I knew these fuckers were going to start coming after us once the whites stopped kissing their feet.
What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?
I knew these fuckers were going to start coming after us once the whites stopped kissing their feet.
What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?
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Jews fear the Samurai
the funny thing is that chinese people literally couldn't give less of a fuck about what some liberal thinks
they even are banning practicing islam
Nothing. What the fuck are they even going to do; they don't live there and the chinks don't want em.
Well my state media never runs on negative article about the chinks so im assuming theyre COMPED
>Giving a shit about bootyblasted nigs/leftists
They’ll be fine, user. They don’t even give a fuck about each other.
>What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?
None. Ramp up the racism because you can get away with.
Spread the truth about how stupid and worthless non-whites/non-Asians are.
>What counter-measures do asians take to stop the spread of this bullshit?
Double down and show no sympathy for the shitskins
Asians are the most racist people on the planet. They don't even pretend to be anything else, especially when it comes to blacks.
>chinese run over each other
>ignore people dying in front of them without trying to help
>die to bad infrastructure
all of those are fine
>chinese make fun of black "people"
plluuumfmmffpfpf HOW DARE YOU