
The ruler and creator of the universe cannot enter a school. Makes sense.

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Explain church shootings, christfag

Leftists love killing children before they are born, but they loose their shit when it happens in godless governemnt schools

>one nation, under God
>repeated every morning by every student and faculty member
Yeah nah go fuck yourself retard

Bullshit. You can pray as much as you want in schools and you always could.

They just no longer FORCE children to pray, because America was founded on secular values - that means that no religion may be forced.

wheres the lie though?

>Conservatives hate abortion, even though it kills more niggers than gang violence
Why do you retards want the black birth rate to triple?

They ought to apply the same technology they use to keep God out of school to guns, because there "gun free zone" tech ain't workin for shit.

God isn't allowed within 200 yards of a school since he made a 14 year old virgin pregnant.


Blacks need to go to church not to kill babies.

It's a boomerpost but it's not far from the truth
Secularism has definitely contributed to the increase in radicalism and mass shootings
Being a secularfag was fine when they still held on to their quaker morals but many secularfags nowadays have no morals and nowhere to go for support
Secularism increases, mental illness increases, and people wonder why their kids keep getting shot

>there are no shootings in atheist China's schools
Guess what? God just hates christcucks.

I'll never understand this. It's one of the only things I can't get onboard with the Right about is their obsessive wizard worship which leads to them cucking themselves into believing "all life is precious". Have they seen Africa?


Mommy! Some evil person foiled my disinfo plan! WAAH!

Secularism is good tho

Jewery is multilayered thing. To believe is to be misled and exploited.

Black people fucking LOVE church, idk what the fuck you're smoking.

>believing "all life is precious"
This. If anything, we need FEWER people on earth, not more!!

America was founded on Christian values you are wrong

Most of the founding fathers were Deists you historically illiterate mouthbreather

If God isn't real, why haven't humans evolved metal skin to deflect bullets? Checkmate atheist.

>following a semetic religion

Thats not what it means and you know it darn well.

this is the most retarded argument ever. america was founded by hundreds of thousands of settlers who were EUROPEAN WITH CHRISTIAN VALUES. then two hundred years later the "founding fathers" came together and made a constitution off the settlers laws and values, they came from christian backgrounds and had christian morals regardless of their personal beliefs

What Christian values are reflected in our founding documents?

its good if you want school shootings and 56% mental illness rates

Perpetrated by atheists.

So god allows children to die as punishment for something the children have absolutely no control over. Sounds like god is a petulant, whiny, thin-skinned, sniveling, useless little faggot.

did i say the constitution was written to include christian values or was written by men who have christian values and based it off the laws and values of the previous men before them who were also christian?

its not that the US was founded by christians for christians, it was founded by christians for anyone. but to think they were not strongly influence by christianity is absurd.

its almost like how blacks joke about white people not having a culture; because white culture is so dominate over them they dont realize how much they do and think came from white influence. athiests are currently this way due to christian influence. look at russian athiest or chinese athiest if you want to see what it looks like without christian influence.

