/frg/ France general

Because we need our own thread.

> François de Souche, press review.

> 卐卐 Démocratie Participative, the website of peace and friendship bewteen people 卐卐


> Parti National Libéral

Yeah, it's a little short right now but i need (you).

Bienvenue !

Other urls found in this thread:


France, you need to go back to your Asterix and Obelisk ways. Embrace Art Nouveau architecture and Paganism.

Hey frenchfag, how's Grenoble Graduate school of business for Management Studies?

New gun I bought today.


contre les ordures cosmopolites.

Two years later I would have found this dumb
Wtf I don't know but I'm gonna do research
Nice one, I'm so mad I've tried to register to my local shooting stand to late, goodbye Category C.
Really ? I didn't know that, redpill me.

Kind of culturally enriched but far from being the worst

La Normandie reporting in

>far from being the worst
So not among the best?

Thoughts ?

Redpilled on the immigration situation and funny to read, but tends to be pro-Israeli times to times. And don't denounce the (((ones))) who finances Muslim immigration and terrorism

French American here. My relatives live in Louisiana before USA was a country.

Love your culture. Please save it from the invaders.

The 6th best one agreeing to the this renowned website.


I seem really good, how many gun do you have ?

Been there 2 times, the last time was 3 years ago. Comfy but a little indigene presence. Never studied there so I can't tell you a lot about it

use "ago" or "earlier" instead, mon ami

Franco-American reporting in for solidarity.

I thought the GRECE shit was mostly LARPing.


3 and 4 in a fews months.
Shotgun, AK and the HK.
I might buy a glock next.

Good thread OP keep posting France needs it.
add blancheurope.com they are redpilled on ((them))
Nice dude
Try another stand or try again next year, getting a rifle is very important for french Sup Forums
It will only get harder. Get some ammo too.

We will not disappoint your ancestors

How difficult is it to get category B authorization ?

what's going on in france? why the general?

can I get a basic gestalt?

I follow Pierre Sautarel on twitter and he have an interesting point of view, he don't say it clearly but he think there is two "teams" of kikes, the cosmopolite and the (((based))), Israelian nationalist.
Not sure if I agree but it will explain why Soros & cie hate so much Israel.

Still, I don't trust kikes.

Don't worry, most shitskin are parked like rabbit in concrete neighbourough specifically designed to be easily sieged.

+ France is one of the most armed country in Western Europe. Honestly they don't stand a chance.

I would love to travel to Louisiana btw.

Isn't the army already in place for the eventual race war with Operation Ronces?

You need to be patient, it's the only difficulty.
You will have to do a lot of papers and wait a lot of months.
If you'd join a shooting club now and start the papers, you might get a B authorization in...1year, yeah.
You also will need medical agreement and a casier judiciaire vierge.
And in the end you can OWN M16, AK47 semi-autos...

C'est /France General/ bandes de raclures, on parle français ici, réémigration prioritaire pour vous les congoides

I should've posted some examples


Most of fdesouche commentaires and users are pretty aware of the influence of globalist jews, so they're ok with me



I see thanks.
Let's say I want a glock (already have a rifle), do I need to do 3 controlled shoots per year or something? Is there any constraint of this type for semi-autos, or once you have it it's all good?

You guys are posting to fastly desu

Thank you

Bienvenue !

I'm gonna check this

Worse than larping, they are (Toutatis Forgive me) KEKS

You need to practice for 6 month and ask to your local prefecture. Not really hard, just really long.

Nothing special, we just need to organize without (((censorship)))
Still, we are probably gonna talk about current issue like the Mennel-gate.


Pour les normands, allez voir et soutenez tvnc.tv et le mouvement normand. Il y a fort à faire.


only semi auto?
since when can you own a semi-auto HK UMP .45 in France?

Que pensez vous d'Alain Soral les fromages ? (Pas de meme réponse s'il vous plait)

What can Americans do to make their cities and towns more beautiful? What can Americans do to foster a sense of beauty and proportion in their fellow citizens?

I went to France for a week and it made me realize how ugly American architecture and city planning is.

Dumb risitas poster

Only rumor, but it's pretty obvious that they need a plan, you know ... just in case off.

On sert aussi d'organe de propagande et de relai vers le monde anglophone, t'es pas un belge pour rien desu.

to the french people, godspeed

Yeah fdesouche are probably aware but if they talk about ((them)), they'd get shoah'd instantly.
We need them to spread redpills and permit somewhat free speech on the comment section.

What does the rooster symbolize?


Où il est le fil Belge ?

How does it feel to know that I, an Algerian, have French citizenship? We will replace all degenerate subhuman kuffar and install a new Al-Andalus stretching from Spain to Normandy. Your days are numbered.

>What can Americans do to make their cities and towns more beautiful?

Gee I dunno...maybe remove the fucking savages that currently occupy them to start.

Funny how the aesthetics of cities began to decay around the middle of the 20th Century...

Ask Poupeto


French white women were made for the black cock thas all I have to say to you limp wristed faggots.

The only stretching from Spain to Normandy would be your mom's pussy once I'm done with her

bonjour mes freres

de votre opinion, quels sont les meilleurs chants patriotiques


oh man...

Semi-auto is the maximum you can have with ABSOLUTELY ANY CALIBER UP TO 20mm

So if someone import these gun, you can bun then if they are converted.

Honnêtement les mêmes parle d'eux même. C'est un fou et un baboucholatre même si je presse F parce qu'il a beaucoup apporté en son temps.
Par contre il a bien fait de niquer ce tocard de conversano qui parasite une niche écologique utile et devrait se faire Grand Remplacer pour laisser un type pertinent et crédible causer à sa place.

(The guy you see in the picture with the "Goy" T-shirt was a Top-tier thinker of French far-right for year and ÜBERREDPILLED of jew. The problem is that he is a converted marwist, a (litteral) faggot and worst of all he think that we need to be pro-islam in order to defeat the jew.)

One easy trick : No city planning, let the house grow naturally.
Also, remember that most European city where designed in a time where there was no such things as car, so mainly made and thinked for pedestrian.

Tu as un soucis Mwamba ?

Ok Abdel, en attendant les 140 000 000 réfugiés (((climatiques))) nigériens vont pas s'accueillir tout seul

>he think that we need to be pro-islam in order to defeat the jew
honnetement je vois pas d'autre issue, la solution Lesquen me plait bien plus mais bon est ce que la guerre civile est vraiment désirable

>We will replace all degenerate subhuman kuffar and install a new Al-Andalus stretching from Spain to Normandy
try it you fucking subhuman

Des gens ici ont des informations sur des mouvements païens de droite en France et s'ils sont florissants?

The rooster is the only animal that is still proud with both feet in the shit.

Modern day French army song are great.


but here is the absolute best.

Les païens français comme Alain de Benoist sont des immondes cosmopolites islamophiles

What do you ameribros think of the military conscription that macron wants to implement here ? Basically it will be for all the guys and girl between 18 and 21, 6 months, and with many things like first aid n sheit

Alain de Benoist ok, mais cela ne veut pas dire que tout le monde est comme lui.

Your's will make a fine addition to my harem as my personal fuckhole sex slave. All infidel whores deserve rape and humiliation.

Thank you for giving me and my family enough money to sustain ourselves while leeching off of your pathetic degenerate nation and conspiring for your destruction. I wouldn't be able to live in France if it wasn't for obedient infidel cuck taxpayers like yourself.

Bien que le plus grand héros Belge est un Français pure souche ?

can anyone tell me the name of a French priest that built churches in the suburbs around Paris after wwII to attract the working class back to the faith?

>wasting 2000€ on a handgun caliber snowflake semi auto carbine for which you'll never be able to find spare magazines or parts

Can you open carry in france?

On a tout le temps devant nous pour se débarrasser des youpins, mais 50 ans avant que toute la racaille du tiers-monde nous renvoie à l'âge de pierre. Il y a des urgences dans la vie.

Aucune information, mais tu peux toujours aller rencontrer Varg.

Par contre va falloir parler en anglais de temps en temps, pour attirer l'anglois et sa formidable capaciter à memer (la force du nombre)

>Board anglo
Si tu post juste en francais le thread se fait 404.

Les arabes détestent aussi les noirs, quand ca va partir en couilles ca va être drôle.

Tfw you mutts will never fuck one maghreb girl :(

Well if it helps you buy some eco+ shoes once in a while you are welcome, sad thing that you have to live among yourselves though that's the cruelest joke we've done upon you
Meanwhile how are you enjoying the fresh black bulls enriching your country right now? Did you know the most common race mixed couple are between black men and berber women?

It'd be OK if it was only native French who were trained.

I'm not a fan of conscription in general, and I think it won't work out that well.

No I don't think so... you"re B gun is for 5 year, you don't need the 3 shot per year, it's only for keeping your licence that you do the 3 shot I think and you can do with any gun.

No,unless yo are a cop off duty . You can have guns for hunting, sport n sheit at your housebut you can't go in the streets with them.

Il dit beaucoup de choses intéressantes mais il a litérallement avoué avoir voté pour Mélenchon : communiste, franc-maçon qui je cite "ne pourrait pas vivre qu'avec des blonds aux yeux bleus" autour de lui.

Guillaume Faye est bon si on oublie son côté sioniste

Not even concealed carry, except if you are a policeman.
But high-ranked commander of the military frequently ask for a program of concealed carry.

Never heard of it, but not parisian.

>I'm so mad I've tried to register to my local shooting stand to late, goodbye Category C.

What do you mean about category C ? What was your plan ?

You can legally own a glock and an AR15 in France if you want to, you just need to register in a shooting club and be patient.

That's funny, I felt the exact same thing when I went to the US some months ago (reversed). I realized how beautiful European architecture was and it must be preserved. That's a real subject : modern architecture is a cancer. You guys should follow Architecture Revival.

Implying they don't like having cocks in their mouths

Holy shit I hope none of you frankbros are dumb enough to get honeypotted into sharing photos of your firearms. Be smart and keep that info to yourselves.

Je partage l'opinion de Michel Goya (lavoiedelepee.blogspot.de/). S'il est mis en place, l'état doit en tirer du bénéfice et la forme de Macron ne fait que des investissements sans retour sur investissement.

De plus, le fait de mettre le service en avant pour le vivre ensemble etc est une réelle connerie. C'est purement un genre d'impôt imposé au peuple grâce à un don de temps de travail direct plutôt que d'argent. J'apprécie par contre cette forme de service directe et je pense que cela pourrait être développé, mais différemment.

You are all a bunch of smelly retards and I wish you would stop posting.
Btw, got your back when shit goes down. BFFL.

Reminder to not let your dad marry 20 yo golddiggers

This, speak english. Every-one speak english.
If you don't do it the board will be erased.

Tu dois faire tes trois séances de tir contrôlées par an TOUS LES ANS pour toute la durée de validité (5 ans) de tes autorisations de catégorie B. Sinon le renouvellement sera refusé à l’échéance. Tu devras obligatoirement renouveler ta license tous les ans aussi.
Sache qu'une arme de catégorie B ne t'appartient pas réellement. C'est comme si tu la louait à l'état, ils te l'enlève quand ils veulent.
Enfin, avec les lois de l'état d'urgence, qui sont devenues permanentes sous Macron, le préfet a le droit de confisquer n'importe quelle catégorie d'arme à n'importe qui sans procédure judiciaire.
Donc aucune arme déclarée ne t'appartient réellement de toute façon.

You do understand that those weapons are legally acquired and owned, right ? see


Nobody wants to invest in architecture because of White Flight. We used to have nice cities, but they bled out to suburbs to escape blacks. Then people only cared about cheap housing and strip malls because they know in 20-25 years people are going to have to move one exit further out for "Better Schools" as normies say.

Que pense fr Sup Forums du raptor dissident? Et à défaut, est-ce vous pensez qu'il pourrait faire changer les choses?

This again


I wanna travel back in time and fuck Madame Du Barry in her prime.

Et tu comprends que tu es sur Sup Forums, qui est considéré comme un site de méchants nazis par l'état ? Tu dois savoir aussi que Macron a fait passer une loi plus restrictive sur les "discours de haine" et que n'importe qui qui tient des propos racistes, xénéphobes, homophobes, transphobes, contre les politiciens en place, etc sera exposé à des peines plus lourdes que dans le passé, et notamment la confiscation d'armes à feu et l’interdiction d'en posséder une pendant un certain nombre d'années ?
Pas très malin de montrer son matos ici, particulièrement si il est détenu légalement.

Honorary Aryan, like Tepa.

Speak english or the thread is gonna be 410ed


C'est bien ce qu'il me semblait merci de l'info. Compliqué ces catégories B quand même.
> Donc aucune arme déclarée ne t'appartient réellement de toute façon.
J'ai lu qu'ils sont en train de rendre le permis de chasse plus difficile à avoir, ainsi que les licences de tir, avoir une arme va être de plus en plus difficile.
Le gouvernement avait fait exactement la même chose en 1939.
Il balance pas mal de redpill, faut qu'il continue à faire ces vidéos et pas son live de merde.

>Et tu comprends que tu es sur Sup Forums, qui est considéré comme un site de méchants nazis par l'état ?
This reminds me that my local Carrefour's WIFI filters out Sup Forums on the grounds of being an offensive platform kek

It's never smart to just dish out intel on what kinds of capabilities you have.

Yes this is one of the reasons why it is not smart to advertise what weapons you hold here. Never link yourself to anything personally identifiable.

>Come on to an English board and feel entitled to your native language
This is literally why Sup Forums exists