NTR Trap

>skintight black shirt

I don't get why already attractive people try to enhance their sex appeal even further by wearing attractive clothing. She already has nice lips, huge boobs, and a cute femme fatale-type personality. What's the point in wearing tight clothes like that to accentuate things even further?

are you a mudslime

to make the person that she loves be more attracted to her.

Which one is the trap again?

They are both girls

I want to nut in Hotaru.

There are people still watching this?

when you're tits are as big as hotaru's, it's pretty hard to find any shirts that aren't tight in the chest or make your boobs look big. what do you want her to do, dress in a fucking potato sack or amish clothes?
no traps here fuck off chagen

Only for the yuri scenes, the manga is a lot better.

Not an excuse. My best friend in high school had Hotaru-sized tits (and looked pretty similar to Hotaru facially as well for that matter), but she was a good girl and usually wore baggy clothes so as to not draw attention to herself.

Sometimes you wanna feel stylish and not give th impression that you're a homeless nutjob or too lazy to put on fitting clothes.

Why is it so much better.

baggy clothes on both women and men are ugly and trashy looking. when you have boobs that big you need extra baggy clothes as well. But hey I guess your friend wanted to look like a hobo and have no fashion sense just so she could hide her boobs, grats for her I guess?

They were anime balloon tits and she was shy, there's nothing wrong with her wanting to hide them away considering that men are wolves.

That seems counter intuitive

because its slower paced and allows for more of Yuma's internal thoughts and motivations to come through. Also, Yuma has a sex dream where Takeda vanishes and Hotaru takes his place to have sex. This happens the night before Yuma and Takeda are supposed to have se.

So a lot of motivations come across differently. That's why you'll see /u/ discussing the manga a lot differently than Sup Forums discusses the anime. Manga Yuma comes off more as a closeted lesbian that's just socially and sexually immature and trying to figure herself out. Anime Yuma comes off as the most dense motherfucker ever. Manga Hotaru comes off as a broken and deeply depressed from repressing her feelings or Yuma her whole life. Anime Hotaru comes off as being more mean-spirited and manipulative.

Because isn't rushed and you can understand better the characters actions, they are cutting a lot of Yuma's internal monologue and other scenes. The manga art style is better too.

ok i can get that. still no reason to think other women are slutty for wearing normally fitting clothing though. big boobs are just natural sometimes and i know its hard to actually go get a reduction because stupid insurance companies

As an anime-only secondary, to me Hotaru basically just seems like an unstable BPD girl who brings stress and chaos to everyone close to her

I dropped it yesterday. I will at best skip forward to the yuri scenes from now on

>complaining about how there isn't enough yuri
>drop every yuri show that comes out
