Where are the evidence? Are there any records?
Pls no bullying, racism or anti-semitism.
Where are the evidence? Are there any records?
Pls no bullying, racism or anti-semitism.
because they say so, why would they lie?
We don't because of Article 19 and Article 21 of the Nuremberg trial
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I thought it was 6 million. Hmm seems like they're making shit up.
There are countless eyewitness to the atrocities that claimed the lives of 8 million innocent jews. The holocaust wasn't just about gassing jews, there was a holocaust of bullets carried out in Ukraine. The fact that 9 million jews were murdered by Nazis hellbent on world domination is a universally accepted fact and to deny the 10 million is anti-semitism which will inevitably lead to another holocaust and another 11 million Jews dying at the hands of angry white males.
how dare you question the death of 8 million jews in german and polish death camps?
Because it's science you imbecile.
A math problem
14 - 6 = 15
How is the answer?
do you not know of the 9 million jews
>7 million
I thought it was 6 million, fucking kikes.
How do we know 9 million Jews died? Are you kidding me, got!? Records show 10 million Jews died in the holocaust. I’m disgusted you would even attemt to deny the atrocity
wtf? didn't they teach you in school about the 10 million? the evidence was RIGHT THERE on the textbooks and my teacher told us the story many times about how 11 million died in the Holocaust
>Pls no bullying, racism or anti-semitism
Sup Forums is the wrong place to ask for that newfag
Topkek, Amazing larp
Shitty bait, Jacques. Try harder next time.
memeflags tripfags are the worse
Literally the only evidence they give can easily explained.
Firstly the video footage of emanicated Jews alive and emanicated dead Jews in pile being bulldozed into a grave is from Berson (not a death camp) these Jews died from hunger and typhus. Alliee Trumpa that liberated the camp were shocked to fine most haven't eaten in 7 days, but some lookee healthy along with childreb
Second is piles of hair,luggage,shoes, glasses, jewelry, and muh Zyklon B cannisters.
Obviously Jew! don't need these things, the piles of hair make sense if you shave their heads so they don't get lice. Jews don't need luggage, dress shoes and jewelry when they are being detained. The Zkylon B is obviously for fumingation to kill diseases (not jews)
Thirdly Jews straight up lying about what they saw and experienced. The made up tortures and being turned into soap and lampshades, the made up number 6 million that has been debunked.
The Jews were persecuted, but were they holocausted no? Maybe they should have been.
Just the amount of energy needed to turn all the bodies to ash must be significant. Shouldn't there be procurement records for all that fuel?
7 million? You mean 8 million! evil nazis tortured and killed 9 million Jews and you had the audacity to say otherwise? if you keep this up we could end up with another 10 million dead! Just the thought of there not being a law forbidding the denial of the 11 million is heresy! America was founded on the idea that 12 million Jews were senslessly murdered by evil white males! How dare you say otherwise goy!
70 gorillion died! My grandmother was sent to the gas chamber when she was only 7 years old! How dare you!
>6 million, er I mean 7 million
which is it Rabbi?
Oy very you racist of course 8 million jews died in the holocaust, those 9 million jews were exterminated by the nazis who masturbated to the idea of their 10 million victims burning in special super-ovens designed to dispose of the exactly 11 million jewish corpses they created when they planned to kill 12 million jews.
The holocaust never happened. But it should have.
Russians was the real people who got Holocoastered 60 million died from Communist Starvation.