What can be done about the manchild epidemic?
I'm talking about 18+ males who play video games, watch cartoons, are not employed etc.
What can be done about the manchild epidemic?
I'm talking about 18+ males who play video games, watch cartoons, are not employed etc.
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Mandatory military service after high school.
Stop making these shitty fucking threads
> people work hard to make life easy
> the future people enjoy the easy life
I don't agree with people not doing anything but I also dont mind people relaxing
I’m a man child hit me up
)623( 308 (7581)
Marriage was the path to civic responsibility and family formation for men for millennia. Cultural Marxism (including feminism) destroyed marriage. No reward for men anymore to participate in (destroyed) cultural institutions.
How to solve this problem? You could start with destroying Cultural Marxism, feminism, and its millions of brainwashed followers. But it is probably too late.
Jurassic World was such a shitty movie.
wh*te bois need to surrender already. give into it, we know how much you love dat blaq dick
Jurassic World was better than 90% of recent blockbusters
that's not saying much when all the competition is capeshit
weeaboo detected
>Jurassic Park
If you don’t like Michael Critchton’s books, you are a faggot. You cannot compare him to shit authors like Rowling who actually does write shit for children. Go fuck yourself, OP.
I found a good substitute for video games is MOOCs like Coursera or Udacity. They are a little like a game but at least you learn more.
Absolutely NOT. Mandatory boot camp however
In the past you would fight for a good job to support your young small family consisting of you and your high school sweetheart.
With globalisation a lot of simple jobs young males could do in their late teens / early 20’s to earn some money have either been exported or filled by immigrants.
Now we also follow the 80/20 distribution where most girls will all go for the top 20% of males. Tinder and other online dating functions only reeinforce this.
So if you didnt win the genetic lottery, you might as well escape into video games and cartoons.
AZ area code. Damn, somone has to change their number now.
Adult here... I still play Xbox, watch anime, but also have waifu and kid. It was tough when I realized I had to give up some of my time to balance the new aspects of my life, but I'm okay with it now. My waifu has started watching anime with me so that's nice, but she can't game to save her life. Her hand eye skillz are beyond shit.
It's still true. Though the sequel kind of looks average.
boomer faggot
Stop making these shitty fucking threads. We've had this thread a thousand fucking times
Exterminating all kikes and shitskins in white countries is the only way out
>Her hand eye skillz are beyond shit.
Gotta build that muscle memory when young.
Wish I had some use for this high hand-eye coordination, but games is all it's good for.
Well, that and skeet shooting.
No. I'm very feminine and shy and i would probably kill myself if i did military service
I'm average at best skeet shooting. With a rifle though I'm pretty damn good. Went the longest time without using optics so I got used to actually aiming with iron sights. I remember when I bought my first scope I was like holy shit this is OP
what kind of turbocunt actually draws these cartoons?
Can I just say that man children like the one in that image need to be eradicated, but the arts such as video games,movies etc still have a right to exist?
Video games are becoming more and more empty open worlds that are repetitive as fuck but society is such shit that people keep playing them anyways
Enjoy how much easier your life will be when you don't have to compete with weak young men for jobs, women, resources, or status.
That problem will fix itself as they literally die out.
I stopped playing games around 04/05 but the look and feel of modern games just do absolutely nothing for me. I'm surprised they even have fanbases at a giving how bland and lifeless they feel. Tell me I'm not alone in this.
>empty open worlds that are repetitive as fuck but society is such shit that people keep playing them anyways
so true
There is no manchild epidemic, there's is a low quality woman epidemic.
Why the fuck do you care about what other people do, faggot?
>that voice
>t butthurt manchild
They will either sink or swim in the near future, let them and their weak genes die out if they want to. Not to sound edgy but that is the reality of the soyboy question. There's no place in the future for weak hearts.
If that is all the do I disapprove, but not if they have a job and provide for themselves. They can choose whatever hobby they want.
How is dnd any different from fantasy football?
For the record I'm married and find no issue with someone coming home and playing a game instead of watching The Bachelor.
let them become school shooters?
>play vidya
>watch mongolian cave paintings
>have a job
>would have a wife if I didn't fuck up righteously
Do I qualify for manchild gibs?
fresh soyboy
the average woman is WAY worse than the average "manchild" as far as "interests" and accomplishments goes.
Yeah, but they don't know any better. That's like getting mad at a dog for barking. Gotta train it first.
A lot are like that, but a lot were like that back then too.
Nostalgia goggles are real. Gems were and still are around, and almost as few and far between
The body of a 10 year old boy. Fucking disgusting, learn how to lift some weights ffs.
Wow Gabe is looking great in this pic. Anime and vidya must reverse ageing, unlike Finnish binge drinking that the faggot OP likely enjoys.
We have that here. Most people have some connection and end up in a unit that literally does nothing all day.
I spent most of my service time watching anime, playing videogames and getting fat.
you're saying this on Sup Forums
sieg heil xD
I work hard, pay my bills and feed my children, why shouldnt i enjoy a game of cod with a couple of mates on sunday night because your upset about something.
>that cake
NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! People like this can't exist, can they?
>literally does nothing all day.
So no different than average Greek male civilian
"society" fucked up women, fucked up women fucked up men.
I'm a manchild because it's the best choice of those offered to me.
Because of their self-entitlement most men are seen as beta untermensch and only offered cancerous relationships.
Yeah i liked that movie too
shit i meant because of women self entitlement
you understood it but i need to correct it
they are fucking psychos
Willing to bet it was a reddit post and that it was made by his gf/wife, not his mom. Still bad though.
You could always tap into your creativity and put that coordination into typing up a story or drawing a picture that the world could enjoy one-day.
>mandatory service in the ZOG death machine
you'd love that wouldn't you chaim
Name (1) reason being a manchild is bad as long as you're otherwise productive to society and maintaining a job.
I started working last year after getting my college degree. On my way to having enough money to buy my own shit home within 10 years when I'm 35... Wish me luck.
Men have responsibility, women don’t.
Every European government is plotting to replace its own population with migrants.
Jurassic world was total trash
idk, I stay quarantined here.
Then your taste is literal dog shit
I don’t know, why don’t you consult the hundred other man child threads we’ve seen roll through here.
No interest in fantasy football or brewing my own ale for the next neighbourhood bbq with fake dipshits. You "traditionalists" have fun though. I'll keep my Xbox and Netflix.
What about women with important careers? I know the cash register at walmart seems like responsibility because it's your job, but women are involved in many important fields these days, whether you like it or not.
shut down Sup Forums
Oh yeah, every field except actually raising their own children and making sure they set a good example to those children by not being whores and chasing every decent man out of their lives, leaving their children without a strong male rolemodel in their lives.
But yeah, no totally. Women are involved in lots of important things. Strange how they manage to fuck it every time though, but at least they're involved! Yay! Go women! Girl power!
>be me
>35 yo
>play video games, watch cartoons, are not employed, etc
>wagecucks pay for my neetbux
>not a single fuck given
Lmaoing @ ur life, wagecucks
>Argie enjoying socialism while it last