Leftist comic cringe thread.
Bluepilled political cartoons thread:(((the nib))) edition
Why is Rey tanned when she's white as a Bong can be? Shouldn't Rambo be tan because he's Italian AND in the fucking jungle?
WOW RAYCIS! Only men can be white as whiteness is pure evil and stands only for hate, you prick.
Now paypal me.
>breaking bad is a movie
>picture of charlie chaplin, from when america was like 95% white.
>most of these franchises are early ones from when america was at least like 90% white
This comic is secretly redpilling folks about how many rape allegations are hoaxes perpetrated by the woman.
Why don't we do that Sup Forums? Put in redpills and the JQ into anti-Trump themed memes so the normie masses will eat it up.
> historical movement
ffs, those people are really full of themselves
>muh pussy
The absolute state of the modern woman.
I have the displeasure of working with college liberals in a hoity toity university. The level of ego trip and delirium in these individuals is understated in the comics, I assure you.
>Implying this happened
People are more likely to help when you look like a woman
People are more engaged in conversations when you look like a woman
Straight men are more likely to ask out someone who looks like a woman
A person demonstrates knowledge and support for your lifestyle
>All of these are somehow bad/unexpected
There's no pleasing these people. They want to simultaneously be left alone and completely welcomed by everyone while. All this while magically filtering out all non-wanted individuals who are supposed to psychically know not to engage with them.
>guy not bothered by anti-semitism awareness act
So this guy isn't a member of the alt right?
But Trump's right in the first panel.
>man transitions because he wants to get treated like a woman
>gets treated like a woman
>gets mad about it
>implying the cartoonist isn't crypto /ourguy/
liberals are terrible artists.
Public schools romantices the civil rights movement in the 60's so college kids want to be marching just like MLK.
I just got dumber for reading this, thanks.
>everyone starts treating him like a retard after he starts dressing up as a women
wow who woulda guessed?
They act like having a racially and culturally homogeneous society is cancer and bringing in foreigners is the cure. God I hate leftists.
That is the most faggiest thing I have ever seen
Am I missing something here. Seems like a good thing desu
>political bias is the same as political expression in music
Marvel and Disney is using black nationalist propaganda to milk nigs.
>leftists complain about lack of spending on space exploration
>space exploration gets funded through something other than the government
>leftists butthurt about it
wow niggers truly are the worst
soooooo... how's this leftist blue pilled cringe?
Comparing Bernie to a drunk lunatic
Pretty bluepilled imo
tldr lol
99.9% of artists are liberal.
who was she supposed to be?
its like if bess kalb imagined she would ever get close to the prez sweaty
>Trump is literally turning me into a violent psychopath
I think this guy is giving the game away
Privatization = bad no matter what
Also muh NASA
>implying this comic doesn't display a favorable outcome
>complaining about the most asinine things possible
I'm not even allowed to do this as a male.
Most art in general is shit.
Ooh, this retard. I always shitpost on her polish facebook page. The amount of butthurt Razem leftist, such comfy. Sometimes I get replies for whole week.
name of the page?
>Burden of proof.
>Private property means that I should be mad
Y'all cowards don't even read M. Friedman.
nevermind found it
Stallone is a jew actually
wtf I love Eric Clapton now
I'll never make another joke about how fast his son was at reading
Clapton was red blooded. a true hero of all Brits and British-descended people
Musk worship is blupill cringe. Tesla is five times bankrupt and SpaceX as a company is way behind its competition.
>mention shitposting
>Australian of interested
I guess you could bring your own brand of bantz, it seems like she has complexes about West. I bet she would want to be somewhere on American campus, being oppressed leftist feminist.
how is rey brown lol, she is pretty pale.
Why are all leftist comics drawn in this style?
i'd hate fuck this webcomic artist
>neon shit
You are confusing cause with consequence
If you want to be a professional artist, you have to be a leftist, because the (((art industry))) requires you to be.
There are a lot of right wing artists, but we either keep their opinions to ourselves or we lose our jobs.
This could actually work as excellent bait.
>tfw into everything in the yellow region
I hate the word 'literal'.
Only a woman would be stupid enough to mix actual alpha males like survivalists and gun lovers with ultra beta, vagina worshiping Pick Up Artists
might as well post some good shit for a change
They forgot Blade. Morons.
>implying any sane man would say this shit in the sixth panel
This is literally a tranny's wishful thinking
>"Oooh, I transitioned and now men are asking me out o-ho-ho! So sexist and transphobic!"
You wish bitch, you wish
In all fairness, you really need to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.
>those tired eyes
>that hair
>that spirit
I'd fuck that girl
I want to kill the creator if this
wat? bruce lee was one of my heroes when i was growing up, and I never even care that he was asian.
>this meme
It's too bad Bernouts and pseudo-intellectuals will never understand it
Why did he paint Rei as being somewhat brown when she's the whitest bitch ever? Also Kylo is the main character of the new SW movies
Panels 1, 3, and 5 are good ideas though.
Fun fact: even though he is a fictional character, Donald Duck officially holds the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. military because Disney made WW2 propaganda cartoons starring Donald.
Nigger let me woke you; Jean d'arc should never be portrayed by a shitskin, nor Hamlet, or Batman. This is the "forced diversity, in addition to the aforementioned reality the increasing rates of onscreen politicized interracial couples is both unhealthy and a form a propaganda. I am sorry you don'
t have a sophisticated enough worldview to see supervision for what it is but if things go this way you people will end up being slaved again by the overlords of this world.
>Leftists want to tax corporations so they can fund things like space exploration
>Corporation decides to spend money on space exploration bypassing the tax phase
I'll never understand leftists