>I'm a good boy now, I'm not radicalized- Anders Behring Breivik
>I regret killing all those people
>I'm do not believe in the views I had before
>2 minutes later:
>fucking pakis
I love this dude, he's trying to get out of jail, but they're calling his bullshit.
I'm a good boy now, I'm not radicalized- Anders Behring Breivik
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bump for based Andrew
If they let him out your country is retarded. He should have been executed with a steam roller.
did he get his ps4?
I mean, he might get out in 11 years, but it's highly unlikely.
there is no way he will ever get out of jail
He got a playstation and stressless chair. They caved. I guess he never shut up about it and they wanted peace.
>He should have been executed with a steam roller
You should be thrown from a helicopter.
Leftist detected
If Europe survives the Kalergi War, there will be statues erected in Breivik's honor.
>commie scum
lmao @ how retarded this board is
I'm gen z
He has more support around the world than our media tells us. The only thing they've reported on was a woman that openly supported his views on facebook. Iirc they tried to burn her car or something. Leftists are crazy as fuck. Can't have other views than them, or they'll kill you.
which is exactly what he did to those teenagers
lmao @ how retarded you leftists are and how funny you'll look when you're hanging from the trees
Um no sweetie
He murdered 60+ kids you fucking edgelord little nigger
communists and shitskins*
I dont speak freaky deaky dutch
They mostly wanted to import muslims. I'm not even kidding when I say more than half were radicalized muslim supporters. I do not give a shit about them honestly. Those were my own people, but they've caused so much shit in my country, I do not care if they're gone. Those are the ones that were responsible for the machete killings on the train, all the rapes by the shitskins they wanted to import for no good reason at all. They're the reason we're in Schengen. They were cancer. Cancer needs a cure sometimes, and this time it was bullets.
ABB only killed half-nigger communist scum that raped little White girls. The only White kid he saw he let go. He was Polish and today the kid saw the light and is a White Nationalist.
1/2 (google translate)
This means psychiatrists about the Breivik letter
Morten S. HopperstadRolf J. Wideroe
Psychiatrist Henning Væroy believes the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik (38) has an obvious goal when expressing anger over the terror and disregards his ideology: He will be released.
In mid-March last year, the 38-year-old mass murderer wrote a letter to the management in Skien prison, where he currently denounces the custody sentence after the terrorist attacks in July 2011.
The contents of the letter resulted in three new talks with the state's own expert, psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist. In addition, Rosenqvist made two new risk assessments based on the letter and the discussions with Breivik.
Psychiatrist Henning Væroy was VG's expert in the terrorist case against the mass murderer in 2012. He has now read parts of the risk assessment to Rosenqvist.
Background: New report - would allow Breivik to meet other prisoners
In the letter to the prison management, Breivik claimed that he regretted the terrorist attacks: "And if it had been possible, I would have seen it untouched."
"I think Breivik reveals itself and the motive behind its alleged remarks in the letter," says Væroy to VG.
Væroy points out that the mass murderer, among other things, writes that he will leave fascism, national socialism and non-nationalist ideology and movement because of demands and wishes from the Correctional Service.
commies and niggers arent human.They deserved to die
"It does not mean Breivik necessarily does, but he says he's probably doing it to achieve his own wishes," says Væroy.
Breivik's Attorney General and Attorney, Oystein Storrvik, has received the statements from psychiatrist Henning Væroy, but does not want to comment on the case.
New report: Would give Breivik a meeting with other prisoners
- Hair-shaking thinking
The psychiatrist points out that Breivik pictured homemade uniforms that he regarded himself as a leader with thousands of sympathizers and that the Norwegian people would thank him in the future.
In talks with psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist in May last year, it emerged that Breivik claimed that he had applied for gründer support several times as young. The mass murderer also said that his applications were rejected, but Pakistanis were granted support.
"When he mentions that he did not receive gründer support, but that Pakistani people got it - that's what reflects his current political thinking," says Væroy.
The psychiatrist believes Breivik reveals himself with this statement, because he does not show that he disregards his former mindset.
- It is not well-founded, but racial. It indicates an extreme right-wing or national socialist thinking, "says Væroy.
I am Somali and I think Breivik’s actions were not just understandable but justified and heroic
Breivik said :
- nationalists will hate me because they are not me
- nationalists will be mad I didnt target nigger or arabs
- but If i had target nigger or arabs, they would have complain : why you didn't kill whites traitors?
Now I understand him when I see all fake nationalists retard on Sup Forums complaining about him.
Conservatives: omg, those CRAZY leftists have no empathy for us!
How dare you say that about an innocent WoW player
this is the same camp
here is their leaders and that camp's theme
i didn't know this guy was a nazi... wait, who did he shoot? i thought he killed a fuck load of white people on a beach
Speaking with people from Norway they all are like ”it’s horrible what he did... But!” I try redpill as many norweigan visitors as i can
>implying he wouldn't get killed by an angry mob as soon as he stepped out of the prison gates
Literally no one would ever get prosecuted for killing him. If anything they would become a hero in the eyes of the public.
here are campers larping
they were communists supporters
I hope he gets out of jail and kills more commies.
Fuck off retarded commie.
>zionist freemason shoots up anti-zio kids
Really makes ya think.
sauce???? was it a commie convention or something??? wtf if they had put that on the news in america, he would have been given asylum in the states lol
This is an aricle where that man in the picture, Jonas Gahr Store (AP leader) says they're against a boycot of Israel.
they were literal communists who wanted to Rhodesia Norway
Breivik is a fucking national hero. They should let him out and "visit" Canada lol. He'd become a nuclear scientist and detonate 900 Nukes simultaneously annihilating Leafistan
Good good. I try to do the same, but I'm walking on glass every time. You can't be too careful, one time I spoke with a dude that had a daughter on that island. I stopped speaking about it before I said too much. I had no idea his daughter even was on that island. I'm so glad I didn't say: "he dindu nuttin" and went all out.
I don't like you nor do I condone what he did.
And yet even I recognise that he targeted the children of Socialists.
t. I'm friends with children of socialists, I do not wish them harm. I just think they shouldn't have a voice in politics.
In the days of based yore, those who were traitors were not respected.
They were Social Democrats. More or less Communism-lite. Instead of a violent revolution they use democratic means to accomplish it.
Women, child, your own and jew are all excuses not to kill a commie.
varg got out and was not even punished for his escape attempt
norway's idea of justice is laughable
we should break him out.
You are Somali and I understand you need to go back.
Yes, because Nationalism is a cult of death.
Fucking froggie...
im not google just read it lazy
I would be laughably easy. If I know our jails, he's probably sitting in one with unbarred windows, with a 3 meter tall chicken fence and unarmed staff watching over him. With enough people, it would be doable.
Are you stupid?
They were doing the work of America...
he craft a bomb and blow up a 'Labour Party' building too
Labour party=communist party unless there is "national" in front of it.
why don't you do it?
This is the 2nd highest ranking leader in that party. She was 3rd, but the 2nd in command got caught fingering some women at a party or something, he did something sex related, not rape. #metoo
He's gone, and she rose to 2nd in command, and this caused sort of an uproar in Norway. They went from 30% to 19% in approval rating after that. They're basically dying out. I heard they havn't been this small since 1924 or something.
I can't kill. I'm pretty useless desu. I even help spiders out alive from my home. I use my vote instead, even tho it feels useless.
I mean you might get away without having to kill someone, but I'm pretty sure it would get bloody.
kek if this is real
>Breivik won
holy fuck.
well this thread has been monumentally redpilling
>inb4 watchlist
The amount of Norwegians that support Breviks actions ITT is scary. And Trump wants these terrorist sympathizers in our country....
Breivik did nothing wrong
Hello newfriend, if you notice right after "Anonymous" there is an ID. This pretty much tells you that there is only 1 norwegian poster in this thread.
apparently, in the ballpark of 81% of Norwegians think he was at least partially correct. commies are scum bro, who are you kidding
If you form a squad it could probably get done but that would be hard as fuck. Anyway, is there any chance that he gets freed if he plays the "I changed" card once he served his first sentence ?
Yes, he could get out in around 10 years. It's unlikely, but he could be out then, sure.
There are basicly 3 views on it.
1: He was a terrible murderer!
2: He did what needed to be done.
3: I understant why he did it, but I don't condone it.
Most people proibably fit into the third option.
From what I understand he can be freed if he is not considered as a danger to society anymore, otherwise he will do another 21 years.
The key here is understanding what "danger to society" really means in this context. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he gets freed because your justice and prison system looks fucking cute lol.
Breivik is a hero and an inspiration to all of us. Becoming a justicular knight is the highest achievement in life.
It's not 21 years more, it's 5 more years, then they do a new test. I don't know what will happen, you never know what they cook up here in Norway. It's pretty random what punishment someone gets. You could get 9 years for stealing 5 million from the state or you could get 1 month, but you could get 1 year from raping a girl or 21, you just don't know. It's a roll of the dice.
>Most people probably fit into the third option.
From my experience, people fall into the third category.
Forgot to tell you the best part of norwegian prison time. It's sort of a lie to the rest of the world. 1 year isn't 12 months, 1 year is 10 months. so 21 years is 210 months, 210/12= 17.5 years.
Ah I see, we basically have the same bullshit in France even though here Breivik would have been sentenced to life in prison without any questions asked.
I've read a book called Utoya from french famous writer Laurent Obertone, this book red-pilled me on Breivik like nothing else. I think it's going to get translated in various languages.
I think people will like what he did in the future, I don't think they'll hate him forever, unless they had some relationship with someone on that island. I saved that authors name, I'll buy the book if it comes out in english.
I want a portrait of him so bad. I could hang it up in my study.
10 years from now, how will Norway look like, if the present decaying rate remains?
The "kids" he killed would have become young politicians pushing for open bordes and unregulated migration. He did the right thing.
We're doing extremely well. Immigration is pretty much stopped, our immigration minister gives no fucks about the leftists screaming, and the party that breivik was a part of, is in power as we speak. Holy shit, I almost forgot. I was ordering food at a restaurant a week ago. The table next to me had a dad and 2 kids. They started talking about some jamal in their class. 3 cops came into the classroom and dragged him outside and they've never seen him again. Total gestapo shit going on right now which isn't reported in the news. I swear, I see less and less immigrants here. Asylum centers are being closed down left and right. It's looking good.
Holy shit.....
What's his gamertag? Does he play Skyrim?
I havn't read about any games he's playing.
Good to hear.
That's a really good thing for you, fellow brothers. Fucking swedes should follow your example. What's your point of view on swedes ? Why are they so fucked up ?
If we were a nation of 100% Norwegians we would already have prison colonies for you on Mars you worthless shitskin.
Panzer division Wiking when?
Now that he is all better we should let him out. If we don't it means the current Nordic model of rehabilitating prisoners has failed.
>"toda a gente que vai ao avante é comunista", o tolo
>I havn't read about any games he's playing.
Surely you've read about his fondness for playing Whack-a-lib? He's kind of holding the high score.
Swedes are in my opinion some of the kindest people on earth. It pisses me off that they let it go this far. I'm sure the swedes don't want their country like it became, and they'll more than likely change their government at the next election. The swedes are easily fooled by the media, and this is the main difference between norwegians and swedes. Norwegians don't care much about the media, we don't trust it, we never did, the swedes trust it more. They listen and follow what it says. This is what I think is ruining sweden honestly.
And people call us cringy larpers
Soon it seems. Something weird is going on here. Much of it isn't on the news for some reason.
Can I have a source on the Polish kid turning WN please.
>i didn't know this guy was a nazi... wait, who did he shoot? i thought he killed a fuck load of white people on a beach
not quite normandy-beach-tier, but yeah he did make a fair pass at trying to be the next Adolph I guess
>Swedes are in my opinion some of the kindest people on earth
Swedes and the Dutch are my favorite people in Europe.