that weapon was utterly fucking useless even back in the day
you fucking amerimutts have absolute no idea when it comes to weapon.
we build them and you buy them
remember that
know your place amerimutt
Talking to yourself makes you look like a nut.
Forgot your flag faggot.
>we build them and you buy them
European guns are overpriced shit. American had the best watch and firearm industry on the planet up until the 1980s
austrians have severe autism
Unless that piece of shit fires all at once, it's nearly useless.
>high capacity magazine
>silent operation
>perfectly lethal
The military was actually looking at moving to air rifles but found a cheap bandage with cartridge loaded muzzle loaders until the breach-loading rifle came along.
>up until the 1980s
and that is the problem my fellow mutt
Why would you need an absurd multi-barrel weapon for this argument? Barrels of gunpowder existed back then. They knew about explosives. Of course they knew. I don't remember the Founding Fathers of America saying that people shouldn't be allowed to own barrels of powders because they could be put in a school and made to explode to kill the poor children.
Thomas Jefferson would probably be screaming right now if he saw American citizens unironically calling for the populace to be disarmed and for the government to own all the weapons.
They didn't have television or internet media either. The founders could not have possibly forseen that a corporate mass media apparatus would exist that, ran as a political attack dog, that could ruin someone's life for going against the narrative in a matter of hours.
In the time of the founders there were printing presses and pamphlets, not CNN or Huff Po. Obviously, these are not protected under the first ammendment.
Air rifle, puckle gun, shotguns, turret guns,
All legal when usa seceded still legal now
i wasn't pretending to be another person you dumb inbred mutt
I was merely adding to my original comment!
but why do I expect brain from a MISCHLING like you. It fills my nostrils with dispair to know that god allows "people" like you to breath the same air as I do.
all the thanks to european knowledge, now bow and lick the shit of my boots
You? YOU?! That flag doesn't look German to me. You on vacation, Mr. Koch? I'll personally let you know when the originators of the gunslinger archetype want your advice on shooting things. What are you even known for in the world of warfare? Being some ugly frankenstein empire and then Germany's little bitch?
It can. If you're under like, twenty five, what's your excuse for not knowing this? Didn't you play AC3? Where's your sense of patriotism?
>shit OF my boots
Where the HELL did you get those things from?
The Giordani would have actually made a practical infantry weapon though. (it was just prohibitively expensive) The Puckle Gun was something you mounted on a ship or a wagon.
>be austria
>lose war to emus
try harder
>replying to your own post
lol, yeah ok clock boy, we don't buy your overpriced shit
That's not high capacity it fires all four barrels at once.
>all the triggered mutts replying to you
>Be AustrALia
>lose war to emus
it's fixed. don't do it again pls. Image is everything.
>The Puckle Gun was something you mounted on a ship or a wagon.
We had privately owned battleships. (That's kinda what the Letters of marque and Reprisal mentioned in the Constitution are about.)
Like a wonky shotgun. You know, there was actually an EXTREMELY primitive German revolver around the late 1500s/early 1600s? Of course, it had nothing on what would come to be. Blessed St. Colt of the Six-Gun smiles upon you.