People are fleeing Venezuela by the tens of thousands.
How do we keep those filthy spics from coming to the United States?
People are fleeing Venezuela by the tens of thousands
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they should come to Mexico, and later cross the border to usa
It's even worse than mexico really, since they're mostly nigger-spic hybrids
You guys are safe. They're fucking up my country first, UN already estimated 40,000 swam across.
I don't mind the women though
>paco is too short sighted to realize the event horizon of gibs is rapidly approaching and his shithole of a nation will starve without white people to feed the subhumans.
but only the women in case they don't make it through and stay here
Rare flag.
They swimming there? Or using boats made of trash like the Cubans did?
Don't worry, Mexico has a southern border and wont let them in.
This is part of the "Domino destabilization" plan to make South American people flood North America in mass. It also ties into the SAU and NAU plans.
[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
Mexico is going to be Syria 2.0
Get used to armored vehicles and War Rigs for border breeching.
Be at ease, fellow burger. They are all coming here instead.
My childhood friend married one. She is pretty hot and she loves anal.
You really are the worst neighbors.
Have you forgotten the Eternal Leaf?
Reminder that Trump supports venezuelans and that he's the only president doing something against the communist dictatorship in my country
Thank you guys for electing him as a president.
>he's the only president doing something against the communist dictatorship in my country
>All we have done all this years including receiving you, it's meaningless compared to a cheeto man saying some retarded things.
>How do we keep those filthy spics from coming to the United States?
try to stop bomb their countries, some of them will even move back. the longer you wait the more will come.
oh Cletus, its more easly to legalize all drugs and send it to you and your kids that we became another syria.
>destroy your land with leftism
>"Man, this really sucks, let's go somewhere else."
>"Hey, this right-wing place is pretty nice. LET'S TRY LEFTISM AGAIN!"
Literally a human virus, I quite LITERALLY support rounding these people up and dumping them on a giant man-made island they can't escape from.
How does it make you feel that the majority of those people would still support socialist movements in any welcoming country once given citizenship? You cannot win against us.
You retarded Hans?
Well it's wrong with Venezuela, but he's right with more countries you have been bombing the hell out
R E S P E C T the
I'm not saying Trump is helping venezuelans directly, but sure he's constantly working against the communist dictatorship.
Your help is directed to the venezuelans directly, providing them house, works and stability. However, you have refused to make progress on works against the communist dictatorship. Whenever Trump adm calls for military actions, you all cry imperialism and all of that fagotry communist non sense which you use to victimize yourselves always, blaming the US for your own problems.
You guys refuse to accept the reality that having a communist dictatorship managed by terrorists and the worst kind of criminals the world could have had, is totally counterproducent to your own government, country and society. Venezuela's dictatorship is working hard to undermine Colombia's elections, Brazilian elections, Argentina elections and also México's elections. You should be doing something about that but you refuse and that isn't a coincidence or something casual.
Something that triggers me about my """""""race""""""" is how we seems unable to fight.
We either bend over or run away.
Buy them tickets to Canada
>mfw they are already flooding my country by the thousands
I know we are brown and poor already but no more please.
You're welcome here fellow Venezuelan friends. Just don't be dicks.
We just try to put things in perspective and we do it publicaly, the situation in Venezuela is bad, but it's your own fault for antagonizing the petro-dollar, we all warned you that this it's how america reacts, now deal with the consequences.
Fuck you too Paco
Whether you're just funposting or a genuine commie genuinely proud of how virulent a school of thought is despite proving itself time and time again to be unviable and destined for failure, it just makes me lose faith in humanity and society. There's very little else that can be done except kick out everyone who's a threat to the status quo of prosperous nations, wall up, and become isolationist, but even then in this day and age you run the risk of nuclear armed nations becoming a brown commie shitholes who start firing ICBMs at prosperous nations out of pure crab mentality.
>USAF in Venezuela
Hans... What the fuck?
Well what happened then?
Why the venezuelan oil plummeted?
Send them to Canada. We will give them free food and shelter.
While all you see is 'filthy spics' I see doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists.
If you are from South America and don't dislike America you're a cuck, sorry. I know that hating America is a leftist thing here but there are other reasons to dislike Americlap.
How much cheap are prostitutes there?
Yeah, it's actually kike bankers protecting their petrodollar ponzi scheme.
t. Izquierdo Rojas.
Oh... Yes, we can.
It isn't our fault. We never wanted this. There is a dictatorship you guys supported through many years, conveniently making trade deals with Chávez, receiving oil money for your own candidates and also not condemning him. It is your fault and if you don't do something about this soon, you will regret it so much.
Venezuelans had a chance in 2002 to restore the constitutional order. You guys never supported us until now, and what you are doing isn't the best you can do. Only Trump along with Colombia and Brazil are trying to work together against the dictatorship, however, it has been a long time and it is difficult to actually believe anything coming from the southern countries.
100,000 memezuelans will be an improvement to that shithole of a country that you have, come gatos.
Venezuela crisis has nothing to do with oil prices. You can put oil at $1000/barrel and nothing will change in my country, because the problem is the socialist regime, which is carrying a slow genocide against us. It is a political measure.
You talk like we were your main import partner before the Chavez era, or even during.
>el mexicANO
F off scitzo, nobody in their right mind takes you seriously.
I think the Darién Gap is a bigger obstacle than Mexico's southern border force.
Fucking invade us
Get them on planes to Sweden.
They'll stay in Central America and Mexico.
>rubs hands eternally
Oil wasn't the reason Chávez or Maduro is in power. It didn't helped Chávez or Maduro. It helped Cuba, for sure.
Chávez could have had the biggest oil income in our history but you were the ones who received that money and voted in support of him in the OAS, and worked for him, in detriment of the US.
You guys are to blame for the current state of our hemisphere. Not the US or venezuelan citizens. You refuse to act accordingly the menace we face.
here too
pls respond
How much you wanna bet that Trump and the cuckservatives will give them amnesty?
"they're fleeing an opressive regime!"
"USA USA - let the in!"
Fake news....They want the bleeding American heart to pull a Gaddafi and allow the government to finally get rid of the Venezuelan democratic system.
I have friends in Venezuela, family even and it is not what you are seeing in the news. Don't believe the hype. DO NOT support another Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan
Just another psych op
Here comes the LARPer
How much is Lula paying you, fuckign digusting commie
cheap enough
you can buy lolis in exchange of food, for example. hideously it sounds, but that's the true. We need an intervention to kill the communist thrash
>Venezuelan democratic system.
Top kek Joao.
6 gorrilian per post
We did that shit for all south american leaders, we gave money to every idiot in the region cause we play nice, it's not that much money and doesn't has a lasting impact in your economy like a trade war with the US.
Actually, USA has nothing to worry about, they are coming south. And actually most venezuelans have a deep seated hatred for commies of every stripe. Specially the ones in my goverment who applauded Maduro as he killed millions.
I have only seen hard working Venezuelans mostly because the worse of the bunch stay in Chile and Argentina. I am actually very ok with this.
Lula go to jail already.
Gonna personally volunteer for the border patrol to keep both of you shitskins out
Stay strong bro. Survive.
Haven't you guys had a shit ton of coups/ military takeovers and revolutions? I thought Latin America has always been fighting?
>And actually most venezuelans have a deep seated hatred for commies of every stripe.
>Venezuelans can now be seen on the streets of the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo selling traditional Venezuelan food or offering other services such as cleaning or manual labor. Meanwhile, many women have turned to prostitution.
>Meanwhile, many women have turned to prostitution.
>many women have turned to prostitution
>women have turned to prostitution.
>have turned to prostitution.
>turned to prostitution.
> prostitution.
your cachapas are tasty and so are your women send moar qt's
That is why they are escaping from a commie regime
Compare it to most war on Europe. even my country had a """""""""""""""war""""""""""""""" that only lasted a month, took a fuck ton of Ecuador territoy and no resistance movement was even form.
They are escaping because there no more gibs
Temer is a CIA asset.....keep going other will make enough to pay for your next whore if you post enough
Hope your handlers teach you how to convert your crypto into money after so much effort
This is the same shill...over and over again...
guy was worried he was going to be death squaded a year ago
>They are escaping because there no more gibs
This, every cuban and memezuelan i have met were fucking retarded gommies, always trying to sell me their retarded ideology, i actually told a cuban nigger to fuck off back to his nigger island because he was harrasing me into buying his shit castro and che books.
/pol is suspicious of shit posting, falls for the same shills over and over again
Shill invasion on /pol...daily reminder...don't believe the (((hype)))
t. shill hired by PT
Just makes me love this video even more
This, some kinda Atlantic Kalergi plan. All non whites are jealous they aren't deemed advanced enough to be genetically subverted and ate in fact being forced used by the Jew to destroy white Civilisations.
Probably because you get the worse of the bunch (the closer to memezuela, worse memezuelans), they dont get gibs because they go against the narrative.I have never seen a Venezuelan asking for gibs on the streets, they are always working, mostly service jobs
too bad Mexico controls access on their southern border, really makes you think...
>Implying there dictatorship gave us monetary benefits
That's fucked up. Prostitutes must be charging change then.
is this another communism never tried or communism done well?
>implying I trust any politician
Grow up and go back to r33dit, you can't fool me with your bullshit supporting retorts....guy who does not even live close to Venezuela
You guys are getting more pathetic by the post
Communist being successfully implemented
So, can we answer the question of why in the hell is any dictatorship still allowed to exist anywhere in the world??
And American fuckery when it comes to democracy
Sure. Maduro is a CIA-backed dictator
It's okay if it doesn't hurt the kikes or the petrodollar.
Temer...confirmed by wikileaks
Maduro is the new devil cause the USA wants to hurt Venezuela for being an enemy of the state.
Tell me that Venezuela is not the new Cuba....reeeeeeeeee that they can't fuck you guys in the ass.
You know it, I know it....because Brazil was under CIA sanctioned military dictatorship for 30 years and when we got rid of the CIA, we got the drug wars against south america
i thought they lost interest in that sort of stuff decades ago
That makes sense, however, what about Morales in bolivia? i was sure he stopped the bolivian petrodollars from leaking to the Cockefellers. That government seems stable enough.
Whoever is backing him, chavez, and whatever communist scum that succeeds them, is really Knowing of the ways of old, when this place was called America's Backyard...
>implying it ever stopped being that.
Oh no...they never lose a taste for vengence and total domination...that is why they had to shoot an American president in the head with rifles
You see, South America is currently part of cold war 2.0
>That makes sense, however, what about Morales in bolivia? i was sure he stopped the bolivian petrodollars from leaking to the Cockefellers. That government seems stable enough.
bolivia had two bombings in the last couple of days. btw you guys over there are having refugees from venezuela? we already got 60.000 over here and expected to increase trhought out the year we are doom if this keep going.
It would be grand if they could cross as north as the American southwest and discomfit the Mexicans. Proper payback, and I don't have to deal with it anyways since I moved far from there. I would greatly enjoy the ensuing hilarity.
Don't worry Jason. Venezuelan people have been sucked dry by communism, they are so fucking poor that they literally can't afford the human traffickers to get them to trumpland.
Unlike syrian rapefugees, who can easily pay 4000-8000 USD for the service. human trafficing is expensive hombre
ugh, whatevs, as long as we don't have more condor operations.
haven't heard anything about bombings, i'll do some digging thanks for the info.
and not that i'm aware of, but it's not like this country has many resources or is attractive enough for other people even considering moving here.But 60.000 already? that's insanity.
let me get into the meat of things:
China is about to BTFO the USA in a very interesting way. Instead of just fucking people over like the deep state likes to do, China had a powerful response: they set up decent and viable markets in Africa and Central/South America by creating industry and infrastructure.
China was fucked by Opium and the UK/USA hegemony...their response was to flood these tyrants with ass heroin substitutes....Trump, the dotard with all bark and no bite can't afford to set up decent deals and infrastructure in foreign countries because they spent too much money building military bullshit might that has no teeth. US infrastructure is so fucked that all they can do is use the same tool: military threats and Israel support to fuck people over. China oin the other hand is fostering decent deals and will end up taking over where the Americans have failed. As per usual, the Americans had a short insight and the Chinese are picking up the slack. Only weapon left is to reeeeeeee and fake news people into believing that China will be just like them...they are not
the American empire is dying and their enemies are planning for a new age where the US will fall under debt, hubris and stupidity
The USA was jewed and only the common people can make America great again...not Trump, not Hillary....the common American