Post the most disturbing videos, images, and text from the recent school shooting. We're going to toughen the fuck up. Pic unrelated.
Post the most disturbing videos, images, and text from the recent school shooting. We're going to toughen the fuck up...
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>thinking anyone here would be phased in the slightest
that way, sport
these happenes in different parts of the school. ignore the link names
If you want to be "toughened up" (lol) then just watch this
yea this shit was kino.
that scream he gives when the dad gets the knife was pretty wild.
>the dad
Wait, what the heck's the backstory?
Now that's what i call autism!
I call it, "the gorepill"
oh shit nevermind
thought it was this other video where they kill this kids dad in front of him, chip his head off.
then they flay the kid while he's still alive and cut out his heart.
some mexican cartel shit
You got a link to that?
fourth link i posted
its more like, terrible atrocities are occurring in other countries that our stuff is nothing
Thanks lads
It's something because it's more relevant to me, taking place in my country.
WTF is the point of shooting up the school if you don't barricade yourself in the showers with all the hot chicks and fuck as many as possible before the cops bust in. What a waste.
you should add this one to your collection:
I'm curious about something. (skip to the bottom to read my question if you wanna skip the middle) I watched faces of death as a young teen; me and buddies DLed a ton of fucked up videos as like a challenge to our manliness, and we certainly thought of the ability to watch them as related to toughness, but after those HS days, I never really gravitated to watching that stuff again. I don't like "OMG no!!" when I see gore around, and stuff that's on the level of, say, black guy getting cooked while touching the electrical conduit, that doesn't even phase me really. But god damn.. You can feel a part of yourself being hurt when you see something like that video of the family on a road trip when a brick flies through the windshield and demolishes the wife/mom's face. There's not even video, like it's just audio from a dash cam (if you haven't seen it), but it's still the most terrible thing I've ever seen. The pitiful and pained, strained way that the dad says "aww.. oh no..", then the kids asking him if mommy was ok.. Fuck dude.
Anyways, if you're still reading, thanks, and I really do have a legitimate question. I noticed you put "toughened up" in quotes, so you must know what I mean when I say that a part of you is hurt when you watch these things, so I was curious, as a person who has watched these things a lot, it seems, what would you call the effect that these videos have on you, rather than "toughening up". Sincerely interest in your answer.
Anti-gun liberal jews getting killed
>thinking anyone here would be phased in the slightest
You obviously haven't met the newfags
There were some literal soyboys complaining and reporting a cartel video this morning
The absolute state of nu/pol/
ha, fucking gnarly
I'm some other user but it's just a nerve killer. Watching shit is 1000% different than seeing the death rattle in person. Something super surreal in watching consciousness disappear in person.
>There's not even video, like it's just audio from a dash cam (if you haven't seen it), but it's still the most terrible thing I've ever seen. The pitiful and pained, strained way that the dad says "aww.. oh no..", then the kids asking him if mommy was ok.. Fuck dude.
I've seen that webm, it fucks everyone up, it made me cry
complete desensitization to human suffering.
not even being edgy, but i could watch this shit and eat a full course meal afterwards.
doesn't phase me at all.
started with the video around when we invaded iraq, the one where they cut the journalists head off and you could hear him screaming and shit.
since then i just couldn't help watching all this extreme shit.
that was over a decade ago, so i'm sure you can imagine all the shit i've seen.
I know the video you're talking about. And I know where you're coming from, of course a part of you hurts inside when you watch these videos. But one of the most important things I've learned in life is that suffering is a natural part of life, and that you can't just try and insulate yourself from it.
I've learned to accept that pain and misery and evil only effect you if you believe that the world can be a naturally good place, which it just can't. This is what has helped me cope with the memories of my childhood. I'd highly recommend you read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, that book explains the world more than any other I've ever read
When do you plan to use this skill and in what circumstances?
I mean, if you're in a dangerous situation you're down to just fight or flight...
funny you mention that video, because I watch a lot of gore videos, but that was like the only video that really bothered me
wtf mexico
most of the straight up murders i've ever seen were from Brazil.
pretty kino vids, tbqh.
>not posting the video
Come on, son.
here lad.
Is this a normal reaction?
How can you react in this situation?
>*boop boop boop boop, boop BOOBOOP BOOP BOOP*
Get's me every time.
Accidents like the brick through the window just makes me paranoid to be driving behind a truck like that and sad for the family.
But that video makes me feel lucky to be in an environment in which I don't feel like I'm gonna get my face peeled off and my hands removed and stabbed in the armpit. I can now handle the hateful privileged shits that I interact with on a daily basis with a dull contempt for their emotional slapstick gimmick they humor themselves with. Seriously, everyone I know is sad as fuck about their own lives and it's not even close to the possible fear and suffering they could be subject to if they were just born a few hours south of me.
You're forgetting the fact that some jews saved like 5 shekels by not putting a tarp over that load. You're not an anti-semite are you goyim?
Anyone that wants immigrants from africa, mexico or any other shit hole should be forced to browse bestgore. Holy shit!
This is Normal here.
All Rapists who are jailed are Raped in Prision
>absolute state of venezuela
Normal too
Not normal
In addition to the issue of Rape of the Rapists and cutting off the fingers of thieves, it is quite common to perform those who perform murders in peculiar ways.
Arming in tires and throwing gasoline, to finally burn or simply kill and throw the body parts in rivers for fish to eat
On an unrelated note I've lost 2 windshields in the last 3 years from gravel trucks on the highway that didn't have their load properly covered.
Yeah, but one thing is gangs killing other gangs, these were a policeman and his son. I mean, here if an off duty cop gets shot chances are 20 niggers will be found dead next morning.
If I were a school shooter I'd make some kid take a selfie with me and post it before shooting them.
Any other creative ideas?
does the red command not have control over brazil like the mexican cartels?
Jesus. Don't get your face caved in, amerihat. That's not even bad luck anymore, that's some schlomo not doing his job.
The backgroud music makes it seem almost comedic in a way. Also the methods used in this video are not revoltionary in any way, they do that almost daily there.
>does the red command not have control over brazil like the mexican cartels?
Red command has in Rio and in the Midwest.
Even the Federal Government initiated an Incursion with some thousands of soldiers to fight them in Rio
From Sao Paulo to the South is the First Command of the Capital, which is a direct ally of Hezbollah
Rumors that they have alliance with the Local Government of São Paulo in order not to have murders.
Nah, memes apart, PCC and Comando Vermelho are powerful criminal organizations, not much more than that. They don't rule the country.
It's pretty fucking bad. But even here in Canada schlomo is king. The industrial Jew always wins.
>most disturbing in Sup Forums
a jew rise up in power
are the favellas as bad as they seem?
like compared to a hood over here, how dangerous is it?
How long did it take you to get desensitized? Did you have a high tolerance for watching suffering and gore before?
Yes, the favelas are indeed shit and a lot of them were actually taken over by gangs and are now completely abandoned by civilization. Only retards would go to one as a tourist. The chance of not being victim of some kind of crime if you go to one as an outsider is basically zero.
>the first coherent words coming out of their mouths (even in this situation) are vulgar swear words
This makes it very difficult to feel any compassion for Russians, seriously.
>if you go to one as an outsider
and by that i mean anyone who wasn't born and lived his whole life inside one
One of several insurgencies and escalations of violence made by the Red Command as always.
Now all Rio Security is in the hands of a 4 Stars General
It depends, whether you are a resident there or some favela under the rule of the same faction, they will never do anything to you
Some of Rio are dominated by paramilitary groups (aka Justice League), so the trafficking does not operate there, but in return the villagers have to pay some monthly fees for them. All of them are made by expelled police officers and Army Soldiers who have given up the Armed Forces.
But, yep.
Favelas are shitiest place to live
>btw MDB Government will never solve this.
interesting, cheers bros.
few years.
last thing i remember getting sick and disturbed at was some weird sex video with a pig lol.
it's hard to explain, but it was in an abandoned house and the some weird goth fag was just being real edgy with a dead pig.
this was like 6-7, years ago probably more.
don't flinch at anything anymore.
Why are mexicans and south americans the most violent people on the entire planet?
Ever heard of Africans?
I fucking hate this generation.
I’m glad they died, not even being edgy.
>hurrr durrr my school is getting shot up let me post about it on snapchat XD
>gunman gets audibly closer
>lights on, people strewn about the classroom, barely any visible barricades
>roastie logic of “hmm he’s getting closer so let me WAIL AND SCREAM LIKE A FUCKING BANSHEE SO HE KNOWS WHERE TO SHOOT NEXT”
God damn that pisses me off. It’s a shame they didn’t all get capped. Everything wrong you could have done in an active shooter scenario was done.
>Why are mexicans and south americans the most violent people on the entire planet?
Gun Control and loose borders policy, either on account of lack of responsibility or on purpose, such as Brazil on account of Mercosur.
Gore videos are for teenagers. Why won't you grow up user?
You think stricter gun control would help?
Very interesting perspectives, and thank you guys for taking the time to explain
Maybe. Here it's almost impossible to have legal guns but easy for criminals to buy illegal ones.
>implying this shooting is real
this. OP is a faggot nu-male from rebbit.
is this central america or se asia?
>that nigger at the end almost setting himself on fire
The only videos that really hurt for me are ones that involve innocent people doing nothing wrong, but just getting fucked without expecting it. Like that old black guy who got shot on livestream by another nog for no reason or things falling on people as they walk on the sidewalk. That video you mentioned is among those, just watched it. One that fucked me up good was a 911 call from a little girl tearing her lungs out that her bother had just offed himself and that she's alone at home. I honestly had trouble sleeping.
Otherwise, inmates getting their brains scooped out or rogue mexican drug dealers getting decapitated invoke no more than an "Ooh, nice"
Who cares, some faggot kids got btfo by a based shooter, big deal, far worse shit out there
man shooting up our fuggen school :-D:DD
fug the bolis
la abominacion.....
I stopped watching gore videos when I saw the brick one. I’ve known this for a while, but it just highlights the absolute mathematical chaos that is reality. Reality will just happen to you, no matter what. You can find love and happiness and have all kinds of plans for the future, but reality is on its way to you. Always marching on. There’s no struggle between good and evil, just dead causality.
>toughen the fuck up
>we're going
Fuck off back to The_Donald cuck.
Toughen up about what?
Yes, we're aware that our intelligence agencies pose
as shooters and murder civilians to serve their Deep State
masters and so keep their criminal enterprises running unchecked.
Damn that poor kid
They should've done it to him first though to make the father suffer harder, wasted potential
I thank stileproject for desensitizing me when I was a young teen. Love watching gore. Reminds me of the fragility of life.
It "toughened up" our dick, it means you get boners from it, newfagg, now gtfo of my board. nu-Sup Forums is fill of fucking faggots now wtf?
I know that video. I never want to watch it again.
>Peoples ill raised psychopathic kid's reaction to a shooting is "OMG! ILL GET SO MANY LIKES ON MY PROFILE WITH THIS!"
>but its a mystery where all these school shootings are coming from
>You can find love and happiness and have all kinds of plans for the future, but reality is on its way to you. Always marching on. There’s no struggle between good and evil, just dead causality.
fucking hell how do I use this >>get out of here meme correctly
>missile hits between two dudes
The first guy actually lives and you can see glimpses of him running away still. Second guy got fucked tho.
I seen some shit online and just opt to reserve my adrenaline rush for when a sink or swim scenario faces IRL. I don’t remember which tinfoil tier video I saw it but someone was mentioning that The Luminatis encrypt future happenings in blockbuster films to prepare us to be more receptive of whatever fucked up agenda they wanna push on us because we’ll have already shrugged it off as normalcy and will be less likely to resist. Not sure if I conscribe to all of that but from it I pulled that out nervous systems which govern our fight or flight are just as triggered by the sight of traumatic experiences as we are by actually witnessing them first hand, if not just a little bit less. In which case my fear of not being able to react because my endorphins aren’t boosted from never having seen anything that visceral or critical being the .0001% difference of life or death for me.
But I reckon it’s like people who enjoy eating spicy food, aside from bragging rights the “high” is from the alarms going off in you’re brain being triggered by the plant life discouraging you from eating its seed bearing fruit, likewise, at the end of the day yeah you got a whole bunch of artificial memories of traumatic experiences replaying themselves in your head all for what? To say you’ve seen some shit???
This isn't very troubling. The media has desensitized us all already.
I'm not watching/looking at any of this shit.
But there is a
All these weak lefties screaming
> Do something
> Gun control now
> How many more kids have to die
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I know for sure that dismantling the 2nd amendment will not help bring is closer to this lefty Utopia these idiots think we are on the brink of.
Humans are brutal. Everyday there are tortures, mass slayings, huge amounts of evil shit going down. All day every day.
I want the freedom to protect my family from that evil should it try to get close to me and people I love.
Also, to protect us collectively from massive state power.
Did she died?
Either you get desensitized or you develop some mental problem. The latter category doesn't watch them, so that doesn't happen a lot.
People who get desensitized get a kick out of it.
Just like going in a rollercoaster or seeing a horror movie (or for the more adventerous, hanging around with flesh hooks in your back). Guess their brain is wired in a slightly different way.
And then you also have the sadists, which actively enjoy it. They also get a kick out of it, but not like riding a rollercoaster, much more pleasurable.
Why? It is nothing outstanding.
Maybe I am too desensitized, but I have never really had much interest in gore, so I have no idea how I came to be like this.
Brazil is truly the land of monkeys.
> be me
> newbie EMT
> first year of my volunteer mandate
> get a call for some stupid shit
> 5 o'clock traffic starts to slow us down
> we get a desperate recall from station- there is an road accident ahead impeding traffic flow
> others units enroute but we are closest
> reach the car, an old Jeep
> smashed from behind into the car ahead of it
> not that bad a wreck desu
> approach drivers side- airbag deployed and a Mexican lady unconscious in a slump
> passenger side bag deployed- man slumped and skin color denoting massive blood loss
> shitshitshit.jpg
> I see movement in back seat and open the door
> under 10 yo Mexican boy freaking tf out
> jumps past me and goes to woman's side, shaking her and yelling in Spanish
> possible neck injury etc he can't do that
> I hold him back tell him wait we're here to help
> kid does not speak any English and no one in this crew speaks Spanish
> I spend 20 mins holding this kid as he wails while my comrades treat his parents until other units come to scene
> Madre is wheeled away with bad concussion, will recover
> Padre had his legs on top of dash like a retard, airbag sent legs back and impact cracked his femur slicing the artery, he died in less than a minute
> kid given to cop to escort him to hospital
> hear that kids screams when we pulled his dead father whenever I'm alone for too long
I've had bleedouts and some gruesome body cleanups but nothing, even those cartel torture vids compare to that kids desperate screams in our moment that changed his life forever hopelessly lost in translation.
Watching these videos has the same effect as The NWO ritual at Bohemian Grove.
The name "The Cremation of Care" is deliberate.
The effigy of a child that they burn is symbolic of their "Care". It's the empathy that you have for other sentient beings(doggos included).
Everyone's heard of the left-right brain stuff. This diminishes your right brain(feminine/nurturing) and feeds only your right brain(logic detached from emotions) which is basically the definition of psychopathy.
True *toughness* wold be watching these videos as though it was your mother/father/sister/brother/son/daughter and feeling the emotion as though you were one with them.
Could you handle it if you felt the full emotion of the scene? Can you watch Gore on hard-mode?
>in ireland