There were no "Pro Trump" rallies in Jew York City on November 12, 2016. The indictment yesterday is complete horse shit like everything else done by Mueller, the DOJ and the FBI

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They're doing everything they can. Once they run out of bullshit to pull they'll try to JFK him.

I think the problem is that all the Pro Trump people just weren't dumb enough to fall for the Russian propaganda, so nobody showed up to the rally.

While all the ANTI-TRUMP people were:


No, there is literally no proof that such an event ever happened. If all they had as proof as someone created a Facebook Event that is literally nothing. The indictment is filled with bold faced lies and even Sup Forums is accepting it as gospel, which only benefits the deep state crooks

thats what I think this is all building up to.
they want to tarnish him in the media until no one will care that they assassinate him

Well the anti-Trump rally definitely happened

And I know from looking at some of the twitter profiles that some were definitely real

So not all of it is BS

Yeah of course the anti-Trump one happened, everyone remembers those. So they basically gave you all the criminal indictment version of the Steele dossier. It is full of lies. Why do you think RR made special mention of the November 12th supposed "dual rallies"? Because that was one of their special tidbits included in there just for gullible Trump supporters. IT NEVER HAPPENED. I can't believe people think that 13 random Russians would have successfully held a pro-Trump rally just 4 days after Election Day in Jew York City.It simply isnt believable and there exists no proof of any such event ever happening

Rosenstein: No evidence of US involvement.
Rosenstein: No evidence that US elections were tampered with.


More special snowflake rhetoric included to make gullible Trump supporters feel false confidence. You realize that Mueller investigation is plowing right ahead? You realize they still intend to declare Trump impeachable for "obstruction of justice" and bring criminal charges against Trump Jr and Kushner for the July 2016 Trump Tower meeting? Probably should start treating this indictment just like the Flynn and Manafort/Gates ones. It's complete fraudulent horseshit

The more credibility gullible Trump supporters give to this indictment the more easily it will be to fuck Trump later. What are you all going to say when one of these 13 nobodies starts to "sing" and lies about Trump's involvement? You'll all be fucked because you so readily accepted the absolute lies in this indictment presented by Rosenstein yesterday

>the only factual part of the indictment is that they organized anti-trump rallies
>h-h-hes g-gonna b-be i-i-mpeached

You are going to be charged in violation of the RICO act, at a minimum. I would be talking to an attorney if I were you.

pic related part of indictment is real and hilarious

I wonder how many swing states voted right due to this "active measures" operation

Another joke included in this "indictment". Local parade float swings global superpower election. Yeah right Trump fucking lost in Iowa. People in Iowa probably hated that dumb fucking contraption

>I wonder how many swing states voted right due to this "active measures" operation


Man. I hope those golf courses are secure.

>They have proofs that Russia did aid him in the election with propaganda
>Trump is known to have contracted significant credit from Russian banks
>No new sanctions were imposed on Russia from his part

And basically Sup Forums btfo. US is a puppet of the WW2 slavshit rapist.

>They have proofs that Russia did aid him in the election with propaganda
Literally none
>Trump is known to have contracted significant credit from Russian banks
Literally none

I doubt theres any pussy in any of these agencies with the balls to go through with it. The public reaction would be 180 degrees different to Trump being assassinated than it was to JFK in 1963




Mueller indictment of 13 Russian nationals = complete made up garbage

One more ride