Post your books, faggots
Post your books, faggots
how do i into ancient history?
or history in general?
Points deducted for the meme books
Yes. Usually.
>current year
>still using paper books
I have literally never read a book in my entir life, fight me
Get fucked heathens!
Spics don't know how to read.
wilted roses
>le edgy teen pack
I know this is unusual here, but I have a girlfriend. I know. Amazing.
My only book.
36-38 is were he explained how to avoid starvation I asume
t. john dominguez-horowitz
>sucks a baby dick
>implying i can read
Here you go, op.
I have more than 800 books.
Impossible to fit them in a pic.
Read siege, faggot.
>Ben Shapiro
>Bill Nye
>Ayn Rand
>ben shapiro
>get mutilated
Ancient: Herodotus -> Thucydides -> Xenophon -> Polybius -> Caesar -> Sallust -> Livy -> Tacitus
Each of those authors completed whole books (if not multi-volume works) which have been handed down to the present day.
There are plenty of others whose work survives in fragments (and technically even Livy's is fragmentary), but the above sequence includes the most famous historians, arranged chronologically.
more redpilled on the JQ you simply can't
>poo in loo shilling their memecoins witha total worth of 0.01shekels
keki love jewish memes, post more pls judenanon
>Ayn Rand
>Donald Trump
>Ben Shapiro
>Jared Taylor
>Bill Nye
Holy shit this might be the most retarded post of 2018
I have a 10GB database of pdfs/ebook files and a kindle. No point in showing pics
If want to start Western history then there's literally no better place to begin than to start with the Greeks, said recommendation has become a meme especially on /lit/ but it's the truth.
This user is right. It's best to start with the first histories in chronological order but Homer can be considered "history" too even though the Iliad and the Odyssey are mythic
why catalonians post are always the most jewish posts possible ?and by always i mean fucking always, never saw a non-kike memelonian post. Is this the only proxy allowed for JIDF ?
how about this one
old pic
Hush now, sweet Dutchie.
Only dreams, no rustled jimmies
These are my most recent reads. Additionally in the past month I've gone through Clash of Civilizations, Destined for War, The Strange Death of Europe, The Absent Superpower, and The Revenge of Geography from Audible.
not very sophisticated, comon you can do better moshe
pretty eclectic
I am sexually attracted to this post.
I only read pdf’s Because I’m poor
you are a walking meme.
+1 internet.
your gramps used to be way funnier, pic related will maybe inspire you
We are coming back nigger.
> H.P Lovercraft
> Adam Smith
> Sowell
> Voltaire
Clash and the Bell Curve are very good. Is audible worth it? I was heavily considering getting it but figured they wouldn't have very many "controversial" book.
thanks bud. here are some more additions. idk maybe they got mixed up a bit too. that book shelf is maxed out.
finally a good post
im inspired!
Same library/10
I mean, if you read a lot, it's great. They've got lots of political books, but you probably won't find full on fascistic stuff on there. One of the better deals you can get is Great Courses lectures. Between 20-60 hours of lectures per course, on economics, history, politics, and just about anything else for a single credit (like $9)
Loeb Classical Library is a horrible thing to recommend to new readers. The translations are completely literal, which makes them very confusing and a chore to get through. They're useful only as a reference text to the original Latin/Greek, but that makes them fairly useless unless you can read Latin and Greek.
you sound more salty than inspired, are you sure you aren't a mudslim larping as a jew ?
>having books sitting around on shelves
>not eating books after reading them
>not fully digesting their literary nourishment
What are those jars? Are they herbs for cooking? Tea? Incense?
That moment you realize Rhodesia was set up and funded by the Rothschilds to allow for a mineral mining operation to be set up in Africa.
Even Sup Forums's favourite white African country was controlled by the joos
don't play a game you can't win levi, it's bad for your mental state
Yeah, and then they declared independence and fought off the world order alone for 15 years
I find it interesting when people have zero fiction. Not even any classics? Why?
>t. 75%
he didn't saw Crime and Punishment from the previous burger shelve
Watcha guys think?
yours is fake
heres a real photo of paris
>Tragedy & Hope
Probably the most important book for understanding modern history and current affairs. Goes very well with Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
that pic is from Nazareth, a christian town of Arabs.
No Jews live there.
It's all your fault Schlomo.
Modern fiction gives fiction a bad name. That said, I'm sure most people here are familiar enough with the classics. They probably don't make it into these pictures enough because this is Sup Forums and not /lit/
>Ben Shapiro
Proof that Sup Forums is easily manipulated by Jews.
>a jew speaking about truth
wew lad, and about the Paris situation you are the one to blame, proud of yourself vermine ? i guess you love so much nigger's cock you have to put them everywhere, some freudian anal strata of the jewish sick mind
What your system design and process books about?
- like the butterfly effect and attractor fields?
They're my girlfriends. She uses them mostly for oils I think.
Show me where I fuckin' asked you faggot ass ugly little kike bitch. Fuckin' filthy kike teeth of yours are probably a total mess you repulsive hebe.
My copy has the Oprah Sticker.
still controlled by ((them)) though
I have another shelf for my fiction books. They include Wool, Heart Shaped Box, Starship troopers, GOT series and a few more.
same town, 100% Christian arabs
uh, no? (((they))) explicitly shut them down
its old microprocessor stuff. i have a hard-on for 3rd gen touring machine implementations. (CPU tech)
pic related is that book
Israel Lobby is on my JQ must-read list.
The Creature from Jekyll Island was also very informative.
Really good collection! What are the top left books? There's a glare
>he blame you while stabing you in the back
can't wait to shoah you for good this time Schlomo, your time is running believe me
shut up you junky idolizing shit music taste having faggot
uuuuuhhhhhh the whole state of Rhodesia was funded by mining companies like Rio Tinto Group and Cecil Rhodes was directly funded by the ((the family))
His book on cultural Marxism in universities is a must read. Nothing but straight forward facts. But yeah, he's a fucking kike and I wouldn't hesitate to exile.
>Same country
>75% jewish
>pro homo
Does anyone have recommendations for books about Rhodesia?
Start with the Greeks
Yes, and then they became an independent nation that did nothing but kill afromarxists until kissinger shut them down
The Great Betrayal
>New revised standard version
get fucked leaf heathen, you don't know what heresy you show
yet during that time they were also a puppet of the rothschilds
i love so much seeing kikes being subverted by their own destructive ideology, legit give me a boner
Or else fuckin' what, you impotent little cunt? Huh, pussy?? Gonna go fuckin' masturbate like a helpless little faggot again, bitch?
could you be more of a living stereotype of the insecure white boy?
U.S. Army History of WW2