child marriage is just a really old method disgusting beta males found to reproduce
ponder this if you will, if this shit had NEVER HAPPENED, we wouldn't have so many disgusting beta males today, because that shit would've been trashed long ago
furthermore, we all know the insane amount of disgusting soyboy beta males is the reason women have so much power & are allowed to fuck up countries while pretending to be a minority with protected status
To change the world so loli brides will be allowed one day?
No problem with the horror that is marriage? Everybody knows being married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, young girls doing it is just deplorable.
Children can't consent, they don't understand the consequences of their actions.
Is there another way to get a female before she becomes brainwashed by feminist bilge? Foreign women perhaps?
Calm down Ahmed, everything's going to be fine.
It is disgusting. And you are a pathetic man if the only people you can convince to have sex with you is a child.
and this whole
>le puberty though bro XDDD
>this means me, as a fat neckbeard at the age of 40 should breed them
1: appeal to nature fallacy
2: prefrontal lobe development not finished
I think you should never, force a child engage in something they will not understand.
well put user
Because people will marry off their daughter to some old fart for money.
The whole point of this is to get people into good non-degenerate relationships.
If you are old find someone older. You had your chance.
>child marriage is just a really old method disgusting beta males found to reproduce
And what the fuck is wrong with that? Men built society so that it gives as many men as possible the ability to pass on their genes. Unfortunately, all these progressive laws have ruined it to the point of no return. Now lesser men are just waiting for the destruction of society to try their luck on the iteration.
Preteen and teenaged girls are ANNOYING AS FUCK.
I'm not looking forward to having to raise them at that age, I have no idea why anyone would want to marry them WTF.
That's why a girl has a man in her life, to make decisions. No one would say a girl should choose who to marry. Chil brides means also arranged marriage.
Again, its not the girl you need to convince, thats stupid. Its her father, to give her hand in marriage. Fucking retards around here.
>And what the fuck is wrong with that?
I fucking explained what was wrong with that you stupid beta
Who am I to judge another persons culture? :/
you're cringey as fuck
subhuman trash
After a century of total freedom women has rewarded us with the lowest fertility rates in history so I say child marraiges should be allowed in those place with a lower than 2'0 childs per women but it should be baned everywhere else
This only happens in Yemen. Yemen is the birthplace of the Jew.
They're wrong and you're barbarians.
>humans shouldn't judge other humans
thats a first class ticket to shit town
judging & shaming is extremely important
It's wrong. but that's the most effective way to make you wife into an obedient one
How mad are roasties gonna be when their constant multiculturalism propaganda results in them being abandoned all together in favor of indo aryan loli waifu's?
t. incel
is there any documentaries about it?
>abandon human women for human women
thats not how that works brainlet
realistic advanced robots with artificial wombs, thats the sort of thing that could wreck roasties, your scenario is litterally
>we leave roasties for le young roasties xDDD WEW SOLVED!!!!
It's logical and it's actually why they marry them so young, to mentally own them.
they merry them young because its all they can get
they can't mentally own an adult (which is a pretty easy thing), they are reduced to children, meaning genetically the man shouldn't breed, 100% chance of low IQ, his mind is just barely above a child's, it is the only mind he is able to wrestle to the ground & "own"
It's a good thing periscope isn't full of super hot underage eastern european teens who will do almost anything you want...
that would be terrible
>tfw no childbride
something tells me they aren't willing to do anything a fat salt & pepper old coot asks them to do
imagine the stench
Women are children regardless of how old they are. It's called sexual dimorphism. Teen marriage is a far more effective/immediate solution to a declining population.The teen girl can be trained young and impregnated in her mid twenties.
Every job in the world is easier than having to take care of 4 disabled boys for the rest of your life.
i think its illegal in america. mormons in utah people got in trouble for this shit . even with the families permission there are limits . a child cant sign a contract. a marriage is a form of contract in a sense
Yeah, it couldn't be because young girls are better in every way.
You are so salry, you sound like a cunt.
>The teen girl can be trained young and impregnated in her mid twenties
>impregnated in her mid twenties
>not immediately after she is able to become pregnant
What's that thing called again where you take everything super seriously and can't recognize any silver underlining?
Oh yeh; "autism", now fuck off mister supar srs.
>The teen girl can be trained young and impregnated in her mid twenties.
its like you're talking about a fucking dog or something
I guess no one has ever loved you, so you have no understanding of what love is, its all about breeding & training for you, clown
Child marriage is perfectly fine and i've understood why. It's because sexual maturity does not correspond to the same ages for men as it does for women.
For women the optimal age to start breeding is around 18 years. That's when they have the highest chance to produce healthy children. For men, the optimal age varies because it has more to do with the man's social status, mental maturity and economic status. Since the man is supposed to lead the family, he needs the right mindset, the money, maybe a job, a house, etc. So for example the man could be 30 and the woman 18, this could lead to a succesful marriage with many children.
>Yeah, it couldn't be because young girls are better in every way.
protip pedophile, when you marry one, it will eventually get older, you know that right?
>If every party is in agreement,
Whether the girl is 12 or 20 she'll always choose Chad over your neet asses btw
just leave
For health reasons mainly due in part to fetal development. Women generally develop their hips 18+. Although it is recommend to wait until the woman is at least 25.
Just stop. You and I both know you need to kill yourself. I know you have those thoughts frequently. You need to embrace and listen to them. Don’t be a pussy, don’t use pills, don’t fuck it up like everything else in your life. Use a gun, do the only thing that YOU can personally do to help everyone. Your genes need to go
>the reason i want to manipulate a child & fuck children is merely because it is the optimal age for breeding, if you breed a woman at 30 the child will likely die, im just being scientific guys, it has nothing to do with me being a beta pedophile cuck whos only chance would be with a child because its so much easier xDDD
haha, the mud in the front got the ugly one
where is your Allah now?!
i'd fuck that wee lassie at the back in all her holes and leave her gaped AF. BRB fappin g
Typical islamo-fascist net infiltration b/s
Muhammad was a pedophile terrorist... these things are not desirable and are substandard when compared to the rights and traditions developed in the west.
Of course you would you fucking Brit. Kill yourself immediatly. Genes need to go. Do it fast. You know you should. Use a gun.
>Again, its not the girl you need to convince, thats stupid. Its her father
This makes a lot of sense. And it also happens to be the way traditional marriages have always been handled. The marriage then is seen as a transfer of responsibility for the woman; From her father over to her husband. Such marriages also tend to be very fruitful and long lasting, if we are to go by historical accounts. Particularly i am referring to Icelandic sagas.
You are pretty much correct.
two more and they can form a human pyramid
pic related, its you
>Such marriages also tend to be very fruitful and long lasting, if we are to go by historical accounts.
You mean to say that a child that didn't get to develop intellectually can't think or act for herself?
Fuck yeah!
Me too user
anything is a step up from your women, you disgusting inbreeds
>germanics destroying: human reproduction, traditions, religions, nations, family, races, continents
Honestly the Germanic laws dominate the western world, where sexuality has been so heavily demonized throughout its history that attraction to teenagers is seen as some egregious moral offense.
There was variety amongst different people. In Roman times, a woman was most valuable once she had her period and able to have her first children, a man would be most valuable when he was established with a career and status. The age gap of marriage in Greco-Roman culture was therefore quite high.
Now compare that to the Germanic people. According to Tactius' Germania, the Germanic people would stay pure untill both men and women reached around the age of 20 or 30, their strength would be combined in strong offspring.
This is nowadays still quite noticable, in countries like Italy, it is still quite common for 30 something year old guys to have 13 year old girlfriends. In Northern European countries, this is heavily frowned upon.
the age stigma is purely Germanic.
the natural and biological reproductive age for females is dictated by the period, which all humans and animals are biologically programmed to follow.
the germanics, being autists, aren't in tune with biology and nature of the rest of humanity.
being that germanics conquered the world and forced everyone to submit to the autism of the germanics, the biology of humanity has been hijacked by germanic autism and we follow the command of our conquerers
Tight AF user.
My question is are you still a pedophile if you marry lets say a 14 year old while your idk like 25 and you stay with her till death? If you liked her at the age and her older years too will that still make you a pedo?
men in there 20s-30s-40s-50s-60s-70s would have teenage brides since antiquity. nothing is weird about that. even teenage boys would marry 40-50yr old bitches. mohamed was one of them. he was a sex toy to a milf before he became a prophet.
this age stigma is very germanic
German cucks ruin everything.
For every child bride I would kill 10,000 commies.
Look how triggered the roasties get whem men prefer the better option.
>implying females ever "develop intellectually"
Don't be ridiculous. Its insane how you people make out that girls be good wives and strong healthy families are bad things.
If this somehow benefited the girl a great deal then it might be understandable, like an older foster child that had no hope of being adopted and would be thrown out on the street eventually. Age of consent is a necessity and should be no younger than 14-16 though, which is already the case for the civilized world anyway. Any other scenario should be, rightfully so, considered abuse.
tl;dr leave things as they are faggot
not enough of them Masha'Allah brother
No, after puberty its called hebephilia
I think it's degenerate.
A fully grown man, comfortable dominating and controlling a child they might or might not use for sex and reproduction.
Long term it'll probably turn woman into infertile slags that've already gone through menopause at 20 years of age if humans keep doing this for a few more eons. I think this is bad Darwinism.
Actually, fuck marriage user. Sex slaves is the dei wey 2 go.
>what do I think about child marriages
Let me put it this way, if you don't have a college degree or your own damn house and a well paying job, you shouldn't be marrying anyone. Women will take everything away from you. When you get tired of her because she becomes a bitchy piece of shit, if you divorce her, she takes your kids and more of your money. Marriage is an awful decision.
where are the women around the age of those men?
do the men wait until 35 until marriage and then marry a 10 year old? what do they do until then? seems like a massive democraphic disparity
also why are all sandniggers so ugly?
You're correct. The marriage should most certainly be arranged by the father.
>what do they do until then?
Practice on goats
oh please stop, just stop it, you clearly took my message as a serious statement and now defend it like some insecure underage retard
No more then 10 years age difference
Why any age limit? As the girl is 14+. It's game on buddy.
Bible says nothing about age of consent. Only says stuff about puberty
So ya when humans hit puberty is when we can marry and fuck- law of nature. Don't let the "age of consent" fool you. It's all german autism.
dont let the germanic mind control virus take over you!
>Age of consent is a necessity
No, it isnt. The girl's age doesn't matter. Sex isn't rape just because she's a certain age, its rape of the guy fucking her doesn't own her. Any sex outside of marriage is rape.
As much as I feel for the women destructing the society, in past no matter how you looked you always got married.
But today amount of women not having kids and many lonely man, those who breed will prevail, this is literally the worlds greatest transfer of genes.
If you arent rich, only way to get married is being a chad, something more than half of men are not.