Story Time - Lone Wolf and Cub - KOIKE Kazuo

Hey. Dumping Dark Horse's Lone Wolf.

>In the feudal era of Japan, Ogami Itto is the elite executioner for the Shogun until the ruthless Yagyu clan frames him in an attempt to gain the position. His name dishonored and his wife murdered, Itto and his infant son Daigoro wander Japan as an assassin for hire, named Lone Wolf and Cub. Ultimately, Ogami Itto strives for revenge against the Yagyu clan.










Those scans look beautiful. I'll add it to my backlog.















this particular cover looks like it was done by Frank Miller






I've recently been reading this and it's really good. I'm kind of butt blasted that Dark Horse is still flipping manga, they're doing it with their Blade of the Immortal omnibus too. It's fucking 2017 they need to cut that shit out. Sorry but I needed to get that off my chest.













how many vols do you guys have of NEW lone wolf and cub? I got 8 from Sup Forums

its not as good because interesting characters keep getting killed by knock off dad figure for daigo.










That's because it is. Frank Miller and a few other American comic artists did covers for the old floppy comic releases which then went on to become covers for the various Dark Horse collected editions.









Isn't this lewd?

One of the most disappointing endings to a great manga ever.
10 years later I'm still buttblasted.



Endings are always a challenge.









>NEW lone wolf and cub? I
Wait, what?




















sequel, different art, some new dad figure , daigo training,

has some cool characters but they keep getting killed off.

bad guy had kidnapped slav kids as his brutish ninjas.


