Will transgirls be indistinguishable from real females in the future to the point where you could date, marry even impregnate one without ever knowing.
Will transgirls be indistinguishable from real females in the future to the point where you could date...
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>Will transgirls be indistinguishable from real females in the future
already are
In a word, floccinaucinihilipilification.
literally me
The absolute state of Sweden.
You dumb cocksucker. You ruined what would have been a piece de resistance of modern internet forum responses. I was set to become FPBP. Me, after all these years--not you. Who the fuck do you think you are anyway? I'll tell you who, in case you're too stupid to realize it. You're a nobody. You're not even fit to hold my memes. How dare you presume to stand where I should be standing. How dare you presume to be first post. I'll find you and flay you alive if you don't delete what you just wrote.
post pics
a males bone and organ structure does not allow him to give birth or have children, you would need to have your entire organ and bone structure replaced. its ludicrous.