South Africa = 90s Yugoslavia?



If you haven't already done so, you need to contact your congressman and get them up to speed on what is happening in South Africa. We also need to put real pressure on @POTUS to intervene in South Africa.

You can donate money to to help white families who have slipped through the cracks in the last 20 years.

Discord link for the Sup Forumsack expeditionary force:




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Quick Facts:

>Farm murders *are* a thing and have gotten more organized in recent months with military-grade gear

>In 2017 Farm murders increased 27% whilst the national average increased 1.8%.

>ANC are detaining and blocking journalists from entering the country trying to document it

>There’s a low sense of urgency with a lot of whites that live in gated suburbs in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg (especially Anglo saffers)

> There’s a water crisis going on in Cape Town that will lead to a Day Z tier happening within in the next few months when the taps run dry and everyone tries to GTFO

>We’re sitting at around 35% unemployment and our economic growth rate is abysmal for a “developing” country

>3.3 Million South Africans Pay 99% of all Income Tax (Guess who that predominantly is) and 17 million blacks are on grants.

>So when will the race war happen?

When the gibs stop coming. If the black labourer can’t afford his Friday beer or weekly bag of maize then that is when shit starts to hit the fan and the ANC government will try to scapegoat whites.

>So do you have your FAL ready? What about the AWB?

Another thing one must understand is that nobody wants to fight a war unless forced to do so. That's why we cucked out in 1994 because we got a negotiated settlement instead of a Rhodesia tier Bush War and have been playing detente for the last 25 years. The AWB is long dead and never had that much support anyway due to this attitude. Any indication that it is still active is a honeypot. New gun laws have been made which make it illegal to own automatic weapons unless you work with some loopholes. Boer “militias” are small and isolated groups. The Suidlanders are basically just a prepper group, not a militia. Orania is a small town and not some military base. Our police force is undermanned and inefficient as well, also mostly black. The government will half-ass try to “keep the masses under control” when shtf. Some might say on purpose.

>Why don’t white South Africans just leave?

There are 4.5 million people on this ass-end of Africa. FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION. Not just a few thousand stubborn people who can’t be arsed to get plane tickets or overstay their visas. It’s like the entire population of New Zealand. Get it in your head. Not all can afford a plane ticket or even qualify for immigration to first world countries. We do not get the same benefits as migrants from Syria for example as trying to claim refugee status gets us labelled racists and rejected.

You cannot raft across the Atlantic and trekking through Africa on foot successfully is impossible. We do no have dual citizenship. Besides that, a minority of us can actually still leave, but we have a strong sense of this being OUR country anyway that we built and have resided in for over 350 years. To “just move” when things get tough is just setting our grandchildren up to get cucked in other Marxist shitholes. We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically. We make our stand here, the vast majority of us *do not have a choice* due to the barriers previously mentioned. Most are stuck here for better or for worse.

>So you guys are fucked?

No one seems to understand the Afrikaner, our history, culture and mindset. We are brought up from childhood to despise weakness and told that only girls and faggots cry. We are man for man fitter, stronger and more mentally and physically resilient than any other white group of people on the planet. The vast majority of us play rugby and various other types of sport from a very early age. A large number of us, especially those who grew up in rural areas, learn to track, hunt and shoot from early on. We still have an entire generation of military trained white men (it was compulsory for all). Anyone who underestimates Afrikaners in a fight is making a grave mistake. We have been outnumbered 10 to1 in literally every war we have ever fought. If a war breaks out in South Africa, I can assure you that no matter who wins in the end, it will be a mass redpilling of all western countries about their current trajectories and it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see.

>Fuck this shit, how can I help RIGHT NOW?

It would not be the first time. Thousands of foreign volunteers have come to help us in our time of need before. Pic related various memorials we have for them.

I am not asking *just* for soldier boys, that is only useful once shtf. Women and children will need to be evacuated when shtf to safe zones and will need facilities to use. Instead of waiting for such a clusterfuck to occur, one should be proactive and prepare in advance. You don’t even need to come to South Africa, supporting this humanitarian cause can be done anonymously from the comfort of your room as long as you REALLY know how to work with a computer. Otherwise manpower is what we need and *any* actual skills you bring will be useful, not just shooting. We are looking for those who care and can assist in a Syria/Rwanda style disaster and help with evacuation and construction of facilities, that means getting money, attention, and knowing what we’re doing from an engineering standpoint, not just guns and bullets. This might be your greatest calling Sup Forums, will you do it?

I made a discord to *temporarily* organize anyone who wishes to help in the future or perhaps lend a hand in preparing right now. Join if you wish to help or simply discuss the topic further. I’ll move people to a more secure platform once I’ve filtered out shills and larpers.

Invite Link:




worthy cause, here is a (you)

Black farmers are being killed too.

Stop acting like there's a racial motive.

we didn't have niggers

worthy cause, here is a (you)